Chen Heng's process of becoming a three-level apprentice is much simpler than others.

As early as a long time ago, in the two years of Hunter's house college, he was close to a third level apprentice.

After returning to his hometown, in the past two years, Chen Heng never gave up his meditation.

Therefore, as early as more than a year ago, he has been promoted successfully, and is a real level 3 apprentice.

In Chen Heng's view, this is a very normal performance.

It would be strange if he didn't have the speed to practice with the knowledge of Zeng Zhenjun and such excellent innate conditions.

To tell you the truth, even the speed in front of him has been deliberately suppressed.

At Hunter's house college, if he didn't focus on meditation because he was worried about the bad effects of being promoted too fast, he would have been promoted at that time.

However, after returning to his hometown, this scruple disappeared, so naturally, he was promoted very quickly.

But obviously, for Griffin, this speed is a bit too exciting, so that he hasn't responded for a long time.


It took him a long time to react. Looking at Chen Heng in front of him, his face showed a happy color: "it seems that we don't have a family. In this generation, a formal wizard will finally appear."

Formal wizard, this is undoubtedly Griffin's lifelong dream.

Chen Heng's predecessor was brought around by Griffin when he was a child. The goal of his indoctrination was to become a regular wizard.

From Chen Heng's present performance, this goal is finally possible.

"At your age, there are at least more than ten years left for you to accumulate the power to attack the official wizard."

Looking at Chen Heng, Griffin's face was full of longing: "you are a level 4 qualification. If you attack a formal wizard, there is more than half of the possibility. If you attack a formal wizard for such a long time, there is at least 70% of the possibility of success."

He said the number with an excited face.

Just listen to this, Chen Heng can't help but frown: "only 70%

Perhaps in the eyes of senior apprentices like Griffin, 70% of them may be very high.

However, in Chen Heng's view, 70% of the time is possible, but some are not very safe.

In terms of his conditions, it is safe to have at least 90% possibility.

However, there is no need for Chen Heng to speak in front of Griffin.

So he nodded and said nothing more.

And on the head of the bed, Griffin is still in the previous excited state.

Looking at his state at the moment, Chen Heng made a special observation.

After two years of hard work, under the nourishment of Luna, Griffin's mental state at the moment has been basically stable.

Moreover, his body also underwent a baptism under the influence of the moon god, resulting in a transformation.

So far, the situation is pretty good.

But it's clear that even so, Griffin's life should be running out.

After all, according to the normal age, Griffin should have been in the coffin.

Although the life of a wizard is longer than that of ordinary people, it doesn't go far.

After all, Griffin is only a third-class apprentice, not a regular wizard.

He is able to survive until now, relying on his body again and again, in order to extend his life.

In the past, Chen Heng had seen many similar transformations in the house of hunters college.

In fact, for the wizard, similar transformation is very common, whether it is to increase their own strength, or to get a higher life expectancy, it is normal.

It's just that Griffin's current situation makes it impossible for him to make another transformation.

According to his current physical condition, if he remoulds, he will probably die in the process of remoulding.

If we don't carry out the transformation, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive for many years in his present situation.

Unless, for the rest of the time, he can be promoted to a full wizard.

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Heng shook his head.

If you expect to be promoted to a regular wizard and gain new life in this way, you might as well expect to transform the human body.

At least there is a certain possibility of success.

In Griffin's current situation, if you try to promote a regular wizard, it is undoubtedly suicidal.

As a student of Charlie, a regular wizard, and a descendant of Griffin, a third-class apprentice, Chen Heng knows nothing more about the process of promoting him to a regular wizard.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to become a regular wizard, you need to have a strong physique first.

This is because in the process of promotion, the wizard needs to burn his life in order to gain the energy of upward leap.Then, we need to test the spirit of the wizard, from the physical to the spiritual.

In theory, only a wizard who is as strong physically and mentally can be promoted to success.

This is recorded in both Chari's teaching and Yana's inheritance stone.

And in front of Griffin, whether it is his spirit or body, there is no doubt that there are a lot of problems.

If he tries to be promoted to a regular wizard, he will fall on the spot without doing anything.

It's better to look forward to the transformation of human body.

In the room, after talking with Griffin for a while, Chen Heng turns and leaves.

Griffin's recovery is undoubtedly of great benefit to Chen Heng.

Even at the end of his life, Griffin is a third-class apprentice.

With him, Chen Heng can easily go to other places to explore, not limited to the duo Wu family.

In addition, with the help of Griffin, a third-class apprentice, Chen Heng's many experiments can be regarded as having assistants, so he doesn't have to work as hard as he used to.

These are obvious benefits.

Time passed slowly.

Unconsciously, more than two months have passed.

During this period, Griffin also officially appeared, representing the DORO family, to participate in the gathering of another wizard family.

At the party, he had a smile on his face. Although he was very old, no one dared to underestimate him.

All of a sudden, some rumors generated by two years of absence will be directly strangled in the cradle.

In these two years, because Griffin didn't show up, there was no lack of speculation around.

Some people speculate that Griffin has actually died, accidentally died in an experiment. At the moment, Chen Heng is the only wizard in the duowu family.

But this time Griffin's appearance, actually broke this rumor without doubt, let this rumor break by itself.

Of course, to this extent, even if Griffin appears, the effect is not as great as it used to be.

In these two years, Chen Heng has not done nothing.

His technique of making demonized objects is once again demonstrated in this continent.

In the past two years, he has won over many wizard families and gained a lot of things through his own magic items.

Similarly, in the past two years, Chen Heng also publicized the fact that he was promoted to the third level apprenticeship.

With many demonized items, he is also a level 3 apprentice. Chen Heng's strength is undoubtedly the strongest in this continent.

Just this, no one dares to be hostile to Chen Heng.

Thanks to Chen Heng, in the past two years, duo Wu's family has been expanding. Now, compared with before Griffin's coma, it is even more strengthened.

After all, in today's duowu family, there are not only Chen Heng, a third-class apprentice, but also his four students.

After two years of teaching, the four students Chen Heng had received had gathered their magic power and became a wizard apprentice.

If you count Chen Heng himself, there are only five witches in the duowu family, not including Griffin.

This number is the first on this continent.

There is no other family, except the duowu family, that can have more witches than this.

With such strength, naturally no one dares to start with duo Wu family.

Therefore, whether Griffin wakes up or not does not matter much.

Nevertheless, the awakening of a third-class apprentice is good news for the current duo Wu family.

At least it can greatly expand the power of the DORO family.

As for others, the impact is not too great.

Time passed slowly.

In the following time, Chen Heng didn't do much. He just sat silently in his laboratory, trying to meditate and improve his spirit and mana.

His spiritual power is more and more powerful, even Griffin, a third-class apprentice, is far from comparable with him today.

"I'm afraid your mental strength has reached the standard of promotion to a regular wizard."

In the quiet laboratory, observing Chen Heng's performance, Griffin whispered and said with such a sigh.

"It's up to standard, but it's not insurance."

In front of him, Chen Heng took back his magic and shook his head silently: "if you want to be more secure, you'd better wait for a while."

Compared with the normal wizard, Chen Heng's own spiritual power is a great advantage.

Because of his past experience, his mental power is naturally strong. Even before he became a wizard, his mental power is enough to compare with that of the third level apprentice.

Now, after several years of meditation, Chen Heng's mental strength has become more and more huge, and has already reached the standard of promotion to a formal wizard.In fact, Chen Heng is now very close to the official wizard except for mana.

"If you want to be a regular wizard, you need not only enough vitality, but also spirit and mana."

One side, Griffin whispered, his face full of envy: "these three standards, ED, you can achieve all."

Compared with ordinary witches, Chen Heng's conditions are undoubtedly favorable.

He is born with great mental power. The great mental power needed to be promoted to a regular wizard is a huge threshold for others, but there is almost no problem for him.

In terms of the accumulation of mana, Chen Heng has his own huge spiritual power, plus the level 4 qualification, which is not a problem. With the passage of time, he will be able to reach the standard of promotion to a formal wizard sooner or later.

As for the final vitality, it is not a problem.

Chen Heng is not only a wizard, but also a knight who activated the seed of life.

Compared with the simple wizard apprentice, his vitality is more powerful.

Coupled with his age, he is at the most vigorous time in human life.

The combination of various conditions is extremely favorable.

Ordinary wizard as long as Chen Heng has the same conditions, can be called the promotion of formal wizard.

But Chen Heng has everything.

In Griffin's view, the possibility of Chen Heng's promotion to a formal wizard is undoubtedly great.

Except for a few unexpected circumstances, he could hardly imagine what Chen Heng would fail for.

"All right."

Looking at Griffin, Chen Heng smiles and says, "even if it's a formal wizard, it's just the beginning. It's nothing."

"Not to mention that I'm not even there yet."

He said softly.


Listening to Chen Heng's words, Griffin nodded, feeling a little complicated.

"How are you preparing for the test?"

Then, Chen Heng continued to speak, looking at Griffin asked.

"It's already getting ready."

Griffin nodded, but his face was a little ugly. "Ed, do you really want to test those people for free?"

"It's not free."

Chen Heng shook his head: "as the price of testing qualification, if they test out that they have wizard qualification, they must join us and become our people."

"That's not the same."

Griffin shook his head: "after all, these are people from other families..."

"we don't have families. We can't trust them after all."

"All right."

Looking at Griffin, Chen Heng smiles: "we don't need their ownership, we just need to make sure they can be driven by us and use them."

"It's like a college."

Griffin's thought, obviously, still stays in the family. He thinks that there is no need to cultivate and test people except Dorothy's family.

After all, these are not the people of Duo Wu's family. Even if they are cultivated through hard work, what can they do in the end?

It's not cheap.

In Chen Heng's opinion, this is not the case.

Of course, the cohesion of the family is very strong. In this era, especially among the wizard groups, the concept of the family is very important. Except for a few examples, few people will betray their families.

But if it is confined to the family, then the limitation is too great.

After all, no matter how prosperous a family may be, its people and strength are limited, and it is not comparable with the broad masses outside.

If you want to get enough strength, you must unite forces outside the family and all forces that can be united.

That's how it is right now.

Chen Heng's experiment has fallen into a bottleneck. If he wants to go further, he must need the assistance of other witches.

In the single duo Wu family, even if all the clansmen were tested, only two people with wizard qualification were found.

Even with Griffin and Chen Heng, they are just four people.

With such a large number of people, Chen Heng's plan can not be completed.

Therefore, it is necessary to open the testing to the outside world and obtain fresh blood from the outside world.

"It's like a college..."

in front of him, listening to Chen Heng's words, Griffin suddenly brightened up.

"Ed, you... Don't you...

as he stood there, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to think of something. Even his voice seemed a little excited:" do you... Want to build a college of your own? "

Set up your own college?

Listen to Griffin's words, Chen Heng Leng Leng, some accident.But after thinking about it, it seems that it's not bad.

In order to fulfill his future expectations, he must recruit apprentices as much as possible and obtain more support from witches.

In order to unite these wizards, it seems necessary to set up a wizard organization.

It's a good form like the house of hunters college.

All sorts of thoughts flashed in my mind. Thinking of this, Chen Heng nodded and said, "it's not bad."

"If we can, what's wrong with setting up an organization of our own, or even a college?"

He said softly, looking at Griffin.

"I see."

Listen to Chen Heng's words, Griffin's face suddenly excited up, this time appears particularly excited: "I understand ed what you mean."

"You can rest assured that I will watch this test carefully to ensure that there will be no mistakes."

In front of him, looking at Griffin, who was suddenly excited, Chen Heng was surprised, but he nodded.

Anyway, Griffin's energy is a good thing.

It's better than having a gloomy face and unwilling to do it.

Time passed slowly.

In the following time, people from different families came to this continent one after another and gradually gathered in the territory of Duo Wu family.

The reason why they come together is nothing else, just for the upcoming testing ceremony.

For the local wizard family, this is a very rare opportunity.

For Chen Heng, the so-called detection ceremony is just like that, but for the Wizards in this continent, the so-called detection ceremony is not so simple.

Just think about it.

Before Chen Heng came back, he couldn't even see a few demonized items in this area, even less than five level 3 apprentices.

As a level 3 apprentice returning from the hunter's house, Griffin is already the strongest in this area.

From these messages, we can understand how backward the witches in this continent are.

If we say that the wizard area where Yana came from is advanced compared with the Hemu area, then compared with this area, the Hemu area will be advanced for another era.

In Chen Heng's opinion, it's not too difficult to arrange the wizard array for qualification testing, but it's probably an extremely difficult means for ordinary apprentices.

It's not easy to find out a few apprentices who are proficient in sorcery array in this area, and then find out 50 magic stones as starting energy.