"Hahaha~ entertain me for awhile 'kay?" Green flames swirled around his body before it transform into an eastern dragon, "-Devour. Fafnir!"

The dragon roared as it shot towards Alex, who merely covered himself with dark aura as the dragon coiled around him.

Luscio smirked, however, it turned into frown when he noticed that Alex is still alive, he immediately panicked when he noticed that his green flaming dragon turned black and attack him.

"Fafnir!" He created another dragon that matched the black one, and when they collided, both dragon vanished in thin air.

"How-?" Luscio could not believe his eyes, Fafnir, is one of his most powerful spell, yet..

"Pathetic...devour? That thing? You are really lame, you even tried to imitate me. You're asking how I turned your dragon into mine right?" Alex calmly walk towards Luscio while answering, "That's easy, how could you devour something, that's purpose is to devour everything?"

"My chaos is not something that your pathetic flames can burn," Alex loudly proclaimed,

"Pathetic? You're saying my flames are pathetic?" Luscio spoke, with his bangs covering his eyes, his fist clenched and his lips bleed from biting.

"That's right. Your flames are lacking compared to our master. I admit your flame is hot, but that's it, it feels empty, it feels calm and serene."

"That's it? Your saying my flames are weaker than Salamander because it is empty, calm and serene?"

"That's right."

"RIDICULOUS! My flames are like that because of my control! It just proves that my control over my flames are perfect!"

Alex shook his head with a sigh, "and that is why your flames will always be weaker than his. What is flames? What is fire? It is the embodiment of destruction. Master Natsu's flames is like that, it's destructive, overwhelming, domineering, untamed, just looking at his flames feels like you are getting burned, compared him, yours is just like a water, calm and serene."

"DAMN YOU!" Luscio angrily cursed at Alex ran towards him, "I'LL RIP YOU TO SHREDS!!"

Alex hurriedly slammed his palm on the ground as countless black tentacles emerged from the ground before it shot towards the Luscio.

Luscio's flames transformed into something like a spear that countered the black tentacles.

"You dare mock my flames," Luscio raised his hands in front of Alex as large amount of flames gathered on his palms, "Scorching Hurricane!"

Alex crossed his arms as large amount of dark aura covered him, protecting him from the flame-hurricane that shot towards him.

"AARRGGHH!!!" Even with his magic, Alex can feel his skin being burned, heck even his flesh feels like being cooked.

"Hmph!" Luscio snorted as he watch Alex still standing, even though his skin wasn't burned too much, it still stings of one were to touch it.

However, his eyes soon shot wide open as the dark aura around him seems to be healing him,


Luscio also noticed that the ethernano in the surroundings are being suċkėd by him, "What the hell is this? He's suċkɨnġ the ethernano in the air?! How could this be possible?"

Then, Alex's entire body was shrouded by black aura, his glowing red eyes sent chills down Luscio's spine.

"Let me show you, why I am called the Dark Emperor of Chaos." Alex's voice changed, it became cold, dark, and deep, something that terrifies Luscio.


'Damn! Damn! Damn! Hurry! I need to hurry up!' Natsu thought as he rushed towards Hargeon with a speed that would undoubtedly exhaust his magic power rapidly.

"Natsu! Slow down a bit! You'll ran out of magic power soon if you keep this pace up!" Fiana shouted from behind him, but he ignored it.

They could've gotten there much sooner with Mest's help, but he was still unconscious from exhausting his magic power.

Well, it's not that surprising, after all the reason why they managed to prepare much faster is because Mest keeps using his magic non-stop, from transporting supplies, equipments, and even an entire towns and cities full of people.

"Goddammit Natsu, don't you care about your wellbeing at all?" Fiana muttered as she stared at Natsu's back which is getting farther and farther.

"Damn!" She cursed and also increased her speed.

'The Gods of Ishgar is following behind us, I don't how strong those people are, but they surely won't survive facing one of those monsters.' She thought as she glance behind her,

However, a large shadow appeared beside her, "Need a lift?" Fiana glance at the figure and saw Julius riding a large metallic bird.

"Thanks!" She did not decline, after all she could save more magic power this way, besides, Jura and Kylla were also riding behind him.

She jumped and landed beside Jura before sitting down.

Julius glance at the back before he increased his speed, though he still couldn't catch up to Natsu.

No matter how much magic power he used, he could not even be beside him. Julius just wryly smiled and shook his head.

'Competing with this guy will just make me look weak.'

Natsu of course notice Julius and the others following behind him, but he did not intend to lower his speed or ride with them.

'Just hold on guys, I'm coming.'


"Haa~ haa~" Luscio was panting and his magic power almost used up, and his body is full of injuries, "you gave me quite a scare there, little guy, but this ends here."

Luscio stared at Alex, who is lying in a pool of blood, bȧrėly even breathing. Luscio can still remember the feeling of death when he was facing him, honestly, it has been awhile since he felt that way.

Luscio glance at the army of titan behind him, just standing there without moving. He sighed and flaming green wings sprouted from his back as he flew, however, he suddenly stop when he felt Alex slowly standing up.

"Persistent." He angrily uttered as he stared at Alex fiercely,

Alex just chuckled as he glared back at Luscio, "You know, people called me crazy, idiot, stupid, childish, they bullied me and whatsoever. But I did not care, I'm used to be alone, and I will always be alone."

"But now, I finally found a place that accepted me. True they laugh at me, and even going as far as to threaten to drown me in the seas, but they don't hate me, they accepted me for who i am where no one has."

"They gave me a home, a reason to once again give my trust to other people, so how could I just allow you to take everything away?"

"I'll say this to you, Dark Guild," Alex released a massive dark energy that shook the area as he glared at Luscio, at the titans, and at the people at the hwad of the largest titan,

"As long as this body of mine is still intact, you can forget about taking a step forward."