Liuyunzong, originally suppressed by Chen Heng, can maintain the current situation and the current situation, which is already a good situation.

It's unrealistic to expect them to be all-in-one with Chen Heng.

Chen Heng never had any hope for it, nor did he expect it.

For him, it's enough to be able to maintain the current situation.

Liuyunzong is a good trophy for him.

Before that, he did not use his strong strength to suppress and forcibly seize all the industries in liuyunzong, in order to preserve most of liuyunzong's strength and make it for his own use.

In three years, it is not so much to let Chen Heng adapt himself to Liuyun sect as to let the whole Liuyun sect's disciples adapt to Chen Heng's existence.

When these disciples adapt to Chen Heng's existence and become accustomed to the present situation, it is time to go further and annex the whole Liuyun sect.

At that time, Chen Heng will become the real master of Liuyun sect and the master of this sect.

Of course, for him, all this is nothing.

His goal after that is far more than that.

It's just the beginning.

Over the next four weeks, it became very calm.

In peace, time passes slowly.

Unconsciously, another decade has passed.

Ten years, in this decade, the whole country of Yue has changed a lot.

Three years after Chen Heng entered liuyunzong, the leader of liuyunzong abdicated and gave up the position to Chen Heng.

Chen Heng also became the master of Liuyun sect.

He really became the leader of the first clan in Yue.

In the following time, the whole liuyunzong changed a lot.

In Liuyun sect, there are many disciples who stand out and show their ferocity one by one.

Within the state of Yue, the living space of other forces was compressed.

Then, when the time was ripe, liuyunzong began to fight against other forces.

It must be just some small forces, but later it became more and more terrifying, and even vaguely pointed at the other two factions.

In this regard, the other two factions will fight back quickly.

The forces of all parties fought in the state of Yue, causing waves in all directions.

Only later, with Chen Heng's hand, the rest of the forces in Yue were suppressed one by one, and then they were suppressed.

At this point, Yue declared unification.

In addition to liuyunzong, there are no other forces in Yue.

The development of liuyunzong is obviously not the limit.

Time goes by slowly.

To everyone's surprise, after calming down the state of Yue, Chen Heng did not lead his own strength out of the state of Yue and launch an offensive against other forces outside the state of Yue as many people thought. Instead, he stayed in the state of Yue silently and made no noise.

For a full 30 years, Chen Heng has been quiet in the state of Yue. Except for the fact that he often excludes his disciples from traveling, the rest are gone.

Since the unification of Yue State, there has been no large-scale cultivation.

To some extent, it also makes many people feel relieved and relaxed.

Of course, although he did not go out on a large scale, it was just the disciples' travel that had won Chen Heng enough popularity and fame.

Up to now, the reputation of liuyunzong has already crossed the state of Yue and spread to other places.

Until some day 30 years later.

The fog around is rising, and the aura all over the sky covers everything around, making the surrounding scene hazy.

The vast aura swept all over the place, making the surroundings look especially sacred and unique.

The aura here is huge. The aura all around is bound here by the Dharma array. It artificially creates a holy land for practice.

If mortals are among them, even if they don't practice, they can prolong their life and let their bodies undergo constant transformation.

And around, a piece of spirit grass planted here, looks very good growth, it is particularly attractive.

A figure came out slowly and came to the outside world.

"Has it begun?"

Chen Heng walked out of this spiritual garden, looked at the scenes around him, and silently raised his head.


In front of Chen Heng's body, Zhang Ya nodded: "according to the information inquired by our people, some time ago, the exterminating demons attacked Chen on a large scale."

"Tianmingzong and other major factions have already sent someone to intervene at the moment, and we don't know what the result is."

"However, judging from the current situation, most of them still have to fight in the last game."

Standing beside Chen Heng, Zhang Ya's face was dignified, and then said so."Probably."

Standing in the same place, Chen Heng smiles on his face and says with a smile.

"Both tianmingzong and exterminator sent envoys to ask you to lead the whole Yue kingdom to participate in the war and help them."


Chen Heng smiles and suddenly feels a little funny: "interesting."

"I don't know how to help.

Standing in the same place, he raised his head and looked into the distance.

At this moment, the distant scene appeared in front of his eyes.

Destiny appeared in front of his eyes. It was a little hidden at the moment, but it was also a little clear.

Wisps of black air dropped from the mid air, and now it fell on all sides, as well as on his own body.

From these black breath, an unknown and decaying scene appeared in an instant, and then emerged.

"Robbing Qi..."

looking at the black breath in front of him, Chen Heng's face was calm, and the idea flashed silently in his heart.

The black breath in front of us is nothing else, it's just robbery.

There will be great changes between heaven and earth. When the pressure of heaven and earth reaches a certain extreme, it will erupt and affect the world.

This Qi is a symbol of decline, which is connected with destiny. Once it is contaminated, its destiny will be cheap, and it will gradually go in a certain direction.

At the end of the day, even if he was just a good man, he might have enemies all over the place and could only run around.

And robbing gas is often a harbinger of the future.

Of course, the disaster did not break out immediately, but intensified a little bit.

As early as ten years ago, Chen Heng discovered that there was a steady stream of plundering Qi between heaven and earth, which affected the world.

This also directly let Chen Heng cancel the original plan, directly chose to shrink, so hide in the Yue State, without the slightest intention to step out.

Now, ten years later, the atmosphere between the heaven and the earth has become more dense and terrifying.

Standing in the same place, looking at Zhang Ya in front of him, Chen Heng has just agreed to tianmingzong's request to help him.

At the next moment, it seems that there is a sense of Providence around, and a flash of illusory Qi seems to be about to fall on Chen Heng.