Chapter 4:Exceeded Limits

"Oh my gosh!! I still can't believe Jordan-freakin'-Carter brought you home. Like in his car..his limited edition sparkling red Porsche! Like he drove you all the way to your doorstep-like-gosh!" Liv covered her face with her hands in disbelief.

"And to top it off he took a selfie of you two while you were driving and posted it on Instagram and Twitter!" Lisa added as she flopped onto Lana's bed.

Needless to say, Lana's followers shot up instantly and almost everyone from college wanted to be-friend her on social media. She was inundated with friend requests and had stopped accepting on Facebook because she had exceeded her limit. Jordan had even tagged her on the post and she had smiled endlessly because it proved that he had remembered her name after all.

"I'm soooo jealous right now!" Liv sighed heavily.

"I sooo wish I was you right now." Lisa stared into space.

"You two are soooo dramatic." Lana laughed as she sat against her queen-size headboard.

"So you're still leaving on Monday?" Liv asked.

"Yeah. I'm super excited and nervous at the same time."

"You're going to be gone for close to four months. We're going to miss you terribly." Lisa pouted.

"Sooo what are you wearing tonight??!" Lisa clasped her hands in excitement.

"Or is loverboy taking you shopping again??? Hmm?" Liv wiggled her eyebrows.

"Nooo! We already went shopping with Ryan-so-I just need you two to help me decide what to wear to the party tonight." Lana pointed at them both.

"Why do you have such a huge grin on your face though?" Liv eyed her suspiciously.

"Nothing. Just excited I guess." She shrugged her shoulders and started checking out outfits.

Jordan had told her he would be hosting a party especially for them and they were allowed to bring at least two friends. She hadn't told Liv and Lisa yet but now she was unable to contain her excitement.

"Guess what???" She turned to face them, a huge grin still on her face.

"What?? You kissed Jordan??!" Liv clutched her chest.

"What??? No!" Lana turned and grabbed a skimpy dress of the rail.

"Then what?? You look so excited! Tell us already!!?" They looked at Lana, with bated breath.

"Well.." She turned to face them, "You better get your freak 'em-dress ready because you're going with me to the party tonight!"

"Oh my gosh!!" Lisa literally jumped on Lana, screaming the house down.

"Get out of here!!" Liv screamed as she danced around.

"True story. So are you in?" Lana beamed.

"Try and stop me from going and you'll suffer from serious casualties," Liv said as she went through the wardrobe, searching for a killer outfit.

"We have a couple of hours to get I suggest we choose our outfits quickly and then head over to The Salon. I have already booked an appointment for us."

"The Salon?? It costs an organ to get your hair done at that place! You don't have to do that we can just go to Shandra's. She's equally good-well she's good." Nessa said with a worried look.

"Yeah Lan, you don't have to spend so much on hair and makeup. You have done enough as it is. We never dreamed of getting an invitation to a Jordan Carter exclusive party and yet you made it" Liv added.

"Hey. Don't sweat it. It's already covered okay?? I get a daily allowance. As much as I love you guys I would never spend so much money on you two. Let's hurry, Amelia is already on her way there. I can't wait until you meet her. You're going to love her." She said as she laid her carefully selected outfit on her bed.

"Lana! Your driver is here!" Mrs. Logan called from downstairs.

"Driver?? What the-??" Liv said as she ran out of the room.

"You have a freakin' chauffeur??" Lisa gaped. She shook her head, her blonde hair swishing from side to side.

"The perks of being the number one fan of Jordan Carter I guess." Lana shrugged as she donned her sunglasses and slung her handbag over her arm.

"I'm so entering the next competition," Lisa muttered as they jumped into the stretch limo.


Ryan had told them that Jordan would be hosting the party at one of his many mansions. Only this time it was the one just on the outskirts of Minnesota. The place was packed and so far there was no sign of Jordan. The music was super loud and you couldn't hear yourself think. Drinks and conversation were flowing freely, some guests decided to swim, while others sat at the poolside.

"I've just spotted Amy. I'm going to say hie." Lana shouted above the din.

"We're going to mingle!" Liv shouted back.

"Well look who the cat dragged in." Bella slurred as she staggered towards Lana.

"Oh hie there Bella." Lana held onto Bella, trying to keep her steady and to prevent them from toppling over.

"I know what you trying to do... and..I'm onto you." She spat out before staggering away.

Lana looked around for Belinda but lost sight of the redhead. She walked out onto the balcony and saw Jordan sitting around with a group of people. His bodyguards were spread out around him as usual. She tried to slip away unnoticed but she was not quick enough.

"Hey, Bambi! Get your pretty self over here!" Jordan beckoned to her with his hand. He was covered in a cloud of smoke and she hesitated before stepping forward.

"Come on. We don't bite." He said and his friends laughed.

Everyone at his table turned to face her as she approached. She wished the ground could swallow her up at this very moment, but she held her head high and even managed to give her mane of hair a slight toss. It was a good thing she had taken the time to get ready for tonight. She was wearing a short burgundy sheer-panel, sequined bodycon dress. It hugged her perfect form fiercely and she had teamed it with some black strappy heels and a cute clutch.

She kept her eyes focused on Jordan in order to keep her steps steady.

"Come sit over here." He patted the spot next to him, "That way I can keep you safe from these hungry lions." He pointed at the guys and they broke into laughter again.

She sat down obediently and all of a sudden she felt her dress was a bit too short. Her long, tanned shapely legs were exposed and she felt a bit self-conscious.

"Can I get you something to drink?" He didn't wait for her response. "Hey, Jones please bring Bambi a cosmo-she looks like she needs to catch up with the rest of us." He laughed and winked at her.

Maybe that a cosmo was exactly what she needed after all. Lana put on a brave face and gave her best smile to Jordan.

"Hey JC, aren't you going to introduce us to your guest?" Someone asked.

"Bambi this is my crew-band members, dancers and so on. Don't worry too much about getting to know them. They're not worth your time." He said carelessly.

"Let her be the judge of that. I'm Preston." The guy held his hand out to Lana.

"Don't touch him." Jordan smacked Preston's hand away. "We don't know where his hands have been..and believe me when I say his hands have been places.."

"It was with their consent. Always." Preston hiccuped and his friends laughed, probably at an inside joke.

"There you are.."Bella materialized again and stumbled towards the table, wobbling slightly on her heels. "I've been looking all over for you." She purred.

Jordan looked around, confused. Lana tried to stand to leave but Jordan kept her down.

"A friend of yours Bambi??" He asked.

"Umm noo..not exactly.. She's Bella..the one that didn't show the other day.." Lana wasn't sure if he would remember. Plus she was on her third cosmo so her head was buzzing. What did they put in that cocktail? But it was good so she kept drinking it.

"Uhm." He grunted. "Cheers Bambi." They clinked glasses and he took a huge sip from his glass.

"Make space," Bella demanded as she stood in front of Lana and Jordan and he totally ignored her.

"I think she's actually talking to you.." Lana pointed out as she peered from the rim of her glass.

"Wha-" Jordan started but was interrupted by Bella unceremoniously plopping herself on his lap, causing their drinks to splash all over Jordan and Lana.

"Oops. Sorry there Lana." She said with no remorse whatsoever.

"Get-off-me-now!" Jordan said through gritted teeth as he literally threw Bella off him. He sent her spiraling onto the floor and all the guys hooted with laughter.

"Oh no!" Lana cried out and went to help Bella up but she was rebuffed. She managed to stand on her own and looked at distastefully at Lana.

"This is all your fault!" She screeched. "You know that he likes me but you keep throwing yourself at him! You will never have him. He's mine!" She seethed as she pushed Lana on the chest.

"What are you talking about?? I haven't-" Lana staggered back slightly.

"Don't waste your time talking to her," Jordan rolled his eyes. "Jones! Please get her out of here-now preferably. Put her in a cab and send her home-or wherever." He said angrily as he made to leave and then he turned back.

"I can drive her!" Preston said too eagerly. "Don't worry Jones, I got this, my man." He said with a naughty wink.

"Bambi, come with me. I will show you where you can get cleaned up " He held out his hand to her. She walked over and grasped his hand.

"I need to clean up too!" Bella stomped her foot like a spoiled child. "I want to come too." She whined.

"Preston-get your girl," Jordan called out before they left. People stared at them curiously as they walked down the hall hand in hand.

Bella's screams of frustration could be heard down the hall.

"Somebody better get that girl out of here before I do it myself and-it won't be pretty if I do," Jordan said as he walked into what seemed to be his bedroom.

"I'm sure Preston will take her," Lana said quietly. She was hoping Jordan wouldn't comment on her sweaty palms. Her heart was racing like a horse on a racecourse and she couldn't contain it.

"The bathroom is over there." He pointed. "But you might want to use it later.." He stepped closer to her as he removed his wet t-shirt and threw it onto the bed.

"I-I don't understand.."Lana said, her eyes wide with innocence but reality slowly seeped in as he backed her onto the bed.

"You will know soon enough sweets." He whispered as he pushed her onto the bed and kissed her tentatively on the lips.

He started off gently and then deepened the kiss as he felt her mouth open wider in response. She put her arms around him and parted her lips granting his tongue full access into her mouth. She moaned softly as he teased and nibbled her lips until they were swollen. His hands traveled all over causing explainable sensations to shoot through her body.

Never in her life did she ever dream of this day. She had always wondered what it would be like of course but she never thought that it would actually happen. Every girl dreamed about kissing their idol-romanticized about it-but when it actually happened, it was like magic. It was more than a dream come true. And kissing Jordan was..she couldn't bring out the words to describe it. She had kissed many guys before but this was a whole new experience.

Her lips were tingling and her body had a warm fuzzy feeling. She felt light-headed, intoxicated and totally at his mercy.

But she had to stop this. This was wrong on so many levels.
