I've been much more diligent since I came back from the nursing home last time. I didn't work very much and I didn't want to work very much. I've been busy living at home these days. Michelle feels very strange.

Looking at my busy appearance, I thought that I was afraid of something evil.

"Hello, I remember the glass was polished by my aunt last week, so I don't need to be so diligent," Michelle said, looking at me standing on the stairs wiping the glass.

"Well, clean it up again." I said in a cheerful and relaxed tone as I wiped the glass.

"What's the matter with you recently? If you have time to clean the glass, you'd better stay with youYou for a while. YouYou can already walk, you know." Michelle gnawed a big pear and said, looking at me who couldn't stop, I couldn't understand.

"I know. When I finish this last piece of glass, I'll play with you." I'm already sweating.

Michelle had no choice but to shake her head, went to the sofa and sat down, turned on the TV to watch.

Now youyou has gradually learned to walk and can walk a short distance on his own. We need more company and attention from adults.

In the afternoon, I was going to take youyou out to play, but it rained when I was preparing to go out.

Looking at the rain falling more and more, I didn't mean to stop at all. I had to give up this plan and sighed helplessly when I looked at the dark sky outside the window.

Right right right to take a nap, I went back to the room alone, took a book to read, had not turned a few pages, the phone rang.

I frowned, wondering if it would be something in the company.

But the company basically won't call when it's off. It's certainly not good.

I had no choice but to pick up some words. Sure enough, the voice on the other end of the phone was very familiar to me.

"Hello." Zheng Ling greets with a sweet voice.

I don't want to answer 1000 or 10000 people, but I can't help it. I've already connected. Maybe there's something wrong.

"What's the matter?" I said coldly, just want to end this conversation quickly.

"It's no big deal. I know you are working on a project recently. If you are interested, I can introduce you to a friend of mine from an organization. She is very interested in your project. If you like, we can make an appointment to chat with each other some day." There is a kind of bewitching power in Zheng Ling's words, which is easy to believe.

"Will there be such a good thing? Don't you, Miss Zheng Ling, hate me so much that I will disappear into the world now and introduce business to me? " I said with a cold smile.

"It's not that I help you introduce this business, but that you give my friend this opportunity, and he just has this demand." Zheng Ling explained on the other end of the phone.

"Do you think I'll believe you? I've been cheated once by you, and there won't be another time." I said firmly.

Zheng Ling expressed surprise at the other end of the phone. She didn't expect that she didn't have any small idea. Now my defense has become so high, and I feel helpless. She really wanted to introduce herself, and this friend asked her to introduce me.

"You may not believe me, but what is my purpose this time, to separate you from Fu Nanshan? It's no longer necessary. You've all broken up, and he seems to have forgotten you now. I don't have to worry about your opponent at all. So what's the purpose? This time, I'm really introducing you to my friends. You can believe it or not. I'll be waiting for you at Tianyi bar tonight. " Zheng Ling finished and hung up.

After thinking about it, I feel that what Zheng Ling said is not unreasonable. I really have no value of revenge and utilization for her.

The company is in a rising stage, and it is also excellent to accumulate a customer resource. I just want more and more customers to become stable customer resources of the company. After weighing for a long time, I decided to go.

In the afternoon, I prepared the materials that I might need later, and then went to the company to get more specific materials, print them out, and prepare to talk about them. But this time, I learned to be smart, and I didn't go alone any more. I called Wang Yang, who has been my partner all the time. Wang Yang's eloquence is good, and he has a great guarantee.

Wang Yangxin gladly followed me to the bar, which was not the same as the bar he used to go to. The bar was very busy and the people were very mixed. There were a lot of people coming before dark, so the business must be very good.

"Wang Yang, let's go in. You know what we should say when we go in. Try to speak a little more, and the more the better. Take out your usual boasting" I told Wang Yang.

When Wang Yang and I went to the bar, someone came to guide us to a fixed seat, saying that it was reserved for us by a big boss.

I thought to myself that it was the first time that the customers had reserved their own seats, but I didn't think much about it.

After a long time, I saw a very young man coming with a lady. The lady was wearing a hat and a mask, and her face only showed a pair of eyes. I didn't look at her face, but I knew it was Zheng Ling. Zheng Ling's unique walking posture made her distinguish very well."Hi, you are so quick. Please sit down. I don't know what the boss calls me?" I asked politely, next to Zheng Ling without saying a word.

"My name is Wang. I've heard about Miss Qu long ago. She's really a genius. I heard that you took over a big case in less than two years since you set up the company. I admire the case very much. Where we have been working for more than ten years like this, entertainment companies need talents like you. The more the better, the farther they can go." Wang said, laughing.

"Mr. Wang is joking. What you said is so amazing. This is also an employee of our company. He is very powerful. Just call him Wang Yang." I pointed to Wang Yang and said, Wang Yang nodded to general manager Wang and shook his hand.

"Sit down and have a drink today. Does Miss Qu have any idea?" Mr. Wang said.

"Mr. Wang is just at will." I said politely. Mr. Wang looked at Zheng Ling, who didn't say a word. He thought she was very strange today, but he didn't think much. He just asked the waiter to bring the wine.

Zheng Ling and Wang Ling always had a good business chat with each other.

It's the first time in history that we've had a talk so soon. We've finished our business before we finished a glass of wine, and we suddenly feel in a good mood.