It's a pity that I'm so smart that I didn't find that this guy's acting skills are so perfect that he even pretends to look like his face. If you know, you'll have to breathe.

The sunshine outside the house is so good that people can't open their eyes. After the hard-working cleaning workers, uncles and aunts, the streets are even more clean.

I followed Fu Nanshan, nodded and bowed, revealing a neat white tooth, "where are we going today, young master? Can we go mountain climbing? "

Fu Nanshan knows that I've been itching to climb mountains for a long time, but he doesn't know that I'm just for the sake of halfway up the mountain. It's said that eating once will make people remember the delicious food for a lifetime. Otherwise, I'll have to work hard to break my leg to climb the mountain which has nothing to see? Can we learn from the ancients? Although I have been influenced by literature for many years, it must be different from climbing such a high mountain to torture my legs.

But if you can explore, it's another matter. Xifeng mountain is among them.

At that time, it was said that the development of Xifeng mountain was relatively short, and there were still some places not developed, so I thought that there must be something mysterious and unknown to explore. I've been looking forward to stepping on this mountain one day and looking for my own treasure like an ancient explorer.

Fu Nanshan nodded with a smile, which was regarded as his support for my proposal. However, when he walked, he was still a bit crooked. Laymen couldn't see the way. They thought there was too much violence in the little couple's room. I still remember that when I went out, the landlady quietly reminded me that the little girl's family should pay attention to moderation. It's too brave for your little husband. I have a long face and I don't know how to deal with it.

Coincidentally, along the way, I always feel that others are pointing fingers at us, sometimes hiding their faces and laughing, sometimes crossing their heads and ears. I don't have to guess. I also understand what message they want to convey to me. At ordinary times, I would have rushed to kill them all in a rage, but this time it was really my fault, and Fu Nanshan didn't say anything. I went there to argue with people. What's my position?

I can't hear anything, I don't hear gossip, I just look at the roadside trees. Even though he regretted that he didn't get him some injuries that others couldn't see and he couldn't speak, he must have to suppress his internal injuries.

It's not far from the folk village to Xifeng mountain. It's about half an hour to 45 minutes. We were going to get on a special bus. But because of the weather, we had to take a bus that stops at every stop. However, there are many people on the bus. We had no seats when we got on the bus.

Fu Nanshan didn't plan to get on the bus, but insisted on taking a taxi. I originally wanted to say that at this time, don't say I can't wait for the bus. Even if I can wait, I still have psychological shadow and dare not sit. But what I said in the end was a joke. He didn't even dare to sit on the bus. He only said "who dare not" in a serious voice and followed me on the bus.

We stood in the middle of the car, next to him was close to me. Suddenly, we didn't know where to get out of the car, and we were pushed half a meter away. Moreover, after pushing me away, the aunts surrounded him with an encircling attack, and their eyes flashed to each other.

I suddenly had a strange idea in my mind that these aunts were not going to attack him in the car, were they? This is too unrestrained, isn't it? In front of them, I'm a new human. I'm a primitive. Should I let it go or not?

Fu Nanshan also expected his own dangerous situation. He had already released air conditioning to the surrounding groups. However, his aunt totally ignored him. The closer he was, I could not help him. Was there a generation gap in air conditioning?

See air conditioning invalid, he began to ask me for help, that sad little eyes, like a very hurt little fox. I can't help feeling soft. Before my aunts started, I rushed into their encirclement and hugged Fu Nanshan's arm. "Sister, how can you be so naughty? What if I can't find you later?"

After that, I didn't forget to explain to the aunts around me, "I'm sorry, everyone. My sister's brain is a little bit that, you know, we've been separated for many years, and she's been groomed. At first sight, she thinks she's a human demon, but in fact, her heart is very female.

Our family just found her recently. It's not easy to find her for more than ten years. In order to find my sister, my mother set up a stall, picked up garbage, and slept in the bridge hole, so she almost didn't beg along the street "

I said it sadly. When I said the emotional part, I could not help falling a few tears. Not only the original aunts, but also the other people in the car were kind-hearted. They comforted us for many years, and even someone gave us a seat. Naturally, I accepted their help sincerely.

Some people are willing to give up their seats to you, but they are not the old, the weak, the sick, the disabled and the pregnant. What reason do I have to refuse others' kindness?

And a "sister" who has been separated for many years is also very kind to me. A head as heavy as a watermelon is not far away from my shoulder for a moment. Originally, I wanted to find an opportunity to damage him, but I didn't want to be taken advantage of by him again. Moreover, I had a strong sense of it. No, let it be.I always feel that in front of this man, my ten or twenty years of cultivation is in vain. If I want to tease him, I have to go back and Practice for decades.

Fortunately, Fu Nanshan all the way down, in addition to borrow my shoulder to sleep, there is no other action. I secretly congratulated myself for a long time before I found something wrong. No, this guy doesn't take advantage of the fire. It's not like his personality!

I just tilted my head to see a watermelon head on my shoulder. However, the owner of that head fell asleep!

He fell asleep and seemed to sleep soundly! If I hadn't heard the faint and gentle breathing, I couldn't believe this guy had fallen asleep on my shoulder!

Did he go as a thief last night?

After I hung up Fu Nanshan's phone last night, he heard that M city was going to have a big storm. He was very worried that something might happen to me on this stormy night, because some of the things he found showed that some people behind me were trying to do something harmful to others and not to themselves.

Most importantly, he heard that a man close to me was on the train to m City, which made him alert. So he decided to go to m city overnight.