Fu Nanshan came to the door of the house, but he didn't know me very well.

After the housekeeper opened the door, I put the dog who can walk a little bit on the ground and let him walk on the ground at will. The dog is no stranger here, walking slowly in front of me.

Small body a white very lovely, I smile at the little dog has been walking in front of the back, can't help laughing, at this time Fu Nanshan came out of the door of the room, first looked at it, and then full of love look at the dog.

The dog also looked at Fu Nanshan with a smile. Fu Nanshan held the dog in his arms as if he was going to rub the dog into his arms. I couldn't say anything but smile when I looked at the scene.

"Tomorrow is Saturday, you should be free, then I put the dog with you. I was worried that the dog would not get used to it. It seems that I have a white eyed wolf. It has no strange meaning at all." I said with a smile, carrying my bag.

"Don't worry about it. Where else are you going?" Fu Nanshan asked, patting the dog and looking at me at the door.

"There are still some things to do later. Dog food and other daily needs are all put in this bag. Well, I think it goes to bed at nine o'clock at night. If it doesn't go to bed at nine o'clock, don't play with it any more. Let it be alone." I finally explained that Fu Nanshan held the dog and nodded.

"Goodbye to mom, dog." I said to the dog, who blinked and looked at me.

Waving his paw toward me, I also waved my hand. Yiyi was not willing to look at the dog. Unexpectedly, the dog turned to his father's arms in an instant. I think the dog is really a white eyed wolf, and will have a new love so soon.

I also turned around and left. I drove my car to a noodle restaurant nearby. Today, I finally had time to get together with my old friends.

Today, I called Han Liangfeng. Han Liangfeng has told me many times that he hasn't seen me for a long time. In fact, it's not a long time since we last met, that is, two months. But with our friendship, it's not too much to meet every day.

As soon as I arrived at the Ramen restaurant, I saw a conspicuous person sitting in a conspicuous place. Han Liangfeng was sitting in the piano playing place of the Ramen restaurant, playing a beautiful piano.

Just at this moment, looking at his melancholy back and the few people in the Ramen hall, I just feel why it is so sad. With the end of the piano, everyone gives their applause.

When he was in high school, Han Liangfeng had the title of Prince of piano. At that time, his piano won awards all over the world, and he often performed around the world. At that time, Han Liangfeng was a legend in school, and his skill is still as good as that of the past.

Han Liangfeng came down from the stage after finishing a song. Today, he looks very energetic.

I said hello to him from a distance with a smile, and Han Liangfeng came slowly.

"Why are you in such a good mood today?" I said with a smile, Han Liangfeng found a place to greet me and sat down. I sat down in my own seat on Han Liangfeng's greeting.

"Today just ended a party, a charity party. It's very interesting. It's a story about other people." Han Liangfeng said with a smile and asked the waiter to come.

"The story is so special." I said suspiciously. The waiter came over and brought up the menu.

"Yes, I'll have this Ramen with two glasses of plum wine, thank you." Han Liangfeng answers my question while ordering. The waiter takes the ordered menu to the service desk.

"I know you are a person with a story. Tell me what story you auctioned yourself?" I said with my cheek in doubt, Han Liangfeng can't help looking at me like this. My special face for listening to stories at this moment makes people feel very funny.

"If you want to hear my story, you must exchange it with your story." Han Liangfeng said, looking at me.

Han Liangfeng and I sat down. Before long, we saw the waiter bring up the food. This Ramen is the one I used to eat at my home in Fu Nanshan.

So I always come to eat when I have something to do. Today, I feel that the taste is very similar to before, and there is no change, so I took two more bites.

"Do you like this noodle?" Han Liangfeng looked at me with a smile, mouthful after mouthful, put his face into his mouth, I didn't care to answer, just continued to say this face and nodded.

"I can make this kind of ramen. I'll come back to my home and eat authentic ramen. I used to stay in a famous Ramen restaurant in Japan." Han Liangfeng explained that he also took a bite.

"Well, I haven't heard that you've been in Japan." I asked curiously.

"When I was a child, my family and I lived in Japan for a period of time, and then fell in love with a Japanese Ramen restaurant. The Ramen there was delicious, but I had to come all the way here to eat it, and I couldn't eat it when I came back home." Han Liangfeng picked eyebrows at me and then said."So I wanted to learn how to make such delicious Ramen with my boss. Of course, their Ramen is a unique formula, so it's impossible to transmit it to me privately. I signed a confidentiality agreement and exchanged a condition with my boss." Han Liangfeng said.

"What conditions?" I asked.

"I go to the Ramen restaurant every week to play the piano for customers, and then I have played it for more than half a year. Customers like to listen to the piano I play, and sometimes I don't go, and customers ask if I have asked for leave." Han Liangfeng said with a little pride.

"Well, that's not true. You look so handsome and play the piano well, right?" I said, Han Liangfeng listened to me joking, also lowered his head and laughed.

"Do you think so?" Han Liangfeng asked, this sudden question makes me feel a bit abrupt, but looking at Han Liangfeng's expectant expression, he nodded in affirmation, and Han Liangfeng immediately laughed happily.

I think this big boy is too easy to be satisfied.

After eating noodles, it was very late. I didn't know what to do next. I thought I'd better go home. Han Liangfeng suddenly looked at me and looked at me very seriously. I thought Han Liangfeng wanted to talk to me about something, so I stopped and looked at me.