Chapter 79:The Price of Forgiveness

"I'm sorry to tell you this Mr Carter. Your body is getting weaker and the dialysis seems to be doing more harm than good. We're running out of time. We need to do that op like yesterday." The doctor advised. "Have you made any headway convincing your son to be a donor?"

"He was a bit reluctant at first but he just needed a bit of convincing.." Alexander said with a malicious smile. "But I'm confident that after today's series of events he will be begging me to take his kidney."

"If you're sure??"

"Oh I'm certain doctor." The man was confident in the power he thought he possessed over his son, assuming he was under perfect control.

"So should we start preparing for the procedure?"

"Yes. As soon as tomorrow if possible." He was convinced of it now, and he had never been more happy or self-assured. Jordan was about to break.

"I'll get to it right away Mr Carter. See you tomorrow then."


"Thank you AK!" Jordan rushed over to hug her, almost toppling her off her executive chair.

"Can't breath.." she said dramatically.

"Sorry." He released her and stepped back.

"Although he did mention that he's curious to see you too.."

"I'm sure he is..considering.." Jordan granted. "When can we see him?"

"He says we can come by at about 11:30am today. He has about half-an-hour to spare before going into his next meeting."

"So let's get going? I don't want to miss this opportunity." Jordan tugged at her arm impatiently "You are coming with me right?"

"Of cos baby brother. You just might get lost in the White House then what would I do?" Maya teased. "On a serious note though..I need to come with you so that I can back up your story. It will be your word against his so I can try and vouch for you..if that's okay with you?"

"Yes. Please..thanks AK. I never thought of that."

"I didn't really tell him what the visit was about but asked him to keep it low-key. I just said it's about your father so he probably thinks you've changed your mind about-"

"Not going to happen."

"Thought so. But one can only hope." Maya pursed her lips.

"He's threatening to kill my family. That's the worst thing he could ever do to me; and he knows that. I don't think I could ever forgive him for that."

"Fine then. Let's do this."


Lana's nerves were on the edge. She couldn't go anywhere without her entourage. Jordan had insisted that she put her studies on hold until they were sure she was safe. But she refused, she didn't want to miss out on school as she was already lagging behind.

Besides she didn't want to live in fear, life had to continue as normally as possible. Although she was scared-it was was hard for her to fall asleep at night, hard to leave the house-she was a bunch of nerves. She didn't like being left alone and when Jordan wasn't around she required someone to be with her constantly.

She still couldn't believe that Jordan's father could be so ruthless and understood why there was no love lost between the father and son. She had tried to talk to her mother about the issue but that didn't go so well.

"That's absurd! Alexander would never do something like that! He loves his son-although I can't understand why cos he surely doesn't deserve it! He's prepared to watch his father die! What kind of person is he?? He's selfish-just like you..Ungrateful lot-both of you are so ungrateful! You never want to see me happy. You're just jealous that I found a man that genuinely loves me..unlike you that's stuck in a loveless marriage to a no good, useless bad-boy-" She had to cut the call, not wanting to hear anymore harsh words from her mother.

As she arrived home from college one afternoon the press was camped at her door yet again. She was the hottest story currently doing the rounds. The media had got a tip-off about the sex-tape and they wouldn't rest until they got their hands on a copy or a comment from her.

When she was trying to push through the crowd and got to the entrance of her apartment, she heard a female voice call out to her.

"Hey Lana! Wait up!" It was Lexie.

Lana turned around and continued to make her way towards the entrance. "Wait please!"

She sighed and waited for Lexie as she squeezed herself through the throng. "What do you want Lexie?"

"I just want to person.." The bodyguards stepped forward and pushed her back, along with the reporters.

"Great. You're sorry for making moves on my husband, so now the world's a better place. Bye Lexie." Lana spun around and hurried up the stairs that led up to her house and she heard a loud scream.

"Lana! Watch out!" Lexie cried out but it was too late.

A dagger flew through the air at lightning speed and plunged into Lana's chest. Her eyes widened as a she rallied from the shock. While she was still trying to deal with the first attack, another knife rocketed towards her but she shielded herself with her arm. She staggered back and dropped to the floor and the blood spurted out of as she began to bleed. Her white shirt and hand, and even her naked arm, were stained and blotched with blood.

Camera's flashed as the journalists watched the story unfold right before their eyes. It was a dream come true for them. The security had a torrid time trying to keep the crowd at bay as every one wanted to document a piece of the action..

Lexie knelt in front of Lana crying out. "I'm sorry Lana! I never meant for this to happen! He just said I should get you to talk to me-I'm sorry Lana! I didn't know-didn't think-I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!?!"

The paramedics got there along with the police and Lexie was taken in for further questioning after her delirious confession.

Lana was unable to respond but clutched at her breast, as the pain took over her senses before she slipped into oblivion.