Do you want to go out with people? How can I be willing to associate with this scum who has seen clearly for a long time. Originally I wanted to refuse, but later he told me that as long as I could promise to have a new relationship with him for a month, he would try to help me get the admission certificate of the auction house.

I asked him what I wanted to do with the admission certificate of an auction house. He told me that fan Chengming would also appear in this auction, and he had already controlled the items and prices he would bid for. As long as I could agree to associate with him, he would tell me what items were and help me bid for them, which was a bad breath for me.

At that time, I laughed and said, "Yang Xuan, why do you think it's fan Chengming's fault up to now? Didn't you lead me to a lot of bad luck at the beginning

He was dumb and didn't say a word. I don't know how long later, he said coldly, "if I can help you find your mother's car accident again, and let you turn over the case and find out what happened in that year?"

I really care about the accident of my parents all the time, and I want to overturn the case, but I'm not competent enough, and the police won't give me the chance to overturn the case at all. If Yang Xuan can really say and do it, I will certainly agree to a month's communication, because I can tell which is more important.

Just a few days after I promised to associate with Yang Xuan, the Internet began to spread about my pregnancy to miscarriage. I don't know how it was known by the media, but I don't care at all.

Even when the media came to interview me, I said carelessly, "isn't pregnancy and abortion a normal thing? It's enough to show that the man has no place in my heart, so I don't even have the idea to bind him with my children. "

Perhaps no one expected that I would admit this pregnancy so frankly and ridicule Fu Nanshan, who has no status in my heart. This matter soon spread to Fu Nanshan's ears. He found me and asked me if I really didn't care about him as the reporter reported. I told him that I was just a mistress and would always be abandoned by playfulness. Then why should I care about adding sadness to myself.

Fu Nanshan pulled me into his arms, tightened his left arm, and held my chin in his right hand. Their faces were very close to each other. His gloomy eyes were staring at me, and his thin lips gently opened up and said, "Qu leisurely, don't forget that you took the initiative to climb onto my bed. From then on, you must be my woman, even if you dislike you, you can't get rid of me!" With these words, Fu Nanshan released the shackles of me and walked away. Before I had sorted out my emotions, fan muyuan called again and again.

In fact, now that I have left school, I am not ready to continue to maintain a relationship with this man, because I think he is still a man of pure nature, and there is no bad root, so I put through the phone and said, "fan muyuan, there is nothing wrong with the report on the Internet, I am really pregnant with that man's child, so you really don't need to wave on me It takes time. "

"Leisurely, I don't believe that man coerced you into saying that."

"Muyuan, you are different from your brother. I don't want to cheat you any more. From the beginning, I just want you to like me and then abandon you."

"My brother, what's wrong with my brother?"

Later, I told him about his brother's disadvantage to my sister. Although he knew that I had been playing with his feelings, he didn't blame me after knowing that his brother had treated me and my sister like that. Instead, he told me about a bidding price of the fan family.

Originally I thought he really understood me and was relieved. So I told Fu Nanshan about the bidding price, but what I didn't expect was that he appealed to Fu Nanshan through the bidding price, saying that he had obtained their Fan family's confidential documents by immoral means. Although he did not expose me, I left a bad impression on Fu Nanshan.

Although Fu Nanshan won the bidding in the end, he lost his prestige.

Cao Yinghong called me a vicious woman, pretending to help Fu Nanshan was actually harmful to him. I didn't retort because everything had happened and I couldn't say anything. Maybe this is the best ending, at least Fu Nanshan will not tangle with me, I can live my life safely, but that man is not as good as I think.

He insisted that this time because I made him lose prestige, so I had to use my body to make compensation, and then I didn't want him to repeat the same trick and say that it would be bad for my sister. I'm really fed up with this. This time I said angrily, "Fu Nanshan, you can do whatever you want. I won't be manipulated by you. If you want to do anything to my sister, I'll go with her. I've had enough of such days."

He obviously didn't expect that I would break the jar directly. He was so surprised that he didn't know what to say. Finally, he had to leave bitterly.

Yang Xuan and I started a so-called trading relationship. During the month of this relationship, he was also working on the cooperative film I said. In this month, rumors about me on the Internet kept coming up one after another. Some said that I was a shameless junior. When I was pushed down by my original mate, I found a director nearby and wanted to be in a higher position. I can only say, "whatever you like." If you want to add sin to it, you have no choice.Mike hasn't been around since last time he had a bad time with me. I think he might have gone back to get married. Just when he vowed to catch up with me, just because I gave up so simply?

Yang Xuan complained that every time I go out on a date with him, I'm like a puppet, and I never laugh. I asked him, isn't it better for a girl to be clever? However, he said, "I'd rather you make me angry. At least I know that you care about me, but you stay with me like a puppet all day long. I even feel like I've made a fake girlfriend."

I'm not happy when he says, "I'm not your real girlfriend?"

"Qu Youran, if you still want to overturn the case for your parents, be nice to me, or I can void our agreement."

When he said that, I can only try to please him, but I can laugh with him from time to time. I can't do it if I'm in a mood.

The days passed like this. Yang Xuan and I always searched every day, but we were also cunning. We just came out to publicize our new films every time. It is because we two have received wide attention, so although our cooperative films are constantly tucking away after the movie, people make complaints about it.

There is no good evaluation, but there is enough good box office. I heard those people say that it is in order to lower our score that we have to buy movie tickets one after another.

But it doesn't matter, I don't want the so-called name, now I only care about money, as long as the money earned, I don't care about his reputation.