Chapter 41:Intervention

Lana was a mess.

Her life was a mess. Her grades were a mess. Her relationships were a mess. The month that turned into weeks was a mess. Everything was just a mess.

Ever since she found out that she was expecting her world turned upside down. Just when she was getting over the trauma with Preston something else sent her into a tailspin. She cut down on her drinking considerably because of her condition and had an occasional glass of wine. She needed something to numb the pain of Jordan abandoning her when she needed him the most but it only worked temporarily so she always reverted to getting drunk again.

Her baby-bump wasn't very big but it was starting to protrude slowly.

Lana distanced herself from her family and friends because she didn't want to have to explain to them what was going on in her miserable life. The only person that stuck by her side was Hannah and Jones of course. Jordan hadn't contacted her and used Ryan to relay any sort of communication between them, so she, in turn, had used Hannah. Jordan was in almost every celebrity tabloid with different women sitting on him partying with him, hanging on him and Lana had deleted all her social media accounts. She didn't want to torture herself any further.

Her heart ached but she still loved the jerk. She yearned for his touch, his smile and listened to his music until she fell asleep, just so she could hear his angelic voice.

She dragged herself out of bed and went to shower. She was hungover and had morning sickness-a bad combination. Skipping school today was out of the question because she had mock exams and her assignment was way overdue. The morning sickness was really bad today and lasted longer than usual. By the time she jumped in her car and drove to college the two-hour exam was almost over and she wasn't permitted to write it.

Her professor told her to wait outside and she would send for her when the classroom was cleared.

"You can come inside Miss Logan," Professor Kelly said as he stood at the door.

"Thank you." Lana sat at his desk and fidgeted with her school-bag.

"Miss Logan," he peered over his spectacles, "I don't know what is going on with you but you need to fix "

"I haven't been feeling well-"

"I hardly consider a hangover an illness and you-Miss Logan-have been showing up for class with the worst kind." He admonished her as a child. "I don't know if being married to that so-called bad-boy superstar has anything to do with your appalling behavior of late but-this has to stop. You need to pull yourself together-otherwise I'll be forced to call your mother in for a little chat."

"I'm sorry Professor Kelly. I promise to do better." She said with remorse.

"I will allow you to take the exam-but I won't be so lenient with you young lady." He slammed the exam paper in front of her. "You have exactly two hours so I suggest you get started."

While Lana was grateful for the reprieve she knew she wasn't prepared to take this exam on the History of Western Musical Styles, the reason being she never studied for it. She was sick throughout the exam and wasn't sure if it was nerves, a hangover or the baby. Probably all of the above. The professor was kind enough to bring a bucket for her and kind of sympathized with her.

She walked out of the exam room feeling much worse than when she came in. As she was putting away her books in her locker, she saw Lisa and Olivia coming towards her. Lana's efforts to get away from them were sabotaged when her books slid out and crashed onto the floor.

"Hey-let us help you with that?" Lisa and Olivia knelt beside her and helped her pick up the pile of books.

"Uhmm-thanks.." Lana tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Are you okay doll? You don't look too good?" Olivia stacked the books neatly and closed the door.

"Yeah-I'm okay." Lana tried to make a run for it again but Olivia grabbed her arm.

"Lana-we're worried about you-"

"Don't be," she wiped her eyes with her sleeve as a traitorous tear tried to escape.

"That's it! We're staging an intervention right now. Car keys?!" Lisa demanded as she held out her hand. Lana extracted the keys from her jean pocket and handed them over without further protest.

"You got an Aston Martin?!" Lisa shrieked.

" was a birthday present from-Jordan," she said with a hint of sadness.

"Hey, Lana!"

Lana turned around to see who was calling her, "Bella!"

They hugged. "You're a difficult person to get a hold off Mrs Carter," Bella laughed.

"You remember Lisa and Liv?"

"Yeah-hie there!" She waved at them. "So what's the plan?" She asked as she jumped into the back of the drop-top.

"We were going to ask Lana's very experienced chef to prepare a five-star meal for us and then maybe a few cocktails. Interested?" Olivia said with a wave of her hand.

"I'm in!"

"I'm driving!" Lisa announced.

"I'll sit at the back and catch up with Bella." Lana hopped in and they drove off.

"So how have you been?" Bella squeezed Lana's hand. "It can't be easy now that Dahlia is alive-I mean Jordan thought she was dead but what do you do when you find out the love of your life is alive and in trouble? How are you handling that? I don't thin-"

"What are you talking about?" Lana scowled.

"Oh-I-I'm sorry-I thought you knew-I've said too much haven't I?" Bella covered her mouth with her hand.

"When we get to my house we're going to talk and you better make sure you tell me everything you know?" Lana demanded, then added "Please Bella?"

"I only know what Preston told me me-before we broke up.."

"I wish I could lie and say I'm sorry.." Lana bit her bottom lip.

"No need babe. I'm so over it." They lapsed into silence for the rest of the trip.

Everything made sense now. Jordan had run back to the love of his life and left her behind. Dahlia was the reason Jordan took off.