"Cousin!" Liu Pangzhi is not willing to stamp her feet. This is a very cute and pitiable action for ordinary girls. She uses it to shake the ground and shake the mountains. It's really pitiable. On the contrary, it's a little terrifying.

"We don't need you to let us go. If we lose, we will lose. Just prepare for the next round. Don't let yourself lose too badly." Fu Nanshan was too lazy to argue with him, indicating that I could go. Although I'd like to see Liu Pangzhi shriveled under Fu Dashen's hands, Dashen is not well now. I'd better wait for him to get well before I go to the theatre. However, I'm still very interested in the issue.

"It's 3:30 p.m. and we're still meeting here." Xinliuyue said quickly, I was dragged away by some black faced guy before I had time.

Looking at the two people who gradually go away, Xin Liuyue takes back her eyes and twitches at the corner of her mouth. I don't know whether she is smiling or unwilling. The catkins next to him focus on the next game and don't care about his expression.

After walking far away, I asked Fu Nanshan with a sly smile, "what are you just talking about

"Want to know?" Fu Nanshan asked me, a pair of peach blossom eyes picked.

As soon as I saw the play, I took the initiative to please the good girl and hold her thigh. The speed of nodding was like pounding garlic. The hand on my shoulder drew me close and told me a story I didn't know.

The beginning of love story is very beautiful, so is this story.

This is the story of a male designer and a female assistant biologist. They met in the most youthful years, college years, and fell in love in the most confused graduation season. When they fell in love, this poor boy who just graduated from university and studied mechanical design had a lofty ideal, that is to design a special car for his favorite girl.

The boy applied to become a designer of a company, while the girl successfully entered the biological laboratory and became a female assistant. Both of them work very hard. They are conscientious and sincere. But in this way, the boy's career still has no improvement one year after graduation. But with the girl quietly accompany him, happy to let him ride a motorcycle with her to see the scenery, let him feel that such a day is not only not hard, there are so many beautiful.

The girl is a gentle character, no matter to her family or friends, she has twelve points of kindness. Especially for the boys, she is more considerate and comprehensive. It is the girl who is so kind and considerate and supportive of him that the designer suddenly feels that what he can give the girl is to let the girl sit on a motorcycle instead of a luxury car to see the scenery, which is a debt to her. So, he promised the girl that when he got rich, he would buy a car she liked and take her around the world to see mountains and rivers.

Later, in order to make money, he began to study design day and night, and devoted all his energy to his career. In this way, the time to accompany the girl to see the scenery is gradually less, and the time for the two people to communicate with each other is also gradually less. The girl looks in her eyes, and the pain is in her heart, but she never says it, because she is afraid that her complaints will become his burden. In the end, the girl often can only travel alone, a person riding a motorcycle to see the wind and water, a person feel lonely, go where is a person.

Before Ming Ming, there were two people everywhere, but now there is only one alone. She is not sad, she is just not good at expressing her sadness, so that the boy completely ignored her feelings.

Finally one day, at the request of their biological laboratory, she was sent to a deep mountain to look for an endangered species. Before leaving, the girl went to say goodbye to the boy. The weather was just right that day. The weather was sunny and the temperature was not high or low. It was a typical southerly day. On such a comfortable day, nothing too comfortable happened.

When the girl called the boy, his design was in a crucial step. He perfunctorily gave her a few words and then hung up the phone, even didn't come out to see him off. The girl had to leave in disappointment, with a whole body of fatigue and depression.

When she got on the bus, she still looked back, hoping that the once inseparable boy would appear in her sight. However, God didn't follow her wishes, until she couldn't see the shadow of the city.

When the story comes to this, it seems a little sad. Even people like me who have never been pitiful can't hold their emotions. Fu Nanshan and I went into a simple and clean shop and ordered some of my favorite dishes. We held our hands and waited for Fu Nanshan. Fu Nanshan continued -

the mountain she came to was not well-developed in transportation, but the scenery was pleasant and the people were simple, which made her feel more comfortable and forget the trouble of love for the time being. Just as the beginning of the story says, the girl has a good character and is willing to help others. When she lived in the village, she helped the local farmers a lot. Everyone was willing to come to her when they encountered problems that could not be solved, so she would explain them one by one.

She won't. She'll call her tutor. Therefore, the villagers like him very much and are willing to take care of the girl who has never suffered in the city. They even lent her the only motorcycle in the village.

On this day, the girl still rode a motorcycle up the mountain, but after a day, she still got nothing. Seeing that the return date was approaching, she was upset and wanted to call the boy, but the signal in the mountain was too poor to dial out. She tried many times, but it showed that there was no signal.Just as she was driving near the village, her mobile phone got through strangely. She wanted to park the car and then answer the phone, but her hand reached into her pocket. Maybe she missed it too much, maybe she was frustrated and needed comfort. Just at the stall where she took out the phone, a local dog rushed over. Her hand was stuck in the bag, so she had to operate the motorcycle with one hand, which was not too light. As a result, the front of the motorcycle was unstable. One accidentally hit a stone on the side of the Road, fell into a deep ditch on the side of the road, and the girl was in a coma on the spot.

"Generally, tragedies on TV are performed in this way. They start well, move in the middle and end miserably, don't you think?" When I say this, I judge it from the perspective of a person who listens to the story. This story is a bit old-fashioned. I don't know how Fu Nanshan likes this kind of story without any new ideas, and I don't know why he wants to tell it to me.

He laughed a little coldly, didn't express his feelings, and continued to tell the story -

fortunately, a passer-by picked her up from the ditch and sent her to the village health center for rescue when he heard the voice.