After a while, my excitement came up again and I yelled at Fu Nanshan, basically forgetting the word "come on baby, you are my hero, only 300 meters, come on!"

There are layers of sweat on Fu Nanshan's face

"Only 200 meters, come on hero!"

Fu Nanshan's back is soaked with water

"It's only 100 meters. It's not far from 50 meters. My hero, come on

Fu Nanshan is a little slow

You can't run, can you? Oh, my God, I'm just about to arrive. You can see that "XXX is checking in" is displayed on the upper side of the ticket gate in front of me. Is the hope in my heart going to be dashed? Don't you take such a sad one?

"Run away, don't you see the gate in front of us?" I was so anxious that I jumped down from his shoulder and pulled him to rush to the entrance. However, before I touched the ticket gate, I was mercilessly stopped by the staff at the ticket gate.

"We are also on this bus. You let us in, really!" I anxiously explained to the staff that Fu Nanshan quickly pulled me back and said, "stop checking tickets."

I have a close look, isn't it? XXX is checking tickets, but XXX stops checking tickets. My heart that regret ah, you ya such a long leg born is put to see it? Can't you run faster? If you were faster just now, we would be in the car now. Now that the car has gone, what should we do? Although I can't see the train passing in front of me, I can't help but watch myself stay here. I'm not willing to!

Since the car hasn't left, does that mean Still have a chance?

"Uncle, let's go in. My brother and sister came to work in this unfamiliar place. It's not easy for them to have a chance to go back to their hometown. You won't have the heart to leave us here, will you?" I tried hard to squeeze out a few tears, trying to move the guard staff with an aggressive mind, but the upright staff was not moved, and answered without emotion, "you can go to change the contract, so you can take the next bus."

This kind of thing happens every day. Can't I bear it? Isn't that a flood of love? The staff glanced at their mouths and sighed in silence.

"Where will there be tickets for this holiday? Uncle, handsome uncle, you must help us." I almost rushed over to hold his hand, Fu Nanshan's look a cold, quickly dragged me back, "my wife is a little too excited, you don't take it too seriously."

Is xiaoyouyou going to hold other men's hands? I haven't had enough. Fu Nanshan is in the way of abdominal Fei.

I used to be very dissatisfied with Fu Nanshan's inaction. Now I can't get on the bus, and I was carried back by him for no reason. I immediately started to splash, "who's your wife? Tell you fu Nanshan, if you don't want to go to Xifeng mountain, just say it earlier. Don't pretend to accompany me here! "

"Good wife!" Fu Nanshan took me in his arms and dragged me to the waiting area.

"Hey, Fu, let me go, I want to get on the high-speed rail!" I yelled in the direction of the entrance, but Fu Nanshan was determined to pull me away, and hardly gave me a chance to escape.

Wuwu ~ ~ ~ Xifeng mountain, we have only chance to see you next time!

I looked at the entrance in despair. The staff at the entrance couldn't see it. They tried to remind me several times that you can take a bus. But Fu Nanshan glared at him coldly. He immediately put away his mind of meddling in business, and looked away. My husband didn't care. I was so worried about eating radish.

"It's gone. Take a rest first." Fu Nanshan said with a faint smile, put our luggage one by one, and found a vacant seat, and stuffed me into the chair, which didn't seem to appease my mood. I feel a smoke curling up on my head.

Ya, when the car is gone, turn me to my seat and have a rest? No conscience, no miserable guy! I showed the fierce light of resentment towards him. He took out a bottle of water and handed it to me, indicating that I would quench my thirst. My intuition tells me that I am also thirsty and irritable now, but I firmly can't drink the water of villains. Do you think this can buy me off? Or that sentence, there is no crack in the door!! Firmly resist bowing to evil forces!

"The car's gone, what else to drink!" My face must be twisted into a twist, otherwise why do people stare at me?

Seeing that I didn't drink, he twisted it open and poured it into his mouth.

Ah, who? Why don't you leave some for me on this hot day? There's no gentlemanly demeanor. It's not a man!

Looking at him drinking, I also want to drink, but I can't say, I can only try my best to swallow water, hoping I can look at water to quench my thirst. It was like seeing through my mind. After drinking about a third of the water, Fu Nanshan tightened the rest and put it on the seat beside me - the water bottle was very close to me, almost within reach.

Shall I have a drink? Would you like a drink? Would you like a drink?

I hit the mouth looked at him, he has begun to shut his eyes. I watched him for a long time, but when he didn't move, I thought that I could drink a little while he wasn't paying attention, right?I secretly put out my hand to test, but he didn't seem to move. So I put my hand in front of him again, and he still didn't move. So I decided to take it

The corners of Fu Nanshan's eyes moved, and he opened his eyes like time. I was so scared that I quickly drew back my hand. He gave me a little smile, stood up and asked me, "I'll go to the window. Do you look after things?"

To the window? Do you want to change it? Is there any drama? It's good to change the signature. I can not only go to Xifeng mountain, but also need time. Does that mean that I have time to commit a crime, and then I can I snicker.

Bah, bah, bah, when I commit a crime, I don't call it stealing, it's just going to give me a drink.

"Go, go, don't whine here." It's almost smoky to whet my voice!

Fu Nanshan turned his head and his eyes were full of laughter. It was so long and I couldn't wait. It seemed that I couldn't go away.

When I saw him leave, I immediately grabbed the water and quickly unscrewed the bottle cap. Regardless of whether he had just drunk the water, I took a few gulps of it. Because I drank too fast, the water got into my windpipe and made me cry.

At this time, someone patted me on the back to comfort me. I raised my head gratefully, but I saw Fu Nanshan's face close at hand. I jumped up like a ghost and immediately dropped the bottle on the ground. The water came out of the bottle and splashed my feet.