Fu Nanshan didn't listen to my explanation at all.

"Qu Youran, I know you are very good at fighting for your own interests, but I ask you to divide the situation. She is just an old man. Do you want to compete with her like this?"

"Are you still a man? He just told me that he had dealt with everything, but now he comes to blame me for what I did wrong. "

"I told you about bao'er. I'll discuss with my mother. I didn't say that I must raise bao'er for you. Can you use this to annoy my mother? She has a bad heart and is in hospital."

I can't bear the rapid change of my attitude towards Fu Nanshan. I just hang up the phone.

Simon saw me gasping and gasping. He came to ask me what happened.

"He took the initiative to take bao'er over and raise me as my child, but now he says that there is no discussion at all, and he says that I've put him in the hospital."

"Today, that Zheng Lingming is deliberately telling you the same story. She just wants to make the old lady angry and put the responsibility on you."

I suddenly looked at Simon. "Is that why you kept telling me not to talk?"

"Yes, I know you're angry and dizzy, so I've been trying to stop you. Nanshan's mother was still fine when she left. It must have been Zheng Ling's constant mention of your words after she left that made her angry, which led to her hospitalization. Now, Fu Nanshan's mistake is all over you. "

Simon's analysis made me realize the real purpose of Zheng Ling's coming to me today.

She brought Zhao Xiu here, that is, she wanted to use Zhao Xiu to alienate Fu Nanshan and me.

But what made me sad was that Fu Nanshan, who had just told me that he would trust me, turned his face and said evil words to me.

I didn't want to let Fu Nanshan make a choice between me and his parents, because I think this is what the most stupid woman would do.

But when Fu Nanshan didn't know the truth, he called to question me. He never wanted to know the whole story.

I was very angry, but I complained to Simon: "from this incident, we can see whether Fu Nanshan really trusted me. It's not my fault. I won't give any explanation for it."

Simon said that my temper is too stubborn, easy to eat dark loss, but I like this right and wrong, I don't know how to compromise, also don't know how to pretend poor.

Zheng Ling holds that Fu Nanshan is a filial son, which can make the man who was obedient to me turn over in front of me.

It was not until I received a call from Liu Xuanxuan that I realized that she was the one who started the incident.

Liu Xuanxuan said on the phone: "I told Zheng Ling that no matter what happened to Zhao Xiu, as long as you bring that old guy Zhao Xiu to your company, you can push your head down."

"You just want me to be separated from Fu Nanshan, but did you not leave me and come Zheng Ling?"

I know that Liu Xuanxuan always wants to get Fu Nanshan again, but I don't understand why she wants to cooperate with Zheng Ling who also wants to get Fu Nanshan to deal with me.

Liu Xuanxuan sneered: "hum, if you want to get Fu Nanshan, you are my biggest opponent. Do you think that if Zheng Ling makes such a fuss, Fu Nanshan will want her? I kill two birds with one stone. "

I'm so obsessed with Liu Xuanxuan's work that sometimes I can't help but wonder. In order to get what she wants, she does everything she can.

But at this time, the most difficult thing in my heart is my disappointment to Fu Nanshan.

Later, Fu Nanshan called me many more times, but I didn't answer them. In the end, I turned off the machine directly.

After work, I saw Fu Nanshan downstairs.

I pretended I didn't see it and decided to go straight away.

Fu Nanshan stopped me: "leisurely, why don't you answer my phone?"

I feel very funny: "answer your phone, waiting for you to reprimand me for no reason? Don't call me by my name in the future. "

Then I turned around and left.

"Leisurely, Simon has just called me. I think you and I need to sit down and have a chat. I don't want us to quarrel again because of misunderstanding and let people with bad intentions succeed."

"Misunderstanding? Sit down and talk? I don't think it's necessary. Fu Nanshan is a filial son. I don't want to explain anything. You can think whatever you like. "

I looked back at Fu Nanshan and tried to keep calm.

"My mother is still lying in the hospital! I come here to solve the misunderstanding with you, leisurely, can you not be so indifferent? "

"No matter what Simon said to you, I didn't want to explain to you. Besides, I won't go to see your mother, and I don't need you to fulfill your promise about baby. Is that ok? Mr. Fu

Fu Nanshan still didn't give up and grabbed my hand: "I'll think of another way to deal with bao'er, we..."

I pretended to be indifferent: "no, I'm going to the United States with Wang Yang soon. The company over there also needs me. Even if bao'er's custody is coming, I can't take care of him.""You're going to America? With that man? "

Fu Nanshan looked at me in amazement.

"Yes, I was going to inform you, but you've been quarreling with me about your mother. I..."

Fu Nanshan suddenly interrupted me: "we agreed to live together, but now you tell me that you are going to America with other men?"

"The four members of your family, even if they are really together, can't live a peaceful life. Besides, I just went to the United States on business. Wang Yang and I..."

"I strongly disagree. I won't allow you to go so far away from me."

"Fu Nanshan, you are really ridiculous. You can guess at me casually. Why do you limit my work? Listen, I will never listen to you. America, I will go."

I feel speechless about this man who has a strong desire for control.

With my words, I saw that Fu Nanshan still wanted to speak. I directly broke free of his hand and strode away without looking back.

I feel very angry about what happened on this day.

Originally, if Fu Nanshan insisted on not letting me go to the United States, I might give up because I considered his feelings.

But at the moment, I don't want to follow his idea at all. I dialed Wang Yang.

"Wang Yang, I want to go to America with you."

"Oh, really? You've decided so quickly when you'll have time? "