Fan Zheyun feels that something is wrong. She has been arguing with herself all the time. Ding ling'er and Ji Lu, who always like to fight against herself, are silent all of a sudden. They don't want to find fault with themselves any more. Instead, she can't settle down. What's the matter? Of course, fan Zheyun himself knows very well. It's impossible for the two girls to suddenly get better and stop targeting themselves!

However, fan Zheyun had to feel extremely strange. After she saw that Mr. Ding was muttering to Ji Lu for a while, and Ji Lu was biting Ding ling'er for a while, even Mr. Ding's attitude towards himself changed. Although he was still a little cold, he stopped yelling at himself. It can even be said that now Mr. Ding's momentum has changed, There was a faint and indifferent expression towards herself, which made fan Zheyun seriously feel that things had changed. As for what had become, she had no bottom in her heart, was it good? Or bad?

When Ding Yi comes home from work in the evening, fan Zheyun just settles down and walks downstairs. Ji Lu and Ding ling'er rush towards Ding Yi like two butterflies. Everyone's mouth calls Ding Yi sweetly. Fan Zheyun twists his clothes. How can he be half a beat slower?

Ding Yi was stunned at first. Ding Yi, who pays great attention to etiquette, just wanted to give a polite hug to the two younger sisters. However, fan Zheyun's stay at the last level of the stairs and Ding's smiling face surprised Ding Yi again. He was so cute and dangerous!

Looking at Ding Yi with a smile on her face, she puts aside many difficulties and smiles to herself. There is an irrepressible jump in fan Zheyun's heart. However, when she sees Ding ling'er and Ji Lu's dissatisfied eyes greeting her constantly, her heart is filled with a sense of satisfaction.

"Yi, you're back!" Forced from the suppression of that thumping heart, Yang Yang chin, will own plump tip quite perfect revealed, proud eyes, staring at Ding ling'er and Ji Lu two girls, hum, women, or to be good!

"Yes, I'm back. Do you miss me today?" Ding Yi winked at fan Zheyun mischievously. As he spoke, he approached fan Zheyun and gave him a bold kiss on the forehead. "Don't be unhappy. It's a job!" With that, Ding Yi's mouth turned to Ding ling'er and Ji Lu behind him.

What? What's wrong with me? It's just that I'm forced to agree to this job. I can't do it. I have to get back some color. This boy will be bold only when he is in front of many people. If he doesn't use it at this time, when will he wait? Thinking of this in his heart, fan Zheyun stood on tiptoe and pressed his two little hands on Ding Yi's head to stop the twist of his head. He opened his mouth and gave him a kiss.

"Ah Don't get me wrong. The cry is not from Ding Yi, but from Ding ling'er and Ji Lu's two daughters. When they saw this scene, they were all stunned. Unwilling Ding ling'er blinked twice, and their tears fell.

"Ha ha, you two are really intimate!" Mr. Ding stood up and interrupted their intimacy. If they continued, the two girls over there would be angry.

"Grandfather!" Ding Yi will also blush and yell at him. However, fan Zheyun thinks deeply about the words of Mr. Ding. The old man has something to say in his words. He doesn't treat them as a couple at all!

A meal ended in Ding Yi's forced performance of intimacy with fan Zheyun, his constant response, and the dissatisfied eyes of Ding ling'er and Ji Lu's two daughters. Ding Laozi also showed considerable cooperation, reminding Ding ling'er and Ji Lu to restrain themselves from time to time.

However, when fan Zheyun and Ding Yi stepped into the room, Mr. Ding stood up and waved, "follow me!"

"Grandfather, really, really going to the auditorium?" Ding ling'er raised her small face and followed her grandfather to listen to her brother's room. It's really hard to say!