This small piece of cake was originally used to taste slowly. Fortunately, the place I was looking for was still hidden. Otherwise, I would be embarrassed to be seen eating the cake in such a stylish coffee shop.

As I was just about to taste the sweet taste of the cake, I was interrupted by a deep voice.

"Excuse me, are you miss Qu?"

I haven't swallowed my first piece of cake yet, so I'll respond quickly.

"Yes I'm Qu Youran, Mr. Wang. I thought you'd call before you came

As soon as I looked up, I could see clearly the face of the man who was talking. It was different from the deep voice. This man had warm orange short hair, angular face, high nose, some warmth and some childishness on his face.

As soon as I looked up, the man was a little surprised that his pupils dilated, and then he gave a gentle smile.

"Hello, Miss Qu, I'm Wang Yang."

Thinking about the sound of the cake he had just been eating, and the way he had been eating the cake.

"Mr. Wang, how can you recognize me at once? I'm sitting in a very hidden position... "

As soon as I asked this question, I felt like I knew it. There were not many people in this coffee shop except me.

"Oh, I saw the clothes you were wearing, professional clothes."

I looked down at myself, and it was true that if she was not a professional woman, she would wear black suits and black high-heeled shoes when she went out.

Well, I think it's really going to kill me to dress so seriously and eat so recklessly.

"Please sit down, Mr. Wang." Although in the heart already felt very embarrassed, but the face also pretended to be very calm.

After Wang Yang sat down, I motioned to the waiter to remove the cake and asked Wang Yang what to drink.

"Just like you. Besides, there's no need to take away the cake. You haven't eaten well yet."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

I haven't finished, I'm hungry.

"You really don't mind. Finish it, and then we'll talk about it."

Seeing him so polite and understanding, I am no longer stubborn, but I still feel embarrassed to meet him for the first time.

"I'm sorry, I'm so busy with my work at noon that I forgot to have dinner. It makes you laugh."

Wang Yang looked at me curiously: "you are really a little different from the strong woman I imagined. You It's lovely. "

I was suddenly praised by this stranger as lovely, but I didn't find him annoying. I was a little shy.

I quickly finished the cake, and was ready to start talking about cooperation with Wang Yang. Unexpectedly, this guy suddenly leaned over to wipe the cake on my mouth.

I was embarrassed to take the tissue and wipe it myself.

After talking with Wang Yang for a few minutes, I found that this guy didn't know much about business. Instead, he had been discussing with me about the delicious food in China.

It turned out that Wang Yang had been growing up in the United States and was pampered at home. He didn't care much about family businesses.

He said that although he grew up in the United States, he always wanted to return home to live. His father refused to allow him to inherit his business abroad.

Under his repeated requests, he was allowed to return to China and was given funds to start a company.

"Are all the companies on your side run by yourself?"

"Of course, when I was in the United States, I never asked about business. After returning home, I wanted to prove to my father that I could do without him."

Wang Yang added to my question: "have you ever heard of my experience and think I'm very cynical?"

I think of shaking my head: "no, I just think that you don't want to enjoy everything under such superior conditions, but still want to go back to find what you want to do. Those of you born with the golden key are quite different from those of us who work hard by ourselves."

"I also think you are different from the kind of female president I imagined."

"Then this different impression will not affect our next cooperation."

"Of course, Miss Qu, you must know more about business than I do. I'll listen to you."

"Don't let everyone defend their own interests. It's too easy for you to believe that others are not good for the company."

So easy to chat, and did not chat too much about the work of specific things, like two long time no see old friends.

Finally, I made an appointment with Wang Yang to meet him next time and told him to bring the relevant information next time.

While he promised, he said he didn't have any friends in China. I said I would take him to play around when I was free.

He was very happy and laughed like a child.

After separated from Wang Yang, my mood also became very relaxed. I thought it was another boring job interest conversation, but I didn't expect to meet a business Xiaobai. He was childish and friendly.I went back to the office and Simon came to ask if I had a deal.

"We just met. We haven't talked about specific matters yet. I don't think it's very difficult for the other party to do it. I think the next cooperation should be very easy to talk about. Now the most important thing is whether Ouyang group will have any impact if the negotiation is completed."

"This kind of cooperation was originally decided by us. The Ouyang family has no reason to say anything." As soon as Simon finished, Qin Luoluo suddenly came in.

I'm also afraid of what Qin Luoluo will hear. I want to discuss with her and Ouyang Kai when everything is confirmed.

Fortunately, she just came to talk about the project with Li Xiu.

I didn't want to get involved in this matter: "fall, this matter is entirely up to you. You don't have to report to me about the follow-up, just do it."

Qin Luoluo listened to me and left happily.

Simon seemed to have something to say, but I stopped him.

Later I explained to Simon that I could have some reason to discuss other things with her later. Simon advised me to be careful.

Just out of the company, he met Li Xiu, he came over with a smile: "Miss Qu, we don't see each other in love, we will see each other in business, we have a good cooperation in this project."

"She is responsible for this project. Since she believes in your ability, you can talk to her well."

I can feel this guy laughing a little unkindly.

He came near and took my hand, "Qu leisurely, you are so arrogant, despise other people's love, you are not afraid to be retaliated one day?"

What I saw was really right. This man was really in a bad mood from the beginning to the end. He even said revenge. What did I do to the point of his revenge.

"Mr. Li, I didn't despise you. We are not friends, either, but I won't say anything about your cooperation with Luoluo."

I tried to break free of his hand.