Chapter 33

Name:Eye of Evolution Author:Ash Rover
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

There were a lot of notifications, including that Loga’s Affinity had increased to that of a good friend, and Ralph’s Affinity had increased to that of a friend.

“Lord Gladys? Isn’t she the widow of the former Northern Territory Lord, the one whose husband was killed by Ursok?” Bai Xiaowen was taken aback. “Me killing Elliot doesn’t affect her at all… Okay fine, I guess her stance on the war is the opposite of mine. However, even the Great General Alinath hasn’t expressed his stance on this matter. Why is she kicking up such a fuss? And she even has hatred toward me. Women are really petty.”

“Maybe this widow has an affair with Elliot,” Bai Xiaowen thought for a second.

“All right, time to open the treasure chest.”

The battle evaluation this time was not high. It was only C, which was just enough to pass. There was only one chance to draw.

Furthermore, the warrior had died a grievous death. He did not leave behind anything for Bai Xiaowen, let alone a treasure chest.

“The combined strength of the two of them is two to three times that of mine. If I manage to kill them without incurring any injuries, I should at least be given an A, right?” Bai Xiaowen raised his middle finger at the sky. “Is the rating system broken?”

After venting some of his frustration, Bai Xiaowen finally figured out some of the rules of the evaluation system. In addition to calculating the strength of both parties, the evaluation rules seemed to be more inclined to a more direct style of killing, like stabbing the opponent. Bai Xiaowen’s method of killing the enemy, which was equivalent to hitting a fixed target, was not recognized, so the evaluation was not high.

“This evaluation method is clearly bullying brain workers.” Bai Xiaowen opened the imperial envoy Elliot’s treasure chest.

As expected of a baron, Elliot’s treasure chest was worthy of his status. A total of 12 gorgeous silver cards flickered with silver light. They were high-end and impressive.

The most aggravating fact was that he could only draw once. Fortunately, he would not get a bye.

Bai Xiaowen rubbed his hands and silently prayed for some divine power to watch over him and give him blessings before opening one of the spoils of war cards.

The other cards turned into light and dissipated, and the chosen card turned over.

“You have obtained an item: panty with words.”

Bai Xiaowen was appalled, and he stood there, not moving a muscle.

Under the gentle light, a white panty-like item landed in Bai Xiaowen’s hand.

“You panty maniac!” he chided.

Bai Xiaowen kicked the hedgehog-like man, Elliot, before spreading out the white panty to identify the Latin words on it.

There was not much space on the female panty, so there was only one sentence written on it.

“My heart will go on, Gloria.”

Bai Xiaowen sucked in a deep breath. He thought, “Erm… Perhaps, she has the same name as the other Gloria?” Bai Xiaowen’s heart shuddered within him. “Gloria, that question mark-level Boss, had an affair with Elliot? Then are Gladys and Gloria from the same family? Anyway, their names are very similar. Then the question is, are Gladys and Gloria mother and daughter or sisters?”

“Elliot, you damned winner of life, I’m so glad that you’ve died!”

These random thoughts occupied Bai Xiaowen’s mind for 0.1 seconds before he returned to normal.

“I’ll go back, find Ralph, and see if I can get some items from that female Elf. That way, I can be compensated for my losses… Hmm, the battle should be over. I’ll meet Ralph and the others at the agreed place.”

Bai Xiaowen thought for a moment and knew that Ralph and Selina would not stay in the camp and fight the female Elf to the death. Their target was gone, so what was the point of fighting? If the city guards were sent here as reinforcements, they would be goners.

An hour later, Bai Xiaowen met the two Viking men at the agreed location.

Both of them were injured. Ralph’s injuries were slightly less severe than his partner’s. However, the good news was that neither of their injuries prevented them from continuing on their journey.

Regarding the fact that Bai Xiaowen had killed Elliot and obtained the credit, Loga was rather open-minded. He gave Bai Xiaowen a thumbs up and said that if it were not for him, he and Ralph would have disgraced Ursok. As for Ralph, although he looked a little depressed, he sincerely congratulated Bai Xiaowen.

The three of them rode to Sharp Helmet City to report back to the Resistance Army. Along the way, they did not encounter the city guards of Elu City. Nothing unexpected happened along the way.

After a day of riding, Bai Xiaowen finally saw the tall spire of the Lord’s Mansion in Sharp Helmet City.

“When can I see Ursok?”

Bai Xiaowen asked Ralph anxiously.

Ralph acted as if he understood. “Relax, Dior. I understand your excitement. Any Viking will find it difficult to calm down when they meet a great leader. I’ve already asked the chief steward of the Lord’s Mansion, Grimma, and she told me that it’s lunchtime now. Have some patience, he will see you soon.”

As they were talking, the side door to the lord’s residence opened and Chief Steward Grimma walked out.

“Ralph, Loga, Lord Ursok has ordered you to bring your new brother along to dine with him.”

Ralph and Loga looked excited.

“Oh my gosh! Eating with Lord Ursok is an honor worth remembering for the rest of my life,” Loga muttered.

Ralph’s expression was relatively calm, but his slightly trembling hands still betrayed his excitement.

The three of them followed Grimma into the hall of the lord’s residence. Bai Xiaowen secretly cast Insight on Grimma. He was inwardly shocked because he only received a name, and the rest were all question marks.

It was another question mark level Boss. If Ursok’s chief steward was already so powerful, one could imagine Ursok’s strength.

Bai Xiaowen also felt the limitations of his Insight talent. He concluded that he could only detect the strength of people below Level 3 (including Level 3). Those who were much stronger than him were all question marks and could not be determined.

With this understanding, Bai Xiaowen did not even bother to use Insight when he saw Ursok and his trusted subordinates eating together in the lord’s hall. After all, they would all be question-mark-level bosses.

“Welcome, warriors of the North.”

Ursok, who was sitting in the lord’s seat, was wearing a black cloak and looked to be in his forties or fifties. He had a dignified aura around him. He held a wine glass and greeted Bai Xiaowen and the other two. “I see the wounds on your bodies. These are the medallions of a warrior. Rest. You’re home.”

“Great Ursok, we have good news…” Ralph told Ursok about the assassination of the imperial envoy.

Ralph did not take all the credit for himself. He told the truth about Bai Xiaowen’s contributions.

While Ralph was speaking, Bai Xiaowen carefully observed the appearance, clothes, and temperament of Ursok and his subordinates. He secretly analyzed their personalities, classes, and other information.

The banquet table in the lord’s hall was divided into two rows.

Ursok’s left was occupied by a middle-aged man in a black robe with pale skin. What caught Bai Xiaowen’s attention was the small wand beside his hand.

It was obvious that this was Ursok’s Chief Mage.

The row on the right was filled with Vikings. The first man on the right was about the same height as Yao Ming, a very tall basketball player from another time and space. This man was burly with corded muscles. He looked extremely muscular, like a human tank. Bai Xiaowen wondered what kind of tragedy would happen if this person appeared in the NBA tournament. He could probably trample so many Robinsons that they could circle the Earth.

This burly man’s name was Taggart, and his other attributes were all question marks.

Suddenly, Ursok’s voice sounded. “Welcome, new brother. You were brave in the White Stone Valley battle and are a true Viking warrior. Sharp Helmet City is your home now. If you have any requests, feel free to ask. Grimma will help you make the necessary arrangements.”