Mo Xiao was stunned, even Mo Shibei was also stunned, and the hand holding her shoulder became stiff.

From Mo Shibei's point of view, you can see Su Murong's sharp chin and slightly raised lips. She looks like she is talking about a simple thing.

Su Murong is also nervous. She just sends back what Mo Xiao told her. She stares at Mo Xiao's expression, but the latter smiles and goes out of the door without saying a word.

"Mo Xiao!"

Su Murong called, want to chase out, but was mo Shibei held back the body, he whispered warning: "Su Murong, remember your own identity."

At that moment, Su Murong also woke up, there are so many people watching, if they really chase out, tomorrow's newspaper still don't know how to write.

Just, Mo Xiao ran out like this

"You don't have to worry. He's already an adult. If... You can't rest assured, I'll let Shen Yuan follow." Mo Shibei exposes Su Murong's worries and tries to reassure her.

Su Murong drooped her head weakly, one hand holding the other arm tightly, she said: "Mo Shibei, this play is enough, can we go?"

Mo Shibei raised his watch and looked at the time. "Stay another half an hour. If you can't, go there and have a rest. But remember, don't hook up with that Jerry again. Don't leave my sight."

"You are so overbearing." Su Murong took off the sharp edge just now and became a little weak.

"I've given you enough space. You've blocked your way." Mo Shibei is outspoken.

Su Murong didn't want to argue any more, so he found a quiet place and sat down. Mo Shibei quickly shuttled through it, stopping to whisper from time to time.

Su Murong hasn't been watching Mo Shi go to the north so quietly for a long time. Although she has only been away for more than a year, it is as long as half a century

She can't deny that Mo Shibei has an indelible existence in her memory. This existence will not be relieved with the passing of time. On the contrary, it will be more and more strong like wine.

If you are destined to entangle with Mo Shibei for a lifetime, why don't you end this kind of contradictory relationship as soon as possible.

Su Murong rubbed his arm. It was a little chilly there. Su Murong was a little sleepy. He half leaned on the chair and was about to go to sleep. In the dark, a cup of cool wine suddenly poured down from Su Murong's head, which made Su Murong scream.

Scarlet red wine looks like blood.

Li Yunxin cried happily in his heart, Su Murong, this time just to give you a simple lesson, the next time... Outflow, is steaming blood.

Su Murong's whole body fell into a state of extreme tension, and the smell of wine quickly stimulated her nerves. She quickly got up, but there was still no one behind her, and her face was in a mess.

Soon the smell of the wine became sticky. She wanted to go to the bathroom to clean it. Her sensitive nerves made her stop.

She looked around alertly, and no one noticed her. However, Su Murong quickly calmed down. If someone deliberately soiled herself and then lured her to the bathroom, the consequences would be

Su Murong had already walked to the bathroom door, but he quickly turned around and was about to escape. Suddenly two strange men came out, one covering her mouth, the other dragging Su Murong directly into the bathroom.

Su Murong in the heart secretly cry not good, loud cry for help already too late, flurried in a hurry to throw his handbag outside.

"Come on, cover her mouth." Two masked men quickly took out the tape and wrapped it around her mouth, while the other reached for the zipper.

Su Murong was so scared that she couldn't get rid of herself. She didn't know where her shoes were. She motioned the two men to stop, but no one cared about her.

Su Murong felt a sense of despair, but she would not give up. She rushed to a compartment and blocked the door.

She was finally able to call out, and the two masked men's movements outside became bigger and bigger. "Little bitch, open the door quickly, believe it or not, I will kill you later."

"I've pressed the alarm, you'd better leave quickly, otherwise, you'll never come to a good end!" Su Murong is against the screen inside. If it wasn't for the mop to help her, with her little strength, the door would have been knocked open.

The two men had been acting on a temporary basis, but now they saw that the noise was a little loud, and they were also a little weak. They did not dare to stay more. Instead, they just left Su Murong and quickly slipped out of the window.

Mo Shibei's eyes have never left Su Murong's body. Now seeing that the woman has disappeared, he naturally comes over. The next second, he finds Su Murong's handbag and the call from the bathroom.

Mo Shibei's heart sank and rushed in quickly, but the door was locked from inside. Mo Shibei was busy outside and cried out“ Su Murong, are you in there? "

Su Murong's tears are still flowing in his eyes, and his clothes have already become messy. If he goes out like this, even if nothing happens, those women will also send out messy words.

Su Murong has been thinking about the red wine in her mind. Who wants to hurt herself so much? After she finds out, she will not let go.

"Su Murong!"

"Su Murong, open the door for me. If you don't open the door, I'll smash it."


Su Murong simply sorted out herself, and then opened the door. She didn't want to make things too big and embarrass each other, so she said impatiently, "Mo Shibei, I'm ok. Don't yell."

Mo Shibei, who is so smart, looks at Su Murong's spent makeup and torn neckline, and suddenly gets nervous. He grabs her shoulders and asks in a cold voice, "what happened just now? Who bullied you?"

"I'm fine!"

Su Murong is about to push him away, but he is directly pushed against the wall by Mo Shibei.

The confusion in Su Murong's eyes could not escape Mo Shibei's eyes. Mo Shibei lowered his voice and squeezed a sentence from his throat like a beast, "Su Murong, tell me what happened."

Su Murong didn't want to be so aggrieved, but when she opened her mouth, her tears still rolled down. She had no time to wipe them. She could only stubbornly pursed her lips and deliberately covered up the calmness, saying: "just now... There were two hooligans in the bathroom who wanted to do it, but I dodged them. As soon as I told them to be afraid, they ran away."

Mo Shibei followed Su Murong's eyes and just watched the window open.

"How can someone get in? If there is no one to lead, they will never get in." Mo Shibei had a chill in his eyes. It was obvious that someone had done it intentionally.

At this time, Mo Shibei was beside, and Su Murong was not as scared as before. She said softly, "Mo Shibei, let's go back now. I don't want to stay any longer."

"Yes, but not now."

Mo Shibei walked back to Su Murong, but he directly bowed his head and bit the soft red lips. Su Murong quickly pushed Mo Shibei away, a burst of anger, "Mo Shibei, what are you doing?"

Mo Shibei's hand is still against the wall, and his eyes can't refuse to question. His remaining light sweeps through the bathroom door, and then whispers: "if you don't want people to think that there is something wrong with your clothes, you'd better cooperate with me."

"At most, I'm at a loss!"

With that, Mo Shibei pressed over again, but Su Murong opened his eyes and blocked what he wanted to say. There was only one voice in his mind that kept echoing. What a shame!

There are female guests in the bathroom, just to see Mo Shibei pressing Su Murong kiss scene, Mo Shibei's hand has become dishonest, several female guests have covered their mouths, quickly red face exit.

Soon, almost everyone at the banquet knew the scene of Mo Shibei and Su Murong in the bathroom. While they were jealous, they did not forget to humiliate them.

"This Su Murong really shameless, actually and men in the bathroom to do such a thing."

"I think this man is moshibei dialect, and you won't refuse."

"What do you say? How can I be such a person? Forget it, I don't want to tell you. You didn't go in just now. You don't know Su Murong's body. Oh, I can't go on..." a woman's pure love stamped her feet and blushed. If she wants more pure love, she will have more pure love.


Su Murong's breathing was already a little deep. Mo Shibei's eyes were also very hot. He never knew that he would be so nostalgic for the red lips. He thought he could control it, but he didn't want to let go once he bit it.

Looking at the soft red lips, Mo Shibei almost bit it again. Su Murong quickly pushed Mo Shibei away, and his voice became very soft. "Mo Shibei, it should be enough."

"That should be enough!"

Mo Shibei smiles and doesn't care about people's eyes. Instead, he holds Su Murong up and walks out of the bathroom.

People's focus has always been on this matter. Now when they watch the hero and heroine come out, naturally they all pay attention to it. Women's eyes are more jealous and venomous, but men are different. Looking at Su Murong's soft and slender posture, except for the slight movement of the Adam's apple, they are envious.

"I can't see the appearance of having two children. Mr. Mo is really lucky." A man in a haute couture suit with a glass in his hand.

"Yes, there is no one else in this figure. It's delicious!"


When Su Murong heard the comments, she was so ashamed that her head would be lowered to her chest. She held Mo Shibei's neck tightly with one hand and said in a low voice, "it's all your fault. Now it's well known."

"It's better than saying that you were killed by two men in the bathroom." Mo Shibei was outspoken, but he slowed down.

"Mo Shibei, don't talk nonsense!" Su Murong dissatisfied with the plan of Mo Shi North words.