Wang Yang asked me to meet him and let me verify it myself.

I said I wasn't in the company, but took a vacation at home.

Wang Yang asked to come to my house to discuss the project.

For the general work partner, I will not invite him to my home, just Wang Yang, gradually, I also regard him as a friend, or brother.

After a little hesitation, I sent him the address.

Half an hour later, Wang Yang came to my house and saw me in my pajamas and slippers. He helped him to open the door, which was totally different from the feeling of suits and shoes in the past.

He visited the decoration of my home and chatted with me.

"You are a strong woman, how can you take a vacation at will? It's really willful. "

I made a cup of coffee and handed it to Wang Yang.

"Strong women don't mean workaholics. If you want to take a break, you can take a break. If you're not in a good condition, you still have to go to work and your work efficiency is poor, don't you think?"

Wang Yang took the cup and took a drink: "I quite agree with your idea. I work hard and have no rest all day. It's boring."

Just after agreeing with me, I raised my cup again: "coffee is good."

Seeing his naughty manner, I didn't mean to talk about work at all, so I quickly drew his attention back.

"Well, come and tell me something about the project. You are such a fool. I really can't believe that you are interested in the project."

When Wang Yang listened to me, he became interested.

"Let's bet that if I'm satisfied with the planning of the project, you promise to travel with me, OK?"

I have no choice but to smile: "you first tell me your plan."

Wang Yang just sat down on the sofa and began to show me the project he brought.

From overall planning, to relevant knowledge, to customer information, and then to capital operation, Wang Yang came together.

As far as Wang Yang's foundation is concerned, he only knows a little at the beginning, but now he is familiar with every link of the project. He can even say a lot of good ideas. It can be said that he has made great progress.

Such a clever Wang Yang really impressed me.

"Well, it's good. I can master so much in these two days. It's very powerful."

Originally, I wanted to cooperate with Wang Yang more to develop American companies, but now I suddenly feel that I have gained something unexpected.

Now it seems that it's really a surprise to give the Gu project to Wang Yang.

I looked up and noticed Wang Yang's bloody eyes.

"What's wrong with your eyes? You don't want to read the data of Gu project... "

"Yes, I haven't slept for two days and two nights."

Wang Yang said as he fell on the sofa and buried his head in the pillow on the sofa.

"Do you want to spell that? I didn't urge you. You can study it slowly. "

"As you know, I don't have any patience with my work. I just want to finish it and give you feedback."

I really can't laugh or cry about the boy's logic.

In fact, he is very smart, and he can start business quickly.

He just likes to play around and he doesn't like to go around.

"It's a pity to have such a smart mind as you, not in business, but in places where you eat, drink and play."

Wang Yang disagreed: "you are the same as my parents, but I think you should try more interesting things instead of always focusing on your work."

I laughed: "I'll consider your suggestion. Well, it's late. I'll clean up and take you out to dinner."

As I said this, I went into the room to change my clothes and make up.

More than ten minutes later, I almost cleaned up. I was surprised that there was no movement in the living room.

As soon as I came out, I saw Wang Yangwo sleeping soundly on the sofa.

I didn't have the heart to wake him up when I just saw the blood in his eyes. I took the quilt from the room to help him cover it.

Well, since this guy is asleep, he won't go out to eat.

I went through the fridge and found some vegetables left over from yesterday. It's no problem to make a dish for two people.

I just put on my apron and got ready to do it when I got a text message.

It's from Fu Nanshan: "leisurely, let's come out and have a chat."

When I think of what Dai Lin said two days ago about Zheng Ling going to work in his company, I'm still angry.

I left my cell phone aside and continued to cook.

Simply made two dishes, cooked rice.

Coincidentally, Wang Yang woke up at this time.

I asked him to sleep for a while. He was curious to see that I was cooking.

"You can cook. I didn't expect that you strong women don't do housework?"

I pretended to look scornful.

"Before we become strong women, we are normal people, OK? Cooking is something you can do. "Wang Yang ran over and said, "I have a good mouth today."

"I'm afraid you'll be disappointed when you eat it. It's very simple to cook two dishes, which are definitely not as good as the restaurants outside. Don't give up."

Wang Yang immediately objected to me and said, "no, I have a complex about home cooking. The atmosphere of eating at home is incomparable to that of restaurants outside."

I looked at him as happy as a child, clear eyes full of curiosity, full of purity.

After a while, I finished the preparation. After Wang Yang helped me to put the food on the table, he was full of praise.

I laughed at him for exaggerating before he had a meal.

He said with a smile that it was specially prepared for him and he would taste it well.

When the two of us just sat down to eat, suddenly someone knocked on the door.

I had a hunch that it might be the person I wanted to see and didn't want to see, sitting there hesitating and never opening the door.

Wang Yang saw that I had not left for a long time, so he had to get up to open the door. I stopped him immediately.

I still want to face it myself.

The door opened, as expected.

As soon as Fu Nanshan came in, he accused me why I didn't answer his phone or return his text messages.

At the sight of Wang Yang sitting at the dining table, he was even more furious.

"Qu Youran, explain to me what's going on and why he's at your house?"

In my heart, I was tired of explaining to him.

"Why he is here has nothing to do with you. You are not qualified to shout here. Fu Nanshan, I have nothing to do with you."

"You are cruel enough, Qu leisurely, you really want to break up with me, because of him, a little yellow hair?"

Fu Nanshan points to Wang Yang, who looks confused.

"Don't misunderstand the innocent. It has nothing to do with him."

"Well, since you defend him so much, don't regret what you did today."

To my surprise, Fu Nanshan left angrily.