A few minutes later, Natsu was now sitting in the bar, chatting with Kagura and Ultear, too bad Fiana wasn't here, she ran errand for the council.

A saint's life is pretty busy.

"Why am I not included?" Ultear pouted as she keep pinching his cheeks, "Tell me, tell me, tell me."

"Probably because you're too old, Natsu-sama is afraid that your bones couldn't handle it." Kagura shot a glare at her while eating a blueberry cake.

"What did you say?!" Ultear glared at Kagura as her magic power leaked out of her body, it caused the entire hall to shake and filled with silence.

"You're old." Kagura just waved her aura away and replied while looking straight at her eyes.

"I'm still 28 years old! I'm far from old!" Ultear exclaimed in anger, she didn't even realized that she told everyone her age.

"Correction, you're 29, and will be turning 30 soon, you are no longer young."

Natsu already moved to the side, not wanting to get involve himself in the fight between two women, though he'll stop them when they're about to fight..

..if he didn't, then the guild might turn into ruins.

Natsu was observing the quarrel between the two. Its been seven years but they still couldn't have a day where they didn't fight.

It reminds him of the good ol' days where he always fight with Gray and Erza beating the two of them up.

"Your not gonna stop them?"

Natsu looked over his shoulder and saw Erza walking towards him until she stood beside him, Mira also followed after her.

"Nah~ let them be, its their daily routine. I'll stop them before they fight, else the guild might get destroyed."

Erza did not say anything and just look at him. She really didn't expect for the Natsu she used to know, to become someone like this.

He's more mȧturė, calm, and collected. He is completely different from the Natsu in her memories.

He managed the guild as the master, he even improved it, and supported it alone, maintaining its position as the top guild of Fiore, that too without any S-class mages.

He's really amazing, he's just so capable, so...so....handsome?

However the moment she thought of those, Natsu's figure overlaps to a certain blue haired mage.

She shook her head to rid of those thoughts and focus on the right between the time mage and the sword mage.

"So they are the one that followed our footsteps Erza," Mira said while wiping the imaginary tears at the corner of her eyes, "I am so proud of them."

Erza just ignored her as she stared at Kagura, she really did resemble Simon, and apparently, Erza also found her somewhat familiar.

She didn't get to remember it, however, as Kagura already put her hands on her sword while Ultear took out her crystal-ball.

When they were about to clash, Natsu's figure flashed between them, he put both of his arms on their shoulders and forced them to sit down in the chair of the bar.

"Alright, let's stop here for today, no need to destroy the guild just because of age."

Kagura just shot a smug grin at Ultear and closed her eyes as she snuggled closer to Natsu.

A vein popped in Ultears as she controlled the crystal ball to smash Natsu's face, however, Natsu just spit out a black colored flames and the crystal ball was burned to ashes.

"Damn, I need a much stronger one." Ultear grumbled.

"Alright, now that everyone is here, I'm going to announce those who will participate in the Grand Magic Games." Natsu looked around with a smile on his face.

His gaze then stop at the newly arrived group, "Gajeel, Gray, Lucy, Wendy, and Erza. The five of you will be the one who will represent us in this year's games. Our guild's reputation are in your hands, so you better train like your lives depends on it."


Wendy and Lucy were startled, they didn't think that the two of them were going to be chosen to fight in the upcoming Grand Magic Games.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Nat-..Master!? Aren't Mira or Luxus a much better choice? I mean, the two of them are much stronger than me!?" Lucy exlaimed.

"I-I think so too." Wendy stuttered. She actually never even thought of participating, after all her fighting power is almost zero.

Natsu just grinned, and ignore the protest of the two girls, "That's why I said, train like your lives depend on it. Starting tomorrow, for the next three months, train until your body and soul refused to move!"

Even someone like Erza shivered in fear hearing the tone of Natsu's voice, much less someone like Wendy and Lucy, the two of them stared at Natsu who has an 'evil' grin and they couldn't help but gulped their saliva.


'Natsu-san is scary!'

Natsu then glance at Gray, who is clenching his fist, then he suddenly remembered something as he called him.

"Oh, Gray!" The 'stripper' relaxed his fists and glanced at Natsu in confusion. Natsu then appeared in front of him and carried him on his shoulders. "Come with me for a bit."

"Damn it! Let me go flame-brain!" However, his words were not heard as the two of them disappeared in the guild.

Everyone stared at the spot where Natsu and Gray disappeared, before shrugging and went back to what they are doing.

"By the way Ultear, where do you think master will take Gray?" Mira asks as she served the time mage a slice of strawberry cake.

"Hmm~" Ultear glanced at the cake with a sparkling eyes, "I guess master will give him 'that'."

"Oh? So you mean 'that'?" Kagura said as she sat beside Ultear while looking at her cake, finding an opportunity to take it for herself.

"What is 'that' that you are talking about?" Erza asks, while also looking at the cake in Ultear's platem

"Fufu~ you'll know when the time comes." Ultear replied with a laugh, as she ate the cake in one go.