There are still many problems in the kingdom of karunu.

But now, these problems can be basically solved, just how much time it takes.

Compared with the human countries, the kalunu Kingdom today has great potential.

This potential comes not only from the other world behind kalunu, but also from the huge base of the dog headed people themselves.

The kingdom of Kobold has a huge base, which is the best help for development.

Many people have great power. This sentence is extremely applicable in many times.

In particular, after decades of persistence, a large number of basic education construction has achieved some results in the kingdom of karunu.

Many dog headed people who have experienced certain basic education have stepped onto the front stage and began to participate in the construction.

As the waiting time continues to pass, more educated dog headed people will inevitably emerge and participate in the construction of the kingdom of kalunu.

In terms of technology, there are several other world supplements, which are not lacking for the time being.

Karuno Kingdom only needs to patiently absorb the scientific and technological achievements of other worlds and make up lessons directly.

As for other aspects, karuno also came to solve them himself.

Compared with the development of the kingdom of kalunu, what needs to be solved now is other problems.

For example, some problems of kalunu himself.

At night, on a high mountain.

Kalunu sat here alone, silently closing his eyes.

In his body, the virtual shadow of a divine mark appeared, and now it was flashing and playing, giving back a steady stream of power.

Since the suppression of evil gods on that day and the plundering of the divine mark in his body, kalunu has been practicing silently here.

In his body, because of his continuous exploration of secret places, he had obtained a lot of divinity from various places, which had previously been precipitated in his body.

But now, after a short time, all these divinities have disappeared.

All divinity is integrated into the divine mark as a supplement to the divine mark.

This supplement makes the divine mark complete, many originally incomplete places begin to be connected, and some originally illusory areas become staring.

On the whole, it is much better.

It's just not enough.

The many divinities that kalunu had accumulated before, calculated seriously, but added almost one percent to the divine mark.

It will take a long time to really complete this mark.

In other words, he needs a lot of divinity.

Moreover, not all divinities can supplement the divine mark, only those in the same field or related divinities.

This means that the divinity required is higher and more difficult.

This may also explain why gods are often hostile to other gods in the same field.

Because in their view, those peers are not only competitors, but also a potential source of food.

If you can swallow one, I don't know how many years of accumulation can be omitted.

In other words, kalunu will also be excited and eyeing his peers.

In fact, at the moment, he is already a little excited and wants to target his peers.

The divine mark of that evil god involves sacrifice, darkness and so on.

These fields are basically the fields involved by the gods of the dark camp.

In other words, if karunu wants to supplement himself in this way, it is enough to focus on the gods of the dark camp.

If you can, it would be great to swallow the shadow God of Oro empire in one bite.

Of course, this matter can only be thought of in a dream for the time being.

As for really doing it, it is impossible.

At the moment, he is in a unique state.

Similar to Chen Heng as the noumenon, kalunu is now in transformation, and more special.

Chen Heng fell into transformation because he needed divine power to slowly transform his body and completely transform himself into a demigod.

And kalunu is very similar at the moment.

Even compared with Chen Heng, his span is even larger.

Because there is a divine mark in his body that only the divine field can have.

The power in this mark is slowly improving his body and slowly climbing his power to a new level.

This is a very unique experience, and there may be only one God in the whole world.

Because if someone else, even if they get the fragments of God's personality left after the fall of God, it is impossible to completely transform them into their own.

Divinity is something that can only be used by the existence of the field of God, not to mention the mark of higher-level divinity.

I'm afraid that only kalunu can really exist as a mortal God with a divine mark.

Therefore, in front of him, there is not much experience left by others to follow.

He can only rely on himself to explore slowly.

Fortunately, after having the memory of evil gods, his insight and vision have grown a lot.

Although the problem is not small, he can handle it now.

Kalunu sat quietly, the idea flashed through his mind.

Not far away, a virtual shadow skimmed the earth and covered it.

Its shadow covers a large area, like an ancient wild beast, with a body tens of meters tall.

Uralde fell on the earth, and now he came to kalunu and looked at kalunu.

After many years, uralde's appearance has also changed greatly. At the moment, there has been amazing transformation in all parts of his body.

Now he is not like a red dragon at all, but like a real dragon.

This is very natural.

In the original place where the gods were sealed, kalunu found many fallen dragon bones.

The remains of those dragons have fallen for many years, but there are still many sources left in their remains.

Karunu refined it and integrated it into uralde and other pressure bodies to help their blood vessels degenerate.

Today, although they still seem to have some shadow of once Asian dragons on the surface, in fact, the blood level has long been no different from the real giant dragons, and even more beyond.

Unless the royal family among the dragons, ordinary dragons are nothing at all in front of urald. They will be overwhelmed by their blood majesty and submit directly.

"Do you feel it, too?"

Standing where he was, kalunu sat down slowly, then looked at urald in front of him, and the expression on his face became much softer.

There is an inexplicable connection between karunu and uralde. They can feel each other's state and mind.

So at this moment, uralde keenly felt the changes in kalunu and rushed over directly.

"Don't worry..."

He gently waved his hand and calmed the little guy's mood. Kalunu smiled and had a very peaceful attitude: "I'm fine. I'm sure I can't die."

"I still have a lot to do. How could I fall down so soon?"

He raised his head, looked into the sky, looked at the stars and muttered to himself, as if he were talking to himself.

A few days passed quickly.

In a small laboratory, several figures sat upright.

"How do you feel?"

Kalunu stepped into it, looked at several figures in front of him, smiled and asked.

"It feels good."

Facing kalunu's gaze, Tirin smiled. At the moment, the smile looked very bright.

Their heartfelt smiles looked happy at the moment.

Sitting here are all tree spirits.

And the purpose of their coming here is also to cooperate with kalunu's experiment.

"There are ancient legends that the tree spirit was the descendant of a natural God. It was only because the original natural God fell and was defeated, so the blood in his body was cursed that he became what he is now."

Kalunu approached the laboratory, looked at the appearance of several people in front of Tirin, looked at them and whispered, "you are the direct blood of the once gods. In theory, the blood is very noble. Even if you can't compare with the real God son, you won't be inferior to the powerful race like the dragon."

The tree spirit is the descendant of the once God, and its body is flowing with noble God blood.

Such a race, even if there is no divinity in the body, should also have that kind of divine blood. Theoretically, its power will not be inferior to that of the dragon.

However, the power of the tree spirits has been greatly limited due to their once most.

In the world of gods, the power of tree spirits is generally only a second-order level.

The second level, although it sounds good, depends on who you compare with.

Compared with the dragon, which can reach the fourth level as an adult, the level of tree spirit, which is generally the second level, is too much behind.

As early as that year, when he recruited the tree spirits such as tilline, karunu made a promise to destroy the Centaur tribe, avenge them, and personally untie the curse of God in their bodies.

From the current situation, the goal of the destruction of the Centaur tribe has been achieved.

As for the curse in their bodies, they also have some eyebrows.

"The curse in your body comes from the gods, so it must be solved by the power of the gods."

Kalunu looked at them and whispered, "if you practice with divine power as in the past, you can unlock part of the curse, but you can't fundamentally solve the problem."

"But the current divine blood potion will not have this problem. As long as you swallow it, you and your future descendants will not be affected by the curse. From then on, you can perfectly show your blood potential and will not be limited."

"Thank you, your majesty."

Tirin's face was full of joy. At the moment, she looked at kalunu in front of her and spoke solemnly.

In their hearts, they knew exactly where the divine blood potion came from.

The essence of divine blood potion is made from karuno's blood.