Three days later.

Natsu is currently walking around the woods as he searched for the house of the old woman who is a member and the doctor of Fairy Tail.

It took him a couple a whole lot of time before he arrived at her house.

Natsu knew about the temper of the woman and her dislikes towards human, but he got no choice, to fuse the lacrima within him, he needed her help.

He look at her house and took a deep breath before he decided to knock.




Natsu waited for a few moments but received no response, thinking that maybe she didn't heard his knock, he decided to do it again.

But this time, before he could raise his hand, he heard a voice of an elderly woman coming from inside.

"I heard you the first time, don't bother, I'm not receiving any visitors, just go away."

Natsu sweatdrop but didn't make a move, instead he kick the door open and walk inside the house.

"WHAT THE HELL HUMAN BRAT?! WHO TOLD YOU TO BARGE INTO MY HOUSE LIKE THAT?!" a pink haired elderly woman exclaimed as he saw Natsu kick the door of her house and walk in as if it was his own home.

Natsu, however remained calm as he greeted the elder woman, "Yo! You're that woman who helped master Makarov right, you're Porlyusica right? Right now, i really need your help."

Dark lines appeared on the elder woman's face before she glared at Natsu animosity, "Go home! I don't want to help you!"

She picked up a broom stick and chase Natsu away from her house, but Natsu dodged every attempt she made to hit him.

"Please! I really need help your help! I promise I'll leave your house after this!" Natsu explained as he keep jumping here and there to avoid getting hit by the broom.

After awhile, Porlyusica calmed down and stop trying to hit Natsu, "Fine, but you'll leave, and never disturb me again after this, got it?!"

Natsu nodded his and grinned.

Porlyusica sighed and sat down, followed by Natsu who sat at the opposite side, making them face each other.

"So? What is it that you need my help with?" She asks, as Natsu opened the bag he has been carrying all this time and took out the black lacrima, shocking the elder woman, "this-... is this a lacrima with a god slayer magic?"

Natsu nodded his head in confirmation, "A...friend, gave it to me. I need your help to fuse this lacrima in me,"

"Such a friend you have there, to give you one of the most rarest lacrima in Earth Land," Porlyusica said as she observed the lacrima, before nodding her head, "I can, indeed, help you fuse with this, however, why do seek more power? You already have a powerful magic, so why?"

Natsu clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, "You have heard about the Tenrou incident right?" he said as Porlyusica nodded, of course she did, she's one of the oldest member of the guild after all.

However, she wasn't that worried about them, after all she knew about that 'ghost' that stays at that island, no way 'she' will allow the member of 'her' guild to die at the hands of that abomination.

Seeing her nod, Natsu continue his words, "At first, I wanted to have to have this power so that I can make Acnologia pay for what he did, but, something unexpected happened, making me to change my mind, yes making Acnologia pay is one of my top priority, but, protecting my friends so that what happened to Tenrou won't happen again, comes first."

Natsu paused and look at Porlyusica as he continue, "Fairy Tail wasn't disbanded even with the trouble we cause is because gramps has connections to the higher ups and is also a wizard saint, but he's not here, so I need to be the one who protect my guild. But with my strength now it isn't enough, that's why, I'm begging you, please help me."

Porlyusica look at the eyes of Natsu, as she recalled a much younger Makarov who also said almost the same thing, that look on his eyes, the both of them are exactly the same.

Her lips curved into a smile but quickly replaced by an annoyed expression, "Tsk, whatever, I will help just this one time, got that?"

Natsu smiled and nodded his head, "Yes! Thank you very much!"

Porlyusica stood up and turned her back to Natsu, as a smile formed on her lips while gazing at the sky through her window.

'Makarov, once you return, I'm sure you'll be shocked, that little trouble maker of yours has finally grew up, he's just like you when you were young.'

"Hey! Hey! When will you start? Hey! Can we do it now! I still have to meet the council in three days! Hey! Are you listening to me!"

Her smile disappeared and was replaced by a scowl, 'or maybe not, he's still as bratty as ever.'

"SHUT UP BRAT! ELSE I'LL YOU THROW YOU OUT OF MY HOUSE!" she screamed while hitting a cowering Natsu with a broom.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Stop it you old hag! That hurts!"


'He's still as bratty as ever, but I'm sure, he'll mȧturė soon, and you'll be shock by how much your 'child' has change along with the guild.'