Ding Junjie stood in front of the wardrobe barefooted, pretending to open the wardrobe and turn out some clothes. He was constantly commenting on the clothes. He thought the clothes were too old-fashioned and ugly. He never put them on himself.

Yun Wan'er hid in the quilt. She didn't dare to move, and the atmosphere didn't dare to come out. What's worse, the heat in the quilt made her feel very uncomfortable now. Finally, she summoned up her courage, quietly opened a seam in the quilt, and looked out. But it happened that Ding Junjie's fat white buttocks were shaking in front of her eyes. Yun Wan'er was ashamed and quickly closed her eyes, Will be closely covered by the quilt on his head melon seeds.

God, I'm really ashamed. I saw the big ass of that boy! Tightly hiding her body under the quilt, Yun Wan'er feels that her cheek is very hot now, and her heart is more like a deer bumping and popping out. The heat inside the quilt is already big enough. Coupled with this shyness, Yun Wan'er feels that her whole body is on fire.

Bah, it's really ugly. A big man, even naked, is standing there. It's so embarrassing!

Ding Junjie outside has no such scruples at all. He keeps whistling and proudly shakes his big ass. in fact, Yun Waner's performance is almost seen by the boy. Hey hey, don't you want to hide? I'll help you, let you see enough!

Ding Junjie rummaged through the wardrobe again, and it was banging. Poor Yun Wan'er was so scared that she didn't dare to move in the quilt. The heat in her body seemed to make her faint. Because she kept a posture for a long time, her whole body was already numb. Now she can move and stretch her limbs. For Yun Wan'er, It's already quite a luxury.

"Ah, I haven't got the right clothes for a long time. Come on, I'd better not wear them. I'd better sleep naked!" Ding Junjie's mouth said words, simply the door and window completely to lock a dead, turn off the light, a buttock sat on the bedside.

Yun Wan'er in the quilt hears Ding Junjie's movement. When she hears that the boy is locking the door and window, Yun Wan'er's heart is even more bitter. God, what does the boy want to do? Think of this door and window lock, his escape is almost hopeless, Yun Wan'er had to secretly pray, this boy must not find himself.

Fortunately, Ding Junjie turns off the light, which makes Yun Wan'er feel a little relieved. The boy sits by the bed and doesn't know what he wants to do. However, if he doesn't go now, when will he stay? Yun Wan'er wants to climb out of the quilt and get ready to slip away.

"Well, you'd better go to bed!" Just as Yun Wan'er was about to lift the quilt and walk away, Ding Junjie's voice came out of his mouth again. Then, Ding Junjie's body lay down and leaned up to the place where Yun Wan'er was hiding. Yun Wan'er whispered bitterly. Although the light in the room was out, if he went out, he would be found by the boy, What should we do now?

However, in Yun Wan'er's hesitation, Ding Junjie completely lay down, one leg just tightly pressed on Yun Wan'er's body. At this time, Yun Wan'er, even if she wanted to escape, had no way to do it!

This asshole is so heavy!

Yun Wan'er hides under the quilt, and Ding Junjie's thigh just lies on her belly. The weight makes Yun Wan'er unbearable. She is discontented and blames her. But now, it seems that it's impossible to go out. At least, she can't do it without disturbing the boy!