Era, Magic Council's Headquarters.

Natsu finally arrived after a long travel, however, he doesn't have any time to rest as he was now being guided by a frog-like creature towards the hall where all the council members are waiting.

"-... I have heard about your...'tales' mister Dragneel, and I advice you to please behave while you are in their presence, they are very arrogant so one wrong move could be your and your guild's demise."

Natsu just smiled, though a cruel glint flash through his eyes before disappearing, "Don't worry mister Frog, I know how to behave. Thanks for the warning though."

The frog sighed in relief before nodding its head. After awhile of walking, they stopped in front of a large double doors.

"We have arrived. I can only take you this far, please-" the frog motioned for Natsu to come in, and so he did.

He opened the door and was immediately greeted by the several people who seems to be a bit holographic.

Natsu took notice of this and frowned, 'so they are not here, but just their avatar, they are truly looking down on us.'

"Glad to meet you, Master Dragneel. I am Gran Doma, the chairman of the council, now let us begin the ceremony."

Then, Gran Doma proceed to read the contents of the scroll he was 'holding' and honestly, Natsu doesn't care and even feel sleepy.

It was just about how he should be responsible, do his duties seriously and blah blah blah blah blah.

Seriously, if Natsu has the strength to fight against the council, he wouldn't even bother to be here, and even if he did, he'll just sleep.

"-...Now, will you, Natsu Dragneel, swear to do your job seriously and properly, without betraying the council?"

'Finally!' Natsu inwardly exclaimed, then he lazily replied, "Yeah, yeah, let's just get this over with."

Natsu finally decided to disrespect them as he already became an official guild master, there's nothing much they could do to him and his guild aside from threatening them.

After all, if the council push the Fairy Tail too hard, then perhaps other guild will be wary of them and might even see the council as a threat, that's why the council won't dare to lay their hands on him and his guild.

As for dealing with them in the dark? Natsu already have enough strength to protect his family, perhaps if he went Titanic-Dragon form, then he'll be as strong as the strongest saint or even even at the level of Gods of Ishgar.

(A/N; 5th rank to 10th rank are saints, and I will be referring the 5th rank as the strongest saint and above that are four gods of ishgar and can no longer be called as Saints, so I'll be calling them as Gods of Ishgar or just gods, but not real gods okay?)

"YOU-!" A council member was about to scold Natsu but stopped when Gran Doma waved his hand.

"Now, you are officially appointed as Fairy Tail's Fourth Guild Master, three weeks from now, we will call all the Guild Master in Fiore for a meeting, you need to be there, it is very important."

"Meeting? What's it about? If I may ask?"

"Well, since you'll know about it eventually, I guess there's no harm on telling you. The King of Fiore wanted to have a tournament to determine the strongest guild in Fiore, it will take place six months from now."

Natsu just nodded and prepared to leave, however, he stopped on his tracks when Gran Doma called out to him.

"Wait a minute, Master Dragneel." Gran Doma called out, seeing Natsu stop walking and face him, he continue his words, "Master Dragneel, we have known about your feat of defeating that titan along with the wizard saint Jura."

Natsu was a bit confused by all of this, he defeated that titan with Jura's help, he doubt that he did something that warrant their attention.

Well, except maybe that part where he fought that titan slayer from Smiling Reaper.

"Master Dragneel, with Saint Jura taking that traitor's, Jellal, position as the 9th wizard saint, the tenth position is left open. And, as we have observed, you are more than qualified to take that position. I, as the chairman of the council, wants you to take that position."

Natsu's eyes widen shock, not only him, the council members are also the same, they stared Gran Doma as if he was mad.

Natsu quickly snapped out of it and glance at Gran Doma as if he was an idiot before he grinned, "Fine, I accept."

Gran Doma nodded, "Very well, in two weeks you will be once again called here to take the test to be a wizard saint. See you in two weeks, Master Dragneel."

"Okay, see you in two weeks then."

Natsu then turn around and exited the hall, leaving the council members alone in the hall.

After Natsu left, the council meber started screaming.



"Everyone calm down! I'm sure that chairman knows what he is doing."

Despite their screaming, Gran Doma remained calm but with a cruel smile present on his face.

"Are all of you idiots?" Gran Doma said while looking at the councilors, "Fairy Tail is too weak to pose a threat to us, they only have Natsu Dragneel as their pillar, now with him being saint, we can control him, we can limit his actions and even limit his interference towards his guild."

"Its true that with Dragneel as a saint, we can't do anything to his guild," Gran Doma continued, "but it doesn't mean that others can't."

Unknowingly, Natsu has fallen under the plot of the council, while still thinking that they are idiots for granting him the chance to be Saint