"Damn it

Realizing what had happened, there was a chill and anger in the black robed apprentice's heart.

He didn't expect that, as a third-class apprentice, he would be confused with spirit and misled for such a long time.

If it wasn't for the strong sense of danger that made him wake up, I'm afraid it would be a long time before he could return to normal.

This is obviously not what a normal level 3 apprentice can do.

To distort other people's cognition with one's own mental power and confuse others for a short time is something that a strong apprentice can do.

But ordinary people don't care. It's very difficult to make a third-class apprentice confused.

There is too much difference between the life level of the third level apprentice and the ordinary people, and there is too much difference in the spiritual strength, so the resistance is strengthened.

If you want to confuse a third level apprentice like the black robed apprentice, I'm afraid even a formal wizard can't do it.

If he didn't believe it before it happened, he would have been confused by a third-class apprentice to this point.

But the fact is right in front of us, and no one is allowed to refute it.

A strong sense of danger rose from my heart.

The black robed apprentice instinctively wants to struggle, wants to turn the direction, rushes toward the front Island position.

It's just too late.

Finally, the head of the sea clan could not help but open his ferocious mouth to fight against the black robed apprentice.

The chaos of mana breath in the shock, vaguely, you can see the figure of the sea wizard.

Hiding behind many sea people, he seems to be hiding, and may be ready to take action at any time.

The black robed apprentice could not help but stop, and his whole body was full of mana breath, which shocked at the moment.

The mighty breath of mana passed by.

At this point, whether he wants to or not, he must resist, or he will be buried in the mouth of these sea people.

If you struggle, there is still hope, but if you don't struggle, you will die.

A bloody battle is about to begin.

Although he has been in action for such a long time, he has consumed more than half of his strength, but after all, he is a third level apprentice.

Once it breaks out, no one dares to ignore it.

And this scene is what Chen Heng would like to see.

For a long time from the black robed apprentice, Chen Heng shook his head behind him.

The black robed apprentice wanted to attack him, but he found the wrong person.

As early as when the other party just invited him to go with him, he had anticipated the scene before him.

He had been preparing for this time.

The other party wants to lay hands on him and let him be the back of the mat, but he thinks too much.

Just let Chen Heng use it.

"I have to leave soon..."

feeling the breath of magic behind him, Chen Heng mumbled to himself, and the idea flashed through his heart.

After all, it's in the sea. It's the home of the sea people.

The black robed apprentice may be able to hold on for a while, but it won't last long.

Maybe in the past period of time, he can't continue to support, and will be directly won by the sea people.

At that time, the sea people will come after him.

Taking advantage of the other party's no time to pay attention to him, as soon as possible to leave this place, this is his only life.

Fortunately, because the movement of the black robed apprentice was so big, the sea people who had been chasing around were attracted by him.

As for the remaining Haizu, their strength is not strong, and their number is much less than before.

They don't attack, they just follow far behind. It looks like they are following.

Chen Heng didn't pay attention to the sea people either.

He moved his arm silently and rushed forward quickly.

Soon, the land in front of him gradually approached and slowly appeared in front of Chen Heng's eyes.

Look at this, it's very close.

"Soon... Soon..."

the thought flashed through his mind, and he forced himself to endure the fatigue that constantly appeared on his body, and rushed forward crazily.

A deep sense of fatigue poured into his body and appeared all over him.

After running away for such a long time, even with the body of the third level apprentice, I can't help getting tired at the moment.

A strong sense of fatigue enveloped him and made him feel uncomfortable.

But it's tolerable for the time being.

Ahead, the island slowly approached, and gradually became clear in Chen Heng's sight.

Just don't know why, clearly close to the island, but a sense of inexplicable began to emerge.

In Chen Heng's body, the purple mark of destiny began to shine, and it seemed to sense something.

An unusual feeling appeared on Chen Heng's body, which made him feel a little uncomfortable."This feeling......"

feeling the unique feeling all over his body, Chen Heng subconsciously frowned and tried to find the source of that feeling, but he got nothing.

If in peacetime, he can slowly look for, in order to calculate, get the results.

But at this time, he didn't even have time to run for his life. Where did he come from?

Let him alone!

Chen Heng flashed this idea in his heart, and he rushed forward with all his strength.

Time goes by slowly.

Ahead, the island approaches.

Seeing this, Chen Heng will be able to land immediately.

Behind him, the black robed apprentice was still entangled with the sea people.

His power is very powerful, at the moment, burst out, stiffly will be the group of sea people contained, let them have no way to separate energy, to chase Chen Heng.

In this case, Chen Heng's action is particularly relaxed.

It's just that with Chen Heng getting closer to there, the inexplicable feeling before is more and more clear.

That kind of unique feeling enveloped Chen Heng's whole body up and down, let his whole body begin to tense.

Through the mark of destiny, a kind of feeling emerges in Chen Heng's mind, which makes him feel a certain premonition. It seems that something unique is about to happen, and it is about to start.

This thought flashed through his mind, but he didn't stop in his hand. Instead, he accelerated his speed and rushed forward crazily.

Time goes by slowly.

At this moment, the world around seems to have changed.

The invisible storm is gathering, coming towards where Chen Heng is.

With a roar, the majestic brilliance shrouded.

The ripples of space across the four directions, shaking a piece of area.

In the spiritual induction, there seems to be some shadow in the distance, which is coming from behind to cover his whole body.

Feeling this feeling, subconsciously, Chen Heng turned around and took a look.

There, a huge storm came.

The wind is raging, the rainstorm is pouring, and an inexplicable force is enveloping. At this moment, all of them fall down and rush towards this area.

Coincidentally, Chen Heng is just in front of the storm and will soon be affected by it.


Without time to think more, Chen Heng just flashed this idea in his heart, and then he lost consciousness.

The huge storm swept everything and washed away all the areas in front of us.

Whether it's the sea water, or all kinds of things on the island, it's like they've been blown across a layer, which is particularly strange and messy.

It took a long time for this storm to come to an end.

In the same place, when the storm subsided, a group of sea people rose and fell from the sea, swimming around, as if searching for something.

Apparently, they are searching for Chen Heng's body.

The corpse of a level 3 apprentice is a good treasure for the Hai people. It is enough to provide them with precious strength, so that their blood can transform and gain new strength.

Therefore, at this time, they naturally want to find Chen Heng's body and take it back.

It's just strange that no matter how they look for it, they can't find Chen Heng's body.

As if his body had disappeared.

It's very strange.

The search process lasted for a long time, until a few days later, under the unwilling gaze of the sea wizard, they finally left the sea area and left the area.

In the place where they attacked before, Chen Heng's boat was lying quietly. It was completely in ruins and looked very unique.


Chen Heng's consciousness fell into obscurity.

When the storm hit him, he realized that the accident in the mark of destiny had come.

Facing the power of the storm, he couldn't resist, lost consciousness at the first time, and left the previous place passively.

In front of you, the light is coming back.

Fragile spirit wave again across, like a long sleep of people to revive again.

In the distance, bursts of subtle sobs were heard in Chen Heng's ears. At the same time, they were accompanied by curses and various sounds.

What those voices say is a kind of language that makes Chen Heng feel very strange, which makes him unable to understand the meaning.

Of course, although the meaning can't be understood, the emotion in the voice is very clear.

Chen Heng can feel the despair and other negative emotions in that sob.

For him, it was familiar.

Once in Griffin's castle, he felt so much emotion that he didn't feel strange at all.

When the feeling of familiarity came, Chen Heng's consciousness gradually returned.So he opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

Not far away, a faint mental wave is slowly coming, which reveals a sense of despair for all, as well as a complex sense of fear and uneasiness, mixed with all kinds of negative emotions.

But in these negative emotions, there is also a sense of relief and hope.


"There... Is anyone in danger?"

Feeling the spiritual wave from afar, Chen Heng's subconscious thought flashed: "someone is calling for help?"

If it is normal, Chen Heng will weigh the pros and cons, confirm that there is no problem, and then consider going.

But at the moment, his consciousness is unprecedented low, and some are not clear.

Therefore, he didn't think too much and went straight over.

In front of my eyes is a dense forest, surrounded by many thick trees, but also the sound of some insects, especially loud.

Subconsciously, Chen Heng came to the front.

Vision gradually recovered.

The scene ahead is revealed.

The tall monster was standing there.

These are some monsters that look like human beings. They are very tall. Each head is nearly two meters tall. They have scales on their bodies. Their heads are similar to those sea people Chen Heng had seen before. They are very ferocious.

In front of these monsters is a corpse.

These bodies are human, but they have been killed.

Monsters are holding on to human bodies and gnawing at them.

Most of them start with their arms. One of them looks like a big female monster, grabbing an old man's leg and gnawing there.

A thigh was soon gnawed by her.

So she tore off the thigh with only bones left in her hand and threw it out. Then she grabbed the other leg and was ready to gnaw on.

In front of the body, a little girl was sitting there.

She was dressed in coarse cloth clothes, and her body was dyed red by the blood on the corpse. Looking at the bloody scene in front of her body, she was a little stunned, as if she had been completely stunned.

The monsters saw that she did not resist or run away, so they did not kill her immediately.

Maybe for these cannibals, living things are much better than dead ones?

Chen Heng came here abruptly, and was not attacked by these monsters.

The bloody scene stimulated the spirit.

Chen Heng's consciousness gradually returned.

His eyes gradually sharp, right hand slowly down, slowly on the waist, ready to draw the sword posture.

Ahead, a monster roared.

He pushed away the body that had eaten most of it in front of him, growled in a low voice for a while, and looked at the girl.

Staring at by bloodthirsty eyes, the girl's whole body is shaking.

Fear, uneasiness... All kinds of emotions come to mind, constantly across.

"Is it my turn?"

In front of him, the big cannibal came step by step.

Looking at each other's tall body gradually close, the little girl did not move, body instinct shaking, just quietly closed her eyes.

Not far away, footsteps are slowly ringing, attracting the attention of the monster.

Listening to the footsteps coming from behind, the monster stopped and looked there.

It's the same with girls.

She looked at the place and saw a young man coming slowly.

The young man's robes are gorgeous, and they should be worth a lot of money, but now they are in rags and look shabby.

We can see what this young man should have experienced before. There are many wounds left on his body.

He walked slowly from a distance and approached here.

Looking at this scene, the girl was stunned, some can't bear it.

The monster got up a little excited.

Without too much thinking, they rushed towards Chen Heng, looking very excited.

It's just that they come fast and leave fast.

The silver sword emerged from Chen Heng's hands, followed by the sword light all over the sky.

The sword fell down, and the monsters seemed to be stunned, and there was no response at all.

Under the action of inertia, their bodies instinctively rush forward and are directly cut down by Chen Heng.

The scarlet blood blooms and overflows.

Spiritual deterrence!

At the moment of drawing the sword, Chen Heng subconsciously used the magic of spiritual deterrence.

It turns out that for those monsters with rough skin and thick flesh, only the spirit is not very good, the spirit deterrence is very effective.

Just for a moment, they were subdued directly, left in place and killed one by one.

The whole process was very fast. Before it lasted half a minute, the battle was over.

Girl Lengleng Leng looking at this scene, looking at the monster that killed others before was so easily killed by Chen Heng, the whole process is extremely easy."Good..... Powerful......

" are you OK......

after solving several cannibals, Chen Heng walked forward and slowly came to the girl.

He looked at the girl sitting in front of him and whispered to ask for information nearby.

From just now to now, his consciousness has been fully awake, understand some things.

This place in front of us can never be the island before.

He also saw the island before, just a very small island, on which human beings are unlikely to survive, let alone these cannibals in front of him.

I don't know why, after the previous storm, he has now come to this strange place.

For Chen Heng, the most urgent task is to understand the situation of this place.

Only knowing the situation of this place can he judge his position.

In front of her, the girl looks at Chen Heng, and has no intention of responding to his question.

The whole person looks a little dull.

Looking at her this appearance, Chen Heng secretly frowned, but also quickly reacted.

"Don't you know the language?"

The idea flashed through his mind.

Although he has never heard of people here, he seems to have heard some people talking in the past.

The language here is not the same as the language Chen Heng knew in the past. They are not a system.

It is also because of this that the girl can't understand what he said.

"Don't understand."

Chen Heng shook his head secretly and then extended his hand.

Looking at Chen Heng's outstretched hand, the girl was at a loss. However, looking at Chen Heng, she tentatively extended her hand and put it on Chen Heng's hand.

Later, she was pulled up by Chen Heng and held in her arms.

"There is no other way to live..."

he picked up the girl and looked around at the corpse. Chen Heng frowned secretly, then turned around and left directly.

Because of the language barrier, Chen Heng can't ask anything.

And look at the little girl like this, it should not be like knowing how many things.

If Chen Heng doesn't take the other party away, I'm afraid it won't be long before the other party will die here.

Simply, he took the girl with him and left.

Chen Heng is not familiar with this area and lacks a guide.

But he soon found a river.

Along the river, all the way forward, he finally found some traces of people.

Of course, in the process, he also found some strange things.

There are many special monsters in this forest.

Some of these monsters are the same as those before, with humanoid appearance, ferocious face, and some look like the appearance of ordinary beasts after mutation, which is very strange.

But the same thing is, these things are very aggressive.

Even if it's just an ordinary mouse, after some changes, it will take the initiative to attack Chen Heng, completely ignoring the huge difference in body size between the two sides.

But this kind of performance, obviously is not the normal beast should have.

"What is this place like?"

All the way forward, feeling the situation of wild animals around, Chen Heng could not help frowning.