-Five Days Later-

Natsu was now ready to leave Era, he stayed here for five days because of his injuries and now that he is healed, well not healed but still okay, he decided to go back to the guild.

Currently, he was wearing the clothes he got from the king, which has been fixed and even upgraded by council, he's also wearing his newly made wizard saint coat.

Right now, he was already in the train station, with some saints saying goodbye to him.

"Well, I guess this is it Natsu-dono, we will see each other soon, please say hello to Fairy Tail for me." Jura said as he shook Natsu's hands before smiling, "You have become so strong Natsu-dono, I'm sure that Makarov-dono will be proud of you."

Natsu smiled and nodded, "Yes, I think so too," he then look at the person which is covered by bandages all over her body except the head.

"I guess we won't be fighting for a long time eh, Fiana? Welp, get well soon I guess?"

Fiana just smiled and Karate-chopped Natsu's head causing him to groan in pain, "What are you talking about Natsu? This injuries are nothing, I'll be healed in no time, and believe it, the next time we meet, I'll kick your ȧss six ways to sunday."

Natsu ċȧrėssed his head and sheepishly, "See you soon guys!" Natsu waved them good bye and left.

Fiana smiled before turning around and leave also, while Jura just sighed and followed after her.


At The Country of Disierto, inside an old and ruined temple.

A man in his early thirties wearing a brown cloak can be seen walking leisurely in a narrow, and dark hallway.

Suddenly, a tile he stepped on sank by an inch causing the man to stop his movements.

He waited for a few second and nothing happens, "Hmm~ could it be that the temple is too old that the traps stop working?"

However, just as he thought of that, the floor he was standing on. split opened, reacting quickly, he activated his flaming wings to stay afloat.

"This? This is the best you can do? Seriously? Lame~" using his wings, he continue walking, or rather, flying.

After a few minutes, he finally arrived in front of a large double doors made out of sandstones.

"Finally! After several weeks of searching and walking aimlessly, I finally found the end of this godforsaken temple!"

He pushed the door open, but it did not even budge even a little. He used all of his strength but the door showed no sign of reactions.


He gritted his teeth and green flames appeared on his elbows, and his feet, his flame wings sprout out from his back and gave him more strength.

After a few seconds, the door opens for a bit, just enough for one person to enter.

As he went in, he realized that he is in a large and wide hall, heck he could not even see the ceilings.

"Just how huge is this guys when its still alive?"

However, his gaze shifted to the ring on the skeleton's hand, his eyes widened in shock as he recognized the ring.

"Isn't that the Titan's Crown? How comes its a- ohh~! Right, for humans, that ring might've been a large crown, but for titans, then its just a small ring."

Flame wings sprouts from his back as he flew towards the skeleton's hand as he used all his strength to pull the ring out of the skeleton's finger.

"Damn! So heavy!"

He slowly and gently descended as he took out a lacrima with the size of a basketball.

Few seconds later, a figure of a handsome man with blonde hair appeared at the lacrima.

"Luscio huh? I take it you already found the Titan's Crown?"

The man, Luscio nodded with a serious look as he showed the gigantic ring to the man.

"Indeed I have, Liem-dono."

"HAHAHA! GOOD! GOOD! GOOD! I will call Amado, we'll be there in a minute."

Luscio nodded as he ended the call and took out a talisman before sticking it at the lacrima.

A few minutes later, the talisman released a blinding forcing Luscio to close his eyes, when he opened them, he saw two men standing beside the lacrima.

One was the man he was talking just awhile ago, Liem, and the other was a man in his thirties with black hair and red eyes, on his hand he was holding the talisman that Luscio placed on the lacrima.

"So this is the Titan's Crown? As expected, it's huge." Liem said in amazement as he glance at the large ring. "Well, let's start."

Liem then took out a crystal, the very same crystal that Luscio took from Thandrus, the lightning titan slayer that Natsu and Jura fought.

He placed it at the ring with a hole just perfect enough for the crystal to fit, then he took out another crystal, a green crystal and placed it at the ring, then he took out another one.

The last crystal he took was half of the crystal that Natsu ate, Liem glance at the crystal at his hands and sighed.

"To activate the titan's crown, we need to have a three titan crystal that has the blood of the three titan kings that stood by the side of the titan emperor, but the flame titan crystal is only half, i just hope that it's enough."

He then placed it at the ring, right after that the ring glows and floated above Liem's head before it shrunk to the size of a normal crown and dropped itself on Liem's head.


Then, Liem levitated from the ground as he flew at the head of the large skeleton and placed his right on it.

"Now, it's time for the overlord of earth to walk the land once again. AWAKEN FROM YOUR SLUMBER!"

The skull's 'eyes' glowed red as he entire hall trembled from its gaze, then slowly, it stood up from its throne as flesh started appearing on its body.


Above the hall, on an endless, the ruined temple trembles before sinking down on the ground, then, a hundred meter tall titan with the body made out of rocks, flames, lightnings, and plants emerged.

Liem was standing on its head while laughing, the titan then roared and the entire country of Disierto shook as hundreds of titans with different sizes and elements emerged from the ground.

"HAHAHAHA!" A mad laughter then echoed throughout the entire country of Disierto.