Tang Zhan squatted down and spoke to Qingning in a gentle tone: "that's natural. I've ordered someone to send you to your residence as a gift for the princess, but now it's time to have dinner. I'd better have dinner first."

There is no Zhang's position on the dinner table. Your concubine is also a concubine. There is no master's order and no qualification to go to the table. At present, it is obvious that the husband and wife don't mean that.

Zhang shihen rubs the handkerchief in his hand, stubbornly stands and doesn't want to leave. It's Zhang Ying who pulls the corner of her clothes. Zhang Shicai doesn't want to leave.

A room of aunts and concubines naturally did not dare to stay for a long time. The smell of fat and powder in the room had gone away a lot. Qingning could not help taking a few deep breaths and swearing never to use spices when she grew up. It smelled terrible.

"I'm really a lady with exquisite mind. At such an old age, I'm so calm." Naturally, Cheng didn't Miss Zhang Ying's action. The girl was more calm than Zhang. She was upset at the thought that Zhang Jia had prepared this woman for her son.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it before lu'er comes back. Let's have a meal. We haven't had a meal together for a long time." Tang Zhan comforted his wife and made a promise.

"Good. Ah, princess, where are you going? " Cheng got her husband's accurate answer, a lot of heart, is about to greet Qingning seat, found Qingning with people ready to leave.

"I can't wait to see what good things the Marquis has brought me. Take your time. I'll go back first." She doesn't want to watch an old couple scatter dog food in front of her.

Tang Zhan said with a smile, "let her alone. This is the time to be curious about new things."

Back in her yard, Qingning finished her meal and sat on a swing, swinging her legs and playing with her new jadeite bracelet. Now many people know that Princess Qingning loves jadeite most. She likes everything made of jadeite. Even when she is full year old, she grabs a piece of jadeite jade pendant, so there are always one or two jadeite stones in her gifts.

If you want to ask why Qingning likes this, Qingning will tell you with tears: in the previous life, he was out of his mind because of jadeite. At the age of 18, Qingning was admitted to a first-class university. In order to reward her, her parents gritted their teeth and bought her a jade with emerald Zodiac. She also liked it and wore it all the time.

But one day, she met a robber on her way to lushuan. The robber wanted the jade around her neck. In vain, the robber broke the rope with a dagger and cut her artery in a hurry. So she was born in a dynasty never seen in Chinese history.

On that day, she saw some similar jadeite at a glance, and then she climbed over and held it tightly in her hand. Other people thought that she loved jadeite most. In fact, I'm very happy to receive such valuable gifts, so Qingning didn't tell you that in fact, I'm not so infatuated with the outside world.

"Dongshuang, tell me about Zhang Ying."

Qingning nodded, Zhang Ying's birth is really good, the first lady of a century old family. Nowadays, the second daughter of a hundred year old family, who is the second daughter, is not bad. When she is given to the son of a new nobleman, she will not be accused of degrading her status, being willing to be associated with a new nobleman, or wronging the identity of Tang Lu Shizi.