This time for my sister, I can only bow my head, "what do you want from me?" A bit of toughness in my voice is my only self-esteem.

"From now on, you must stay by my side, 24 hours on call! At the same time, I will help you pay your sister's medical expenses, which are all your labor. At the same time, I will give you all the things you need in your life, but I won't give you any money you can control. "

"You are shameless!" I gritted my teeth and said, I didn't want this man to be so despicable.

"What else? Do you get a few million dollars a month? Then can you take your sister away and disappear in my world clean from now on? "

"Fu Nanshan, I tell you, sooner or later, you will not be able to control me!"

"Good, but before that, you'll be my slave."

His voice was arrogant and arrogant, but I could only gnash my teeth and keep silent, swallowing all my reluctance and grievances. But I swear that one day this man will lose all his dignity and kneel down to beg me to go back.

The next day, it was still yesterday's company. The difference was that I didn't need to apply for a job, but I could work directly.

In daily life, apart from letting me serve tea and water, Fu Nanshan even asked me to do cleaning aunt's work sometimes. I know that if I resist, he will only intensify, so in the company, no matter how he humiliates me, I won't say a word more and suffer all the pain silently.

At noon, my colleagues went to the canteen for dinner, but I was still cleaning the toilet. When I finished cleaning the toilet and went to the company canteen, people said that it was too late to put food, so there was no food for me.

I knew this would happen since Fu Nanshan threatened me to be his servant yesterday, so I put two chicken cakes and a bottle of water in my bag.

After leaving the canteen, I went back to Fu Nanshan's office. Fu Nanshan's office is a house in house design. An office not only has an independent toilet for toilet use, bathing and changing clothes, but also has an independent secretary's lounge surrounded by glass.

This is for the convenience of his secretary, but also to give the secretary a proper working environment, although the glass gives people the same feeling and no, but it is more or less independent of a small space. And this independent small space now belongs to me, although many times I can't sit in it, I need to do all kinds of things for Fu Nanshan.

But fortunately, during the break time, he hasn't completely deprived me. So I sat in my independent office with chicken cake and water, eating and crying.

It was not until I heard the familiar footsteps from far away outside the office that I took out a tissue paper to wipe off the tears on my face and threw the bread into the garbage can quickly.

I don't want Fu Nanshan to see me so embarrassed.

After entering the office, Fu Nanshan came directly to my independent office and pushed open the door. He was holding a take out box in his hand, which was a little big. He estimated that the food was complete. He directly reached out and handed it to me. I pointed to myself and asked, "is this for me?"

"Nonsense, or do you think I'll have a box lunch?"


I absolutely did not feel a moment of warmth, absolutely did not feel that this man seems to be good. Just, really not?

Opened the lunch box, inside is the familiar taste Xuan cuisine. I looked up at Fu Nanshan, and then looked down at the food in the lunch box. When I hesitated to speak, Fu Nanshan first said, "don't think about it. I just went there to eat with my friends. I can't eat too much and I don't want to waste it to bring it back to you."

I didn't speak, but I knew in my heart that the food had never been touched. Taste Xuan is where, casually order a thing, that plate is a poor meal. This is a full box. It's full.

Before I finished my meal, the door of my office was knocked. Fu Nanshan opened the door in the past, and the one who came in was his personal little follower, called Shan Yu.

After Shan Yu came in, he handed Fu Nanshan a bag of clothes, said a few words and left.

Shan Yu is different from me. I serve inside and outside the company, while Shan Yu takes care of some trivial things Fu Nanshan needs outside. However, his work is not as heavy as mine. Usually, it's hard to go shopping and pick up the goods.

I kept staring at them until Shan Yu left. Fu Nanshan suddenly looked like me. I turned my head to pick the food in the lunch box.

Fu Nanshan came to me, put the bag of clothes on my office and said, "I'll try it in the bathroom later."

"Ah? Is this for me? " Clothes are a French brand. I always thought that he wanted to give them to Liu Xuanxuan. So when he asked me to try them on, I was obviously flattered.

"There's a party in the evening. Many of the people who go to the party are producers and directors. If you want to go back to the acting circle and not be controlled by me, you can go down to ten thousand people by yourself and show me your clothes."Fu Nanshan's words are ambiguous, but I probably know that he just wants me to go to the evening party with him. But I don't think this guy will help me so well, so I asked him cautiously, "Mr. Fu, is it really just a banquet?"

"What else? Sell you to the directors and producers? Do you think I'll lose that money, or is my character really so bad in your eyes? "

"No, Fu Nanshan, I didn't mean that. I said something wrong."

In the morning, I always remind myself to do more and talk less and try not to have any conflict with Fu Nanshan. How can I forget it again.

I quickly finished the meal in the lunch box and went to the fitting room with Fu Nanshan's clothes.

The clothes Fu Nanshan and I chose this time are quite different from those I chose last time.

It's a pure white one shouldered skirt. The length of the skirt is directly to the foot. If it doesn't match with high heels, it's easy to stumble.

This pure white one shouldered dress has white roses and lace at the waist, and the edge of the dress is decorated with lace. This dress is not simple, it's a sense of delicacy in simplicity.

I didn't dare to go out after I put on my clothes, because it was shoulder to shoulder, and I didn't wear a chest patch. In order to get the effect of wearing clothes, I directly took off my bra. I could have taken off the bag, but the effect would be more unreal.