Fan Zheyun's heart is full of yearning, but Ding Yi's eyebrows are twisted into the word "Chuan". In his two eyes, a look of fear, which should be called, flashed by. This makes fan Zheyun feel that there is a story. How can this "sister" bring him such a big confusion? There was a protective dodge on his pretty face. He didn't want to hear the news at all.

"Alas Two hands hold the steering wheel, a sigh, from the mouth of this super handsome man came out, Zheng Zhengrong, step on the accelerator, the car quickly ran past.

Coming down from the garage, fan Zheyun didn't have time to say anything to Ding Yi, so he ran to the bedroom. There, apart from the big nerd in front of him, he had more important concerns. He had been clear all night. I don't know what the little guy was like. Would he miss himself? Thinking of this, fan Zheyun actually felt itchy on his penis. It was the guy who blamed him. It was a sacred place that had never been touched. He sucked and bit without any care. There, a kind of conditioned reflex was formed. When he heard the sound of this bad thing, he felt itchy and numb.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" As soon as he entered the gate, he heard the cries of babies coming from the bedroom upstairs. Fan Zheyun's heart was tight. What happened to Zizai? Thinking of this, I ran upstairs. I felt uneasy. I knew that I shouldn't have gone to the night party. It's good. Let me stay at home alone. I'm afraid I'm not used to it. I'll suffer! She anxiously thought that the high heels and evening dress made her unable to run quickly. She simply kicked away her feet and lifted the evening dress with two hands. She ran upstairs in three steps and two steps. The closer she was to the bedroom, the louder her cry was. Fan Zheyun's heart felt more and more pain, and he began to blame himself, Why leave him alone!

"Don't cry, Zizi. Mom's back!" Concern of shout, the bedroom door was kicked open by her, rushed in, just, in front of the situation, let fan Zheyun some stunned, who is this?

In the bedroom, a woman in a fashionable dress, with snow-white thighs and plump chest, is holding Zizi and constantly coaxing her. However, Zizi seems to be in favor of water and crying with her mouth open. The nurse on one side is also at a loss. I don't know which one to advise.

"Ah? Who are you? Don't cry, Auntie Fashion woman frowned, it seems to have been quite impatient, two hands holding Zizi, seems to be afraid of Zizi dirty her clothes, from their own body, there is a certain distance.

Auntie? Is this his sister? Thinking of this, fan Zheyun immediately captured this information, and he reached out to take him. "It was my sister who came back. Come on, let me hold him. He can't be comfortable holding him like this!" Fan Zheyun said something. With two hands, he took Zizi over, put his right hand around Zizi's fat buttocks, put his left hand on Zizi's neck, and put Zizi on his chest. The soft feeling and familiar taste made him stop crying. He raised his head and melon seeds, and made a cheering sound in his mouth, Just in fan Zheyun's arms.

"Little lecheron!" Fan Zheyun knows what the boy is looking for. He smiles lovingly and slaps him on the buttocks. In exchange, he is more and more excited. He grabs the two fat hands first, "Oh!" This boy's paw, a burst of Hu Chong random bump, let fan Zheyun look a swing, gently called a.

"Well, you haven't told me, who are you?" Although the fashionable beauty has no opinion about passing her son over, how can she feel comfortable when she sees the woman patronizing her nephew and ignoring herself? Hands akimbo, Fengmu round stare, asked fan Zheyun.

"Me? Ha ha, I am your future sister-in-law Dare to love this little girl is a prick, but fan Zheyun has nothing to fear. Isn't she also a prick? With a smile, she said something to the fashion girl.

"What? No, it's impossible. It's not that a fox spirit has just died. Why did another one come out? " Fashion woman heart not accept, jiaochen light shout, face unhappy.

"Ding ling'er, the dead are gone. Don't go too far!" Fan Zheyun suddenly yelled. It was too much to pull the rain!

"Well, you're just a fox. You can't be my new sister-in-law!" Ding ling'er was so drunk by fan Zheyun that she was not happy. She was still dissatisfied.

"No, she is!" Fan Zheyun was just about to retort. When did he suffer a loss? A thick and exciting male voice came from behind fan Zheyun. A pair of warm hands, encircling fan Zheyun's slender waist, gently hugged her.