"The influence on destiny also accounts for a large proportion of the simulator's score."

Lying on the bed, Chen Heng nodded to himself, and this thought flashed through his heart.

He has been exploring the rules of the simulator.

Then he continued to look in front of him.

In front of him, lines of writing appeared.

This time, he gained a lot. Not to mention the skills he gained, but the secret news. There were more than 7000 points in the simulation.

More than 7300 simulation points, plus what he had left before, now his simulation points have reached 9000.

There are nine thousand simulation points. This number has greatly exceeded the past. The acquisition supports him to do something.

"Do you want to consume 2000 simulation points and open a new world?"

In front of the body, light handwriting reappears.

Looking at the handwriting in front of him, Chen Heng can't help frowning.

"Two thousand?"

He had some doubts.

At the end of the last simulation, he also had the option to open a new world.

At that time, it seemed that only a thousand simulation points were needed.

But this time, it's 2000.


"Is it the addition of multiples?"

At the moment, this idea flashed through Chen Heng's mind.

It seems that he is aware of the thoughts in his mind. In his mind, a stream of information instinctively comes out.

"I see."

Feeling the instinctive feedback from the simulator, Chen Heng suddenly realized.

It's not the sum of multiples, it's the difference in the world.

According to the rules of the simulator, the more powerful the world is, the more simulation points are needed to open it.

Chen Heng needs more points to open a new world this time than he did last time, just because the world he opened this time is stronger than Tianqing.

Understand this rule, Chen Heng this just suddenly.


Without too much hesitation, Chen Heng nodded and agreed.

Two thousand simulation points is not a small number. If it had been before, he would have hesitated.

But now, the number of simulation points on his hand has expanded to 9000, so there is no need to delay.

It's only 2000 simulation points. Just open it directly.

The idea flashed through his mind, and then he chose to agree directly.

As he chose to agree, the number of analog points changed rapidly from 9000 to 7000.

"Congratulations on unlocking the new world."

"The holy world has opened."

"Holy land world?"

Looking at the name in front of him, Chen Heng was surprised.

Holy land world, the world from the name, but can not see its background style.

It seems that you still need to go in and have a look.

After the opening of the new world, Chen Heng continued to look forward.

Next, it's a more exciting part.

In front of him, accompanied by Chen Heng's gaze, a big turntable appeared slowly, just in front of him.

On the big turntable, blocks of different colors are placed there. It seems that there are virtual shadows on them, which attract Chen Heng's attention.

These are all he had gained in the azure world before.

At the moment, these things are in front of the big turntable, waiting for him to regain.

Without hesitation, Chen Heng directly chose to start.

In front of you, the big turntable turns slowly.

Twenty simulation points were deducted in a blink of an eye, but Chen Heng didn't pay attention to them at all.

For Chen Heng at the moment, a mere 20 simulation points is nothing, there is no way to make him frown.

With the deduction of simulation points, the big turntable rotates slowly.

An inexplicable force began to spread.

Under Chen Heng's gaze, the pointer on the big turntable kept turning and began to stop slowly.

"The Sutra of swallowing heaven by Chen Yu, the real king..."

in front of him, light handwriting emerged.

Chen Heng immediately frowned.

Tuntianjing, which had been remembered by him for a long time, had been directly brought back by him with his return.

That is to say, the big turntable this time is superfluous and useless.

A wasted opportunity.

He flashed this idea in his heart, and with no expression behind him, he continued to turn the big turntable.

In front of him, the big turntable continued to rotate, and the pointer on it turned very fast.

"Get Chen Yu's congenital pill."

The faint handwriting reappeared.Later, a bottle of pills appeared in Chen Heng's hands.

The pills are packed in a blue jade bottle, which looks very good.

In the jade bottle, there are about ten congenital pills.

"Congenital pill?"

Chen Heng nodded: "still good."

In the former world, Chen Heng, as a real king, searched a lot of elixirs.

This congenital pill is one of them, which is quite good.

The so-called congenital elixir is the most basic one among the congenital elixirs. Taking it can warm the body, make the body strong, and even increase the quality to a certain extent.

Of course, the effect is very weak, not very strong, only incidental.

However, this can not deny the value of this pill.

"Not bad."

Chen Heng nodded.

In his collection, although congenital Dan is not the best, it is also a pretty good thing.

Forty simulation points for this is definitely a profit.

Then, Chen Heng continued to turn the turntable.

"Get the spirit stone of Chen Yu."

Several spirit stones appear in Chen Heng's hands.

It doesn't look very big. Each piece is about the size of a baby's fist. It looks crystal clear and beautiful, like a good-looking gem.

This is the hard currency in the realm of Tianqing, which contains a lot of spiritual power. It needs to be widely used whether it is forging magic tools, or engraved with divine patterns, or refining pills.

Looking at the stone in his hand, Chen Heng was speechless.

In front of him, he turned the turntable for the third time. It took him 160 simulation points.

With the value of 80 simulation points, we can exchange these pieces of spirit stones...

needless to say, blood loss.

He shook his head to himself, then continued to turn.

"Get the Qi refining pill of Chen Yu."

The result of this time is similar to that of the last time, just a few bottles of refining pill.

Like the spirit stone, this is the most basic thing, which can be used to assist practice.

Looking at a few bottles of gas refining pills in his hand, Chen Heng lowers his head and looks at his balance.

After four turntables, he has more than 6000 simulation points left.

But at this time, the base number of simulation points needed by the turntable has also gone up.

The next rotation will require 320 analog points.

A little thought for a moment, then, Chen Heng or chose to continue to turn.

"Obtain the martial arts accomplishments of Chen Yu, the real king..."

light handwriting appeared in front of my eyes.

This time, Chen Heng showed a smile on his face.

A golden flash, accompanied by the flow of Chen Heng's ideas, in his body, a rapid change.

In his body, the great power sprang up. Almost in a short time, it increased rapidly, reaching a level that was incomparable in the past.

Every move is like being able to tear up tigers and leopards, killing an army.

Compared with Chen Heng's previous strength, it is a day and a place.

"Not bad."

Feeling the powerful power of his body, Chen Heng nodded to himself.

In the previous simulation world, compared with his strong cultivation of Zhenjun, his cultivation of martial arts is not high, just the realm of martial arts.

Compared with Zhenjun, this strength is nothing at all, one day at a time.

But if it is compared with Chen Heng's original cultivation, it is another matter.

His noumenon, strength is only forging perfect, is tempering the body of rock.

Compared with the strength of Wu Dao Tong Ming, it is also nothing.

"However, the form of expression seems to be different..."

getting up from the bed, Chen Heng roughly felt the situation on his body, and then made such a judgment.

Unlike when he was in the world of heaven and green, he didn't have many characteristics of being proficient in martial arts, but only had pure strength.

It seems that because of the difference in the world, the cultivation transformed from the simulator is directly added to his body strength and essence.

In other words, at the moment, Chen Heng's physical strength alone is comparable to that of a warrior with a good command of martial arts.

But even so, he is still a perfect ordinary warrior, still in the stage of uniting martial arts.

It's just that this warrior is a little special. Although he hasn't condensed his body yet, it's estimated that he can beat him down with one hand.

Even if one is not good, people may be killed.

Think of here, Chen Heng not from the corner of his mouth a draw, and then continue to look at the eyes.

After this extraction, if you want to continue to extract, the consumption of points will be greater.From three hundred and two to six hundred and four.

Chen Heng can support the consumption of this point, but it's not cost-effective.

He has a lot of things in the simulacrum of the azure world, but the ones whose value can exceed 600 simulation points are those things.

Some of his secret treasures, or his true cultivation.

In addition, the value of other things can't exceed the 600 simulation points.

The possibility of getting these things at a single extraction is too small.

If you get a few more spirit stones, it's blood loss.

Chen Heng thinks that he is not a European emperor, so let's stop here.

The thought flashed through his mind and ended the lottery.

With his thought flashed, in front of him, the outline of the big turntable slowly disappeared.

However, the writing in front of him did not end.

"Check to the original mark, whether to transform?"

With the emergence of handwriting, a purple mark appeared in front of Chen Heng's eyes.

The imprint is complex, which seems to contain some unique mysterious power, revealing the unique and incomparable mystery of destiny.

Chen Heng is very familiar with it and has used it many times in the past few hundred years.

"Mark of destiny..."

looking at the purple mark in front of him, Chen Heng murmured to himself, and then looked at him.

In the introduction of the simulator, the name of this mark of destiny is the original mark.

But I don't know what's special.

However, looking at the mark in front of him, Chen Heng did not hesitate and directly chose to transform.

Before that, there was no doubt that the mark of destiny had helped him.

If there is no mark of destiny to see through the power of destiny and destiny, he can't do so many things, and naturally he can't get so many simulation points.

Moreover, Tianming seal and Tianxing secret arts come down in one continuous line. Without Tianming seal, many Tianxing secret arts mastered by Chen Heng would be greatly reduced.

If there is no way to do so, he will not hesitate now that it is possible to bring it back.

With his thought flashed, in front of him, the original standing handwriting slowly disappeared and became desalinated.

Then emerged is Chen Heng's remaining simulation point tree.

After several lucky draws, Chen Heng now has more than 6000 points left.

These points are already very abundant. Chen Heng's gains in the past few simulations do not add up to so many.

Only at this moment, with the purple light flashing, these analog points are disappearing madly, falling rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the numbers on them are beating fast.

Just in a moment, the number on it was reduced by 2000.

Chen Heng's eyelids can't help jumping. Rao has been prepared for a long time, and there are some accidents at this moment.

This time the simulator conversion, and did not give detailed consumption figures.

Previously, Chen Heng did not care.

But now, looking at the decreasing number of simulation points in front of him, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

This time, we won't consume our simulation points, will we?

The thought flashed through his heart, and at this moment his heart leaped.

Under his gaze, the number of simulation points in front of him decreased rapidly at an extremely rapid speed.

With the reduction of simulation points, the feeling of familiarity rises again.

At the moment, Chen Heng can feel the change in his body.

Once extremely familiar feeling reappears.

The interweaving of fate was revealed in his eyes again.

With the transformation of the mark of destiny, his vision became clearer and he could see more and more things.

However, with all this, the number of simulation points in front of him is declining.

At the moment, after a period of consumption, the number of simulation points on him has dropped rapidly to about 3000.

But fortunately, at this time, the speed of simulation point reduction finally slowly decreased.

The worst results didn't happen.

When the transformation of the mark of destiny is over, Chen Heng has more than 1000 simulation points left.

"Fortunately, fortunately."

Looking at the remaining simulation points in front of him, Chen Heng felt relieved.

The reduction of simulation points is nothing to him.

After all, money earned is spent, and so is the simulation point.

As long as he can spend simulation points in the right place, it's nothing to him.

What he was afraid of was that the simulation point on him would go back to zero.

Then there's some trouble.

If the simulation point returns to zero, then even the entrance ticket to the simulation world becomes a big problem.At that time, it will be a bit of trouble.

It's a good thing now. Although we have lost a lot, at least we haven't returned to zero.

As long as it doesn't return to zero, with his previous experience, Chen Heng is confident that he can earn back the lost simulation points in simulation after simulation.

"To calculate the number, in order to transform a mark of destiny, it took 5000 analog points..."

standing in the same place, Chen Heng roughly calculated.

Before that, he had more than 6000 simulation points left.

But now, after the simulation, there are only more than 1000 left.

The cost of this is really a bit frightening.

However, after the transformation, Chen Heng did feel the change.

In his body, the purple mark of destiny has reappeared, closely linked with him.

At the moment, there is a feeling in Chen Heng's heart.

After the transformation of the simulator, this mark of destiny seems to have been completely bound with him and become a part of him.

After that, even if he entered other simulation worlds, he could go with this mark.

This feeling to some inexplicable, just at the moment, but there is no way to verify.

At the moment, Chen Heng has other things to do.

Standing in the same place, he recalled what happened before the simulation, then turned silently and left the room.

After leaving the room, he left the rock martial arts school and went to a street at will.

Standing by the street, he looked ahead and looked at it casually.

The street in front of us is the most common place. There are many pedestrians walking on it. They seem to be in a hurry.

Calculate the time, this time seems to be the peak, many pedestrians everywhere, on the way to work.

Chen Heng just looked at them and watched them.

Along with the activation of the mark of destiny, the secret operation of Tianxing is carried out.

In the world, an invisible scene soon opened to Chen Heng.

One by one, the threads of destiny are intertwined and constantly enveloped in the air, forming a huge network of destiny.

And in those people's body, a dark gray gas appeared, vaguely with a kind of unknown feeling.

"This is..."

looking at the winding breath above the heads of these people, Chen Heng was stunned.

Those dim grey Qi are nothing but dead Qi.

The mark of destiny can see through the number of destiny. What we can see is not only the power of destiny, but also the vitality of death.

If a person encounters a fateful fate, under the feedback of fate, he will react on himself, forming layers of black death.

As far as Chen Heng's experience is concerned, if a person doesn't die, it doesn't mean that he won't die later. It just means that there is no inevitable death in his later life.

But no robbery doesn't mean there won't be other accidents.

Therefore, even if there is no death, it is possible to die.

But if there is death, then it means that this person is destined, and then he will face a death robbery. Therefore, the death will be formed when he reflects on the fate.

In the past, Chen Heng has met some people with a sense of death, but not many in number.

But now...

standing on the street, Chen Heng couldn't help looking out.

With his vision at the moment, he can clearly see the scene many meters away.

And in his vision, the whole street, all the people, are with a strong sense of death.