When I got back to the rental house, I quickly applied ointment and ice to my face, hoping that tomorrow my face would be swollen.

After turning my face upside down, I collapsed on the bed. When I left, Cheng Guo said that she was a whore. I hit her on the bed with one punch. "She said that I was a whore. You don't know how many directors have slept with me, but she looks good. It's funny to say that she is a school flower. It's estimated that she also sleeps with all the school men."

When I think of Cheng Guo, I'm very angry. Today Liu Xuanxuan comes to ask for a crime. She must have instigated her. I don't know how Liu Xuanxuan regards Cheng Guo as a friend. It's disgusting to hear that these two people seem to be classmates. It's really a nest of snakes and mice. What kind of things and what kind of people are friends.

I scolded Cheng Guo for being a stranger. As a result, I was tired of scolding him. He didn't know how to make rumors about me in the company. He thought it was not worth it. He sighed and didn't scold me any more.

Previously, I told Fu Nanshan that I would go to the hospital to see my sister, but if I went like this, I would not worry my sister. "Well I think I'd better stay at home. I'm so hungry. I haven't had time to eat in the restaurant. "

I'm very upset to think that I didn't eat anything in such a luxurious restaurant. But chagrin goes back to chagrin, and we still have to fill our stomachs. However, all my money has been pasted on my sister's operation. Even if shangmeituan is hungry, I'm distressed. So we can only find a package of instant noodles from the corner to cook. Fortunately, there are still a little sausage and eggs in the refrigerator, which is not too shabby.

After cooking the instant noodles, I turned on the TV and took a big bite. But without waiting for me to take a few mouthfuls, the report on TV sprayed all my excited mouthfuls on the table.

I don't know which bastard uploaded the video of her running out of the artist company, especially now the whole entertainment section is reporting this. I feel like the whole world has been bombed by missiles. Everything has been destroyed.

It was written in the entertainment newspaper that he was a junior and got the TV role. He was finally caught by Zhengzhu and turned into a pig. I guess sister yuan must have seen this report. I want to explain it to her before she gets angry with me. It's just that when I pick up my mobile phone, sister yuan's call comes. Naturally, I answer it quickly.

"Sister yuan, listen to me. It's not what you see. In fact..."

"You don't have to tell me anything. Our contract is over. Now nobody can save you. Your acting career is ruined."

Yuanjie then hung up the phone and didn't give me a chance to talk at all. "God, what's the matter? If my aunt knows who's secretly taking the video, I want him to die!"

Then I gave Fu Nanshan a call, but the display was busy. I don't know whether the guy pulled me black or was really busy. I don't have too much time for textual research, so I have to go to the company to take a chance to see if I can still meet Fu Nanshan.

By the time I got to the company, everyone was in a mess. I said that I was a stranger inside and outside. Fortunately, when I came here, I was ready. I changed into civilian clothes and wrapped my face in a scarf. It was like a village girl going to the city.

I thought I was extremely smart, but before I got to the door of the elevator, the bodyguard came and stopped me, "girl, do you have a work permit for this? No one can come in here. "

Of course, I have a work permit, but when I take it out at this time, it's not to seek death, so I can only say timidly, "no, no, I'm looking for someone."

"Girl, no, please go out. We are all high-end people here." The tone of the security guard's voice is particularly dragging. It seems that he is also a high-end person working here. I especially want to spit on him, but I can only think that this time is no longer suitable to make trouble.

I want to leave, but Chengguo just got out of the elevator. I see Cheng Guo going back, but Cheng Guo immediately stops me, "Qu leisurely? "Leisurely?"

How did that guy recognize me? I have made myself into this virtue. This damned guy really doesn't want me to be better. I didn't pay any attention to her. I quickened my pace and just wanted to leave here as soon as possible to avoid being exposed and laughed at.

Cheng Guo is obviously different from what I thought. Seeing that I quicken my pace, she also quickens her pace to catch up. I was rather bulky, and Cheng Guo had changed a pair of shoes for filming, so she caught up with me in three or two steps, and then pulled the scarf off my face no matter what.

After seeing my face, Cheng Guo covered his mouth and was surprised. "Sister leisurely, it's really you. How can you make me look like this? Don't you know that we artists need to keep a direct image all the time?"

I really want to swear, she is deliberately, the voice is high enough to let people around hear. This is not, everyone and have cheap pick up all around.

One by one, I was surrounded by water, so that I had no space to sneak out. At that moment, I was like a captured weasel. I didn't have a swollen face because I was more red with shame.A group of people started to talk quickly, pointing at me one by one and asking me how I colluded with Fu Nanshan and asked me to teach them. Of course, I knew that they didn't really want me to teach them, but wanted to humiliate me. I really can't stay here for a moment, but none of these people want me to go.

Just when I was so ashamed that I wanted to cry, Fu Nanshan suddenly appeared and yelled at the group of people: "don't you have to go to work any more? Do you think I have spare money to support you idle people? "

Those people were attacked by Fu Nanshan and ran away one by one, but a bold little girl said, "Yo, my lover has come to help. We'd better do our own business."

Anger and shame broke my whole body. I didn't go to see Fu Nanshan because I couldn't control my lacrimal gland crying. Although I didn't make any noise, my clothes were soaked in an instant.

I turned around and ran out of the company, running and scolding, "Fu Nanshan, you scum, I will never see you again in my life." Almost in an instant, I blame Fu Nanshan for all my faults.

I don't know how I got back to the rental house. All I know is that my leg was so sore that I didn't feel it.