Originally, I thought that the plot turned a sharp corner without my knowledge, but who knew this corner could be so big.

"Why do you believe me and think I will help you?" I asked.

"Now there is no one else to help us except you, Qu Youran. If you can help us clean up our identity this time, I will obey you in the future." It sounds like a good negotiation condition, but why should I make such a mess?

"I'm sorry, I can't find any reason to help you, and whether you obey me or not, it doesn't matter to me." In my eyes, the three of them are really useless. The man looks like a weak chicken, and the woman looks like a girl from the kiln. I feel ashamed to take these three with me.

"Sister leisurely, you can't leave us alone. If the school proves the authenticity of the photos, we will all be expelled." Just as I turned around to leave, one of the girls hugged my trouser legs and refused to let me go. The words were moving.

"OK, don't hold my leg. It doesn't mean I can't help you, but I have one condition." As for the conditions, I haven't thought about it yet, but I'm sure there will be something to direct them in the future.

Three people are very frank agreed, I also told them this condition, I write down for the time being, later whenever I made a decision, they must be duty bound.

In fact, I'm not good at whitewashing, but that guy Fu Nanshan is good at it. After all, there are so many scandals between me and him in the entertainment circle, and he can finally whitewash me successfully with other stories. So this time I went to find Fu Nanshan, who readily agreed to help, but asked me to go back and live with him for a week. I refused to live with him for a week, saying that I could come to accompany him in the evening of this week. After all, I really want to learn those business things and take charge of my own company. He promised me and told me that he would help me solve all the problems when he came back the next day.

Since Fu Nanshan returned to school, I have been thinking about one thing, that is, the way they bullied me and the way they blocked me in the end, and then the exposure of those photos. I feel that everything seems to be very logical. First of all, they didn't bully me with very bad means, such as crushing biscuits, which can be ignored. After all, I went to the supermarket to do this kind of thing when I was under great pressure, but I didn't dare to crush the whole package. At most, I could crush a small corner of biscuits in the packaging bag.

In addition, I made a hole in my cup. In fact, I just went to the grocery store to buy a drink instead of drinking the water from the water dispenser in my class. Then there was the abuse on my clothes. In fact, the handwriting could be washed away at any time.

These are trivial things, but at that time, I felt that everyone was hostile to me, so I made things worse.

Since they were not so hostile to me at the beginning, they should really be angry about what I did later. Why did it happen that all three of them had black history to blackmail me at that time? Is that what happened?

Then they compromise when I coerce them. According to the truth, the story should end. But the next day, the photo I threatened them was exposed. Secondly, they believed what I said and felt that someone had deliberately framed them. Is that too easy to say? After that, they naturally asked me for help. Since it was Xibai, I certainly asked Fu Nanshan

Wait, Fu Nanshan. Hum, I suddenly have a little idea about these things. And all my suspicions were verified the next day. Those photos were finally revealed to be p's, all of which were fake, and the identities of the three people were also exposed. It is said that they are all the children of the best in the business, so there is no possibility of going out for prostitution and being bullied, because they have a special car to pick them up, and their monthly allowance is more than six figures.

In the evening, I went to find Fu Nanshan. When I saw Fu Nanshan, I said straight to the point, "it's you who say that I'm not happy with what those children say. Are you planning all this?"

"You've been with me for a long time, and your IQ has improved significantly, leisurely!" Fu Nanshan admitted my words without hesitation.

"Oh, I really don't know what you're trying to do. If you want me to come back with you, just say it directly. Why do you make so many messy things?" I looked at him with some disdain and said.

"Nonono, do you think I just want you to come back with me? I just want to tell you that sometimes you just need me and can't leave me." The struggling Fu Nanshan is as childish as a child.

"Mr. Fu, I don't think it's necessary for you to do this, especially when you even find someone to lock me up and pour water in the toilet. If I didn't know who that guy was, I would clean up together." I have a sense of continuity that the person who spilled water on my toilet was also arranged by Fu Nanshan.

"What, what do you say? I won't let her go if someone treats you like that." Listening to Fu Nanshan's voice, he didn't seem to know. It seems that he didn't arrange the water splasher. Who would it be? Just simply hate me, so use that kind of dirty means to bully me?

"Forget it, if you don't do it, you don't care. After all, I don't like one or two people in school. Even if you can't clean it up, you can't clean it up unless you buy the school and only give me one person to go to school." This is a joke, but Fu Nanshan replied seriously: "if you really don't like those students, I can buy the school for you and expel them all.""Don't, don't, I'm just joking. You say they all hate me. You're doing this. Don't they hate me to death. It's not easy for everyone to go to school. You know it's not easy to enter the business school you sent me to. The admission score alone must be more than 600%. If I don't go through the back door, which year and which month can I be admitted?" To tell you the truth, I really don't want to make unnecessary trouble for you because of my elements.

In my persuasion, Fu Nanshan also gave up the idea of acquiring business school. In the following week, I went to him every day, because I promised. Although I knew it was a trap, I had to keep my promise.

Fu Nanshan saw that I was very tired from playing back and forth every day, so he proposed to pick me up every afternoon. I resolutely refused. Previously, it was because he sent me to school that I became a man of the moment in the school. People knew me everywhere, and I still despised it.