Under the gaze of the gods in the whole world of gods, the action in front of them began to intensify.

In the eyes of the gods, the bright magic net began to spread and increase.

The subtle network contains the profound meaning of extremely powerful laws. Now, with the consciousness of the whole gods world, it begins to spread towards the whole gods world.

This process alone lasted more than half a month.

This is still under the active cooperation of the world of gods.

Without the active cooperation of the world of gods, I don't know how long it will take to do this step only by virtue of adim's own strength.

I'm afraid it will be an extremely long time, and there will be many obstacles in the process.

Because other gods are not fools and will not watch him move forward.

If you can become a God, your own wisdom is very detached. Otherwise, why do you win in such fierce competition and become a God under the pressure of countless people?

Not to mention that at this moment, with Chen Heng spreading his own mark, these gods are no longer the sanctity of closed doors, but the sanctity of the sea.

For them, it is easy to understand the benefits.

The benefits are huge, so huge that the gods will be moved, and even make them have the impulse to rob at all costs.

Under normal circumstances, after seeing yadim's action, yadim dares to guarantee that in a few years, a lot of imitation magic nets will appear and compete with him for the control of the magic net in the future.

Although they did not have the divine personality and laws of the magic goddess, yadim also absolutely believed in these divine abilities.

They may not have the perfect ability to do things like ADEM, but they definitely have the ability to drag him back and screw things up.

And this is clearly what he doesn't want.

Therefore, it is the best choice to directly activate the consciousness of the world of gods and complete this step with the help of the power of the world of gods.

For more than half a month, the gods have been watching the movement here.

They looked at adim with a rather complicated look, and there was an infinite surge of emotion in their hearts.

If they can, they want to rush over and take over the newly formed magic net directly.

But obviously not.

The other side made such a despicable oath that it shocked the consciousness of the whole world of gods.

At the moment, the promotion of magic net is not the other party's own business, but the whole world of gods.

If anyone dares to rush forward at this moment and block the expansion of the magic net, he is the sinner who prevents the world from moving forward!

At that time, I'm afraid the other party will laugh in a dream.

Isn't it? Who wouldn't laugh if he found a few gods?

The gods knew they could never stop in front of adim, but they were not willing to watch for nothing.

With their character, it's impossible to look at it for nothing.

Even if a dog is seen by them, it still has to pull out a few hairs, let alone such a big magic net.

Soon, they thought of countermeasures.

"The essence of this magic net is based on human spirit..."

Some gods only thought in secret: "if so..."

Soon the gods began to move.

With extremely rapid speed, they have woven a simple network everywhere.

It's really rudimentary.

Compared with yadim, the gods do not have the divine personality of magic goddess, and they also lack considerable experience and strong promotion of the world of gods.

Therefore, the magic net created by these gods is very insufficient in all aspects, and is full of a sense of inferiority everywhere.

But this does not hinder the expansion of these magic nets.

On the contrary, the expansion of these magic nets is also very smooth.

Because the gods have their basic existence.

The essence of magic net is a spiritual network. By linking spiritual bodies, its information and spirit are unified into a network, so as to communicate in this network.

It can be seen that the most important thing in this network is people with independent spirit.

As it happens, the gods in the world of gods often hold such a batch of traffic entrances in their hands.

That is their believer.

They don't need to make great efforts to promote outside, they just need to quickly promote among their followers.

The rudiments of simple magic nets were born.

And then?

Did these gods create these simple magic nets to compete with adim?

Of course not!

Anyone with a clear eye can see that adim has an absolute advantage in the world of gods at the moment.

As a mature goddess of magic, his magic world is not only supported by the mature gods, but also by the mature gods.

This is something that has been prepared for a long time and may even have been successful in other worlds.

With such mature works supported by the background, why should we compete with the grass-roots team established by the gods early?

Hit your head?

It's impossible.

Soon, the operation of the gods came.

Under the gaze of adim, the gods lifted the magic net created in their hands to the sky, and then directly mixed with adim's magic net and became a part of it under the influence of the power of the world of gods.

Looking at this scene, even though adim had long guessed that the gods must have acted, he was surprised by this operation.

Can you still do this?

He has never seen this operation.

But the situation is now clear.

The gods created the magic net not to fight against the magic net of adim, but to seek mergers and acquisitions and directly integrate into the original magic net in the process of expansion of the magic net.

This is a reasonable operation.

The gods world will not refuse this operation in the process of promoting the expansion of the magic net, because the active cooperation of the gods can save the gods world a lot of strength and use it where it should be used.

In this way, the gods sold the magic net they built and sold it to adim, thus obtaining a return.

Theoretically speaking, they are one of the shareholders of magic net at the moment, although the shares are small to a certain extent, which makes people feel pathetic.

But even so, it's much better than doing nothing.

Yadim shook his head, a little helpless, but he didn't care.

Shares are just shares. It doesn't matter.

For adim, this situation is not without benefits.

At least after having common interests, some gods will only give up the resistance in their hearts and keep a welcoming attitude towards the magic net.

This is beneficial to the next development of magic net.

As for that tiny share, it doesn't matter to adim.

Anyway, with the expansion of magic net in the future, these shares will eventually be diluted and finally become very small.

At present, with the actions of the gods, it also means that there is no opponent in the world of the gods.

A few months later, inside the world of the gods, a light sound sounded.

It's like the whole world is shaking. The world begins to roar. A powerful breath blooms from the inside of the world and envelops the four sides.

If someone can see the world from outside the world, he can find an amazing scene.

Outside the world, a huge network appears and opens directly to the world in front of us.

He opened the network and sent out a powerful force.

In that brand-new network, it seems that endless scenes emerge.

There are mortals living on the earth, farmers farming in the fields, soldiers fighting on the battlefield, and the king gives orders in the palace

All kinds of scenes emerge at this moment.

And what appears in that network is pure spiritual power.

"Finally succeeded..."

Before a tall altar, feeling the expansion of the magic net, yadim looked pale and smiled weakly.

The process of magic net for several months in succession is also a great burden for him.

Because the essence of the magic net is linked with him and almost integrated with him.

Therefore, when the power of the magic net is consumed and becomes weak, his own power will become weak and fall into silence.

But fortunately, it's finally over.

With the help of the world of gods, adim's plan succeeded in the end.

When the magic net expanded to the whole world, he began to change himself.

For a long time in the past, the nature of using the simulator to shuttle freely through other worlds. Yadim has not practiced the power of the magic net in other worlds, and even expanded the magic net in front of him to other worlds, covering several worlds.

But it's just a small world. Compared with the world of gods in front of us, it can be said to be insignificant.

How can a world that can't even be divine be compared with the world of gods?

Apart from other things, I'm afraid that any sacred statue in the world of gods can easily erase those small worlds.

The whole process should not be too easy.

Therefore, the expansion of magic net in the world of gods must rely on the power of the world of gods itself.

Because yadim's own strength is not enough.

If Chen Heng is willing to help, he can try.

But just adim himself is impossible.

Of course, he can let Chen Heng do it, but this is not what he wants.

No matter yadim or kalunu, although they are separated, they also have their own way to go.

And this road is destined not to be intervened by others.

In any case, this attempt was finally successful.

Now, it seems that it is time for the test to succeed.

Adim looked into the sky and smiled on his pale face.

Then he opened his arms and looked into the sky.

"Come on..."

A slight whisper sounded here, like the seductive sound of a ghost whispering in his ear.

As yadim whispered, powerful forces surged in all directions.


At this moment, the already calm world of the gods shook again.

The powerful breath shocked the world and made the whole world of gods look sideways.

And for all this, the gods are no stranger.

"He completed the expansion of magic net and began to be promoted......"

Looking at the appearance of adim in the distance, a God's face was complicated and said.

For the promotion of gods, the gods in the world of gods are actually no strangers.

Because as early as before, in the past thousand years, many demigods ascended the throne because of various opportunities and became a sacred member.

The gods are used to it.

But even so, looking at adim at the moment, their faces are still particularly complicated.

Because at this moment, what adim promoted is not ordinary holiness, but higher divine power.

Yes, higher powers.

It doesn't matter if yadim doesn't get promoted. Once promoted, it will be the bottom of higher divine power.

This is brought about by the nature of the magic net.

The magic net expands the whole world of gods, and its own power is extremely powerful. Naturally, it can bring a person with higher divine power.

Even though the magic net has just completed its expansion and has not entered the massive harvest period, the power that can be fed back can also ensure the status of at least one higher divine power.

Another higher power will be born in front of them.

How can the gods not be in a complicated mood?

You know, for them, medium divine power is already an extremely difficult thing.

Among the gods, most of them are just weak gods.

If they want to be promoted from weak divine power to medium divine power, they need not know how much effort and cost to succeed.

And now.

Some people directly step up and attack the higher divine power.

How can they not be in a complicated mood?

But what about the complicated mood?

I can only watch.

If other gods are promoted, they may be able to have some ideas.

For example, stab the other party's back at the critical moment of promotion, or use various other methods to stop the other party's promotion.

If you are lucky, you may be able to let the other party be directly swallowed, and then lead to the fall.

That kind of empty divine personality and divinity is a very promising thing.

But not in front of adim.

The other party is the spokesman of the magic net. At the moment, it can also be called the embodiment of the magic net. Every move represents the magic net.

The magic net is combined with the world of the gods, and seems to become a part of the world of the gods.

In other words, adim at this moment can be called one of the spokesmen of the world of gods, and is an existence sheltered by world consciousness.

It's OK to say their means in the face of others, but in the face of such an existence.

Let's forget it early.

There is no hope.

The gods looked at adim's figure and sighed at the same time, with infinite regret and regret in their hearts.

Yadim naturally knew the distress of the gods.

If he didn't know this, he wouldn't choose to be promoted in the world of gods.

Isn't it good to find a suitable world to promote and then come back?

The power of the world is shaking.

It seems to feel the promotion of adim, and the world of gods spontaneously invested a wisp of strength to come to adim.