No matter how prepared Fu Nanshan and I are, we still have no way to deal with a five-year-old boy crying because of his mother's accident.

"You liar

Right right raised his hand to hit me angrily, the whole person seemed to be completely out of control, no matter how Fu Nanshan explained to him, he was not willing to accept an apology.

"Didn't you tell me that my mother would be fine? Why can't she talk to me now when I call her? You tell me, what's wrong with my mother now? "

I stand in front of you, my heart is also very bad.

"I'm sorry. I also hope to solve this problem well, but your mother's current situation, really can't... "

"You go!"

"Right, right!"

Fu Nanshan pressed down his shoulder and just about to speak, he bowed his head and bit the back of his hand.

I feel very distressed for his action and go up again to hold him.

"I'm sorry. I know what I'm telling you now. You hate me from the bottom of your heart. But I won't do nothing because of this. Youyou, although your mother can't take care of you, I promise to love you all my life since I have made you so miserable

Dai youyou raised his head and looked at me with some suspicion in his eyes.

"What do you mean by that? Are you going to replace my mommy? I can tell you that my mother has always been a very important person in my heart, and you can't replace her! "

"I know!"

Bending down and squatting on the right side, I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him a smile.

"Right right right is not a child, is it? You should go to school well now, so that your comatose mother won't feel uneasy and anxious. Although my aunt is not your mother, I can give you all my love. "

Maybe youyou doesn't know what love is, but my words have obviously penetrated into his heart, making the child's face a little more moved.

"So you mean that no matter where you go with my father, I won't be a kid nobody wants, will I?"

"Of course!"

I gave Fu Nanshan a push to open his mouth.

Fu Nanshan was a little upset at first, but I had to hold his right hand under my urging several times.

"If you listen to your aunt leisurely, everything she promised you will be fulfilled. What I need most now is your support. Son, you are not the only one to face this difficulty, and your father is also by your side. Please give me a chance to compensate you, OK

Right right small mouth moved, after hesitating for a while, or directly rushed to Fu Nanshan's arms.

Looking at them, my father and son could finally put down their hatred, and my heart was a little relieved.

"Thank you!"

Dai Fu bowed to me sincerely.

"I know that Linlin and I used to have a lot of bad things for you. Originally I thought you couldn't accept right and right, but now seeing you like this, I know right and right won't suffer in the future."

"Don't say that!"

I stood up and quickly went up to hold Darlene's father.

"I owe you an apology for this. If it wasn't for me, Nanshan wouldn't have caused you so much trouble. You can rest assured that I will spare no effort to love you. "

Dai Fu nodded again, told me something about youyou's likes and dislikes, and asked people to take youyou's toys to the car. After that, he hugged the child himself.

"Don't worry, I won't break your relationship."

It's a bit of a surprise to me that Fu Nanshan was able to do so.

I thought he would never give Dai Fu the chance to see his child again, but I was really moved by his words, because it means that Nanshan is willing to gradually let down his hatred.

Thank you

Dai Fu nodded gratefully, "I know you want me to be happy in my old age. But now I have to take good care of Linlin, so if you want to help me, take good care of youyou instead of me. Only in this way can I feel at ease! "

"Don't worry about that!"

I made a promise to him again.

"Since I take youyou away from you, I won't cause you any trouble. Please trust me in this."

Dai's father nodded his head. After a few words of advice to Fu Nanshan and me, he went back to his room.

Watching the door of Dai's house close, I feel sad.

I always wanted to let something happen to Darlene before, but once it did, my guilt was so serious.

I think that the future may not be able to go on completely according to my heart, but I must pay all my heart to this child.

"Leisurely, what's the matter with you?"Fu Nanshan held my shoulder and looked at me with concern.

"Is there something on your mind?"


I shook my head at him.

"It's just a sudden feeling that life is really dramatic. Nanshan, I used to think that emotion should be the most important thing to support each other, but now I find that sometimes if I give my heart to a stranger, it can change my life. "

"Are you talking about a change in the relationship between right and right?"

"Not quite."

I turned and touched my right black hair with my hand. There was more tenderness in my eyes.

"I think I care more about the feeling of giving. I learned that in the past five years, what I learned in America is as simple as what I learned in the past five years

Fu Nanshan slowly came to me and patted me on the shoulder.

"It's good that you can think that way. In fact, a lot of times, love is the need to slowly cultivate, so that everyone around can gradually feel happy

I didn't continue to talk to him, just slowly let the right side lean against my arms, and gently touched his head with the palm of my hand.

"Right right right, are you hungry now? Would you like to go out and eat with us? "

"May I?"

Right right slowly raised his head, blinking at me.

"Can you really take me to eat?"

"Silly boy!"

I gently pinch his nose, face a little more helpless.

"Of course I'll take you to eat, and I'll do whatever you want and what's not beyond my ability. Auntie will let you know that in the days when your mother can't take care of you, I will temporarily replace her, because I want to give you complete love! "

"All right."

Right right with the hand support cheek help son, twist eyebrow to think after a while, raised a head to see me one eye.

"For the sake of your kindness to me, I accept you!"