I looked at sister yuan and wanted to know what she would do to solve the problem, whether she would ask her teacher to blame or turn a blind eye. If it's the latter, I can bully Cheng Guo in the future, because Yuanjie must have been instructed by Fu Nanshan to help herself.

Yuanjie coughed softly, "Chengguo, leisurely won't do such boring things, but it's you. Don't always think about calculating others all day long. You want to exclude all your opponents in this way." She added, "you'd better think about how to refine your acting skills. Don't make a fool of yourself and let the director shout cards."

I cover mouth to smile beside, in the heart particularly proud, this small wench is finally eat shriveled. However, Fu Nanshan is also very loyal. He's done well both inside and outside. I don't know if he made them feel better that night.

Cheng Guo is reprimanded by Yuanjie, but her eyes are still malicious at me. When sister yuan finished, she asked us to audition for a new role.

Yuanjie takes the lead in the front, while Chengguo follows her behind, so she looks back at me from time to time, and warns me that "Qu leisurely, you wait for me, I won't let you have a good time."

I didn't return her, I didn't pay attention to her at all. I know that this little girl can't turn over any bloody storm. She can only let Liu Xuanxuan hurt herself.

However, I have learned the lesson of the last time. How can I give her a chance to confuse right and wrong. I have told Fu Nanshan that he can treat me as much as he likes and spoil me outside. However, as long as he is in front of outsiders, he will show his impatient disgust to me.

Cheng Guo and I followed Yuanjie into the studio for an audition. The director came over and explained to me the roles I needed to play.

"Leisurely, after a while, you will play a woman who is suddenly strong after being abandoned by a man alone. You just need to perform the expression in place, and pay attention to the details of some actions." He said.

"Cheng Guo, the script is here. You can see for yourself!" He went to Cheng Guo and said.

Cheng Guo stares, "director, why don't you talk to me about the play? I'm..." Cheng Guo probably wanted to say who he was introduced to, but the director said directly, "don't tell me what you don't have. If you can't even read a script, what else do you want to audition for? Don't think it's Mr. Fu's wife who introduced me. I'll move to you wherever I need, OK, no, No." The director said with one hand at his waist and the other hand at Cheng Guo's chest.

I gave a bad smile and walked up to Cheng Guo. "I said Cheng Guo, you'd better read the script well. Other directors don't like your style."

Cheng Guo's eyes are almost angry, but I feel happy. He took the director's script and went to one side to read it carefully. The director pointed to me and taught Cheng Guo a lesson, "look at other people. They are also actors. What are you doing here? Go to see the script."

Cheng Guo is said by the director to run out crying, Yuanjie is also a headache to chase out. This play is about to start shooting, so I understand the headache of sister yuan. After all, if Cheng Guo stops playing at this time, there will be no substitute for him for a while and a half, but it has nothing to do with me. I still look at the script carefully.

The character in the play is a cheated little three, who said that he didn't know that the man he loved had a family, so when he was with his lover, he almost devoted himself wholeheartedly, but one day the man's wife found her. Without any explanation, she was sullied by a few men and said that a shameless woman like her should be raped casually.

Later, the little three was greatly stimulated and sullied by several people at the same time. But fortunately, she met a very good psychologist, after half a year of careful guidance, she slowly recovered. When she recovered, she was determined to take revenge on the two men.

And what I need to play is the woman who comes out of the hospital with a face of hatred and vows to take revenge on them.

Although this is a trial play, everything in the script will be performed later. So I was a little worried about the tainted segment, so I went to consult the director.

"Director, you see, how can there be such a plot in this play? Will it directly affect the reputation of the protagonist? After this TV play is made, people's acceptance will not be high." I asked him.

"Leisurely, you can rest assured that our play is mainly compassionate, and just because there is such a plot here, it can make the heroine's performance more wonderful. So as long as you grasp the characters of the play, not only the previous public opinions will be forgotten, but also you will be deeply remembered. It can be said that Mr. Fu specially found it for you A play. " The director told me carefully.

The director said so, and I couldn't pretend to ask anything, so I told him I was ready to audition first.

Cheng Guo was supposed to audition first, but no one has come back, so he agreed to let me audition first.

In fact, filming audition, this is just a passing, generally even if you audition effect is not ideal, has decided to use your words, will open one eye closed.The director was very satisfied with the effect of my audition. He even asked me if I had a relationship with Mr. Fu, so he had a special understanding of the role of the little three.

I laughed awkwardly and told the director how it could be. Although Mr. Fu doted on me during this period of time, I was not the only one he doted on.

The director waved his hand and said that I thought too much. He said that Mr. Fu could think so much about a woman and thought about her all over again. In particular, almost all the people in the whole company had done it. He said that I must be unusual in Mr. Fu's mind. Maybe one day I can directly replace Liu Xuanxuan.

When it comes to Liu Xuanxuan, the director is very angry. He says that Liu Xuanxuan not only doesn't know how to respect the old and love the young, but also likes to instruct him to do some servants' work. Therefore, the last thing he wants to see in this company is Liu Xuanxuan.

When I got along with the director, sister yuan also got Cheng Guo back.

Yuanjie takes Chengguo to apologize, saying that she is not optimistic about her artists. Please forgive me.

Cheng Guo didn't buy it. "Sister yuan, why do you have to apologize to this kind of person? He just treats me and Qu Youran differently. It's a big deal that I won't play this TV series."