Where is this? Aren't we in Xifeng mountain? Even if it's not open here, it doesn't even have personal cigarettes?

I looked at the distance suspiciously. Considering that Fu Nanshan could not wait any longer, I ran back immediately. First of all, I tried hard to carry him on my back, and I wanted to carry him out of this ghost place with my own strength. However, the fact soon made me realize that it's not easy to recite this man who doesn't look heavy, but is not light. I have to borrow some external force.

As for external forces? Nothing but people and things. Now, if you want to find someone, it's more difficult than going to heaven, or at least it's hard to find people, you have to rely on external forces.

Countless vines on the stone wall hang down. Although there are not many leaves, it can be seen that they are still very strong. I tried to drag them, and their bearing capacity is very strong. For the sake of safety, I wound a few vines with my hands, hung them on the top and pulled them. A few vines could bear me. I was ready to get some to carry Fu Nanshan under the stone wall.

But the question is, how can I break these vines? Bite with your teeth? With your hands? Or stone grinding? I don't know what kind of rattan Fu Nanshan will burn when I get it. I suddenly flashed the scene of Fu Nanshan cutting the cloth for me!

I quickly found the Swiss Army knife on Fu Nanshan. Smelly boy, I saved your life at the critical moment. In other words, this knife is really good. It has the potential to cut iron like mud. Because I just tried my best to break the cane. After a few strokes with this small saber, it broke immediately without principle!

They are all bullying goods!

I learned from the way that the villagers in the mountains used to tie knots on TV. I tied the vines together and tried to make a cushion behind Fu Nanshan. Then I tied him up again. I just had to drag the vines forward to save time and effort.

The plan is usually perfect, but the reality is always beautiful. I've never done physical work before. I suddenly want to deal with a bunch of vines. I'm really blind and can't start at all. After fighting for several times, I failed several times. In the end, I could only face them and was helpless.

I tried to use them to tie Fu Nanshan up and drag him away. As a result, Fu Nanshan almost fell into the mud.

Damn it! I don't know what to do? Elder sister, I will carry him out of this land with my bare hands!

I squatted in front of Fu Nanshan and carried him on my back. I got up in a hurry and was ready to move forward. Unexpectedly, I could not bear the burden of Fu Nanshan. We two fell back to the ground in an instant, and I fell back to Fu Nanshan.

What a tragedy! I closed my eyes in fright. If I hurt someone, it must be an accident. I'm absolutely kind-hearted. I want to pull him, but I don't want to be strong enough.

"Cough!" Fu Nanshan, who was in a coma, woke up after being hit by me.

"Yo Yo." His voice was extremely weak. "You're afraid I won't die. Do you want to help me?"

"I, I didn't!"

At this time, any explanation is weak sophistry. From my present posture, I really have a kind of situation of kicking him to the gate of hell. I immediately jumped up from him. "I really didn't. I wanted to help you."

It's just helping.

Fu Nanshan didn't speak. His eyes were closed and didn't open. It seemed that he was really hurt. I had to say to myself, "I don't think you can stay like this. I still have to get you out. It's just that you're a weight. Oh no, your thin body is a little weak for me. I don't know if I can carry you again. Don't blame me then."

He slightly moved his eyelids, "you, you help me, go!"

"Shall I help you?" I pointed to myself and then to him, "can you walk like this?"

I doubt it very much!

"Always try." He seemed to be speaking with all his strength. In order to save his physical strength when he went out, and to prevent everyone from wrestling again, I quickly stopped him from explaining, "I see. You don't have to speak any more. Pay attention to save your physical strength. I'll help you up and cough when you feel uncomfortable."

He nodded gently. Maybe he didn't, but I mistook him for nodding. No matter whether he nodded or not, I had to put his hand on my shoulder to get him up. If it went on like this, he would be terminally ill.

Thanks to the cooperation of Fu Nanshan and my efforts in feeding, we finally made a hard progress towards the nearby mountains step by step in the sweat. After sliding three times in one step and nearly falling down countless times, we finally left the river and came to a mysterious forest.

It has to be said that our motherland is vast in territory and abundant in resources. No matter where it is, there is an unknown mystery hidden in GADA. Just like this riverside, there is a hidden forest. There are many trees in the forest. However, due to the baptism of strong wind and heavy rain, there are neither birds nor flowers, but after the wind and rain, the sky gradually appears bright. After being covered by trees, there is not much light, but there is no problem to see the road clearly.

The road is covered with moss. Although it is not covered by vegetation, it is not particularly suitable for walking. I helped Fu Nanshan stagger along the mountain road, hoping to find any people.The temperature dropped suddenly after the rainstorm, and the wet adhesion of the clothes wrapped around me was particularly uncomfortable, but I had no time to take these into consideration. Under the current situation, stabilizing Fu Nanshan's condition is the key, and other wet or not are floating clouds. I'm not reliable at other times. I can distinguish the priority from the priority at the critical moment.

Fu Nanshan was close to my shoulder. His head was too heavy to lift. He couldn't even feel whether he was walking or sleepwalking. His brain was in a state of chaos. Only when the little girls next to him kept calling for him, did he keep the only trace of soberness.

Her voice, like a force, kept supporting him.

Soon, I found a courtyard. There was only a stone house and a collapsed courtyard wall in the courtyard, and there was no light coming out of it in the dim sky.

If there is a house, there may be people! I was secretly happy.

When people are back, drinking water can plug their teeth. I don't know what I did with the boy surnamed Fu in my last life. I thought it would be peaceful to get out of the ghost place by the river. I didn't think that when I got to the house, I had a big fight.