Chapter 6

Name:Eye of Evolution Author:Ash Rover
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In the Crimson Fire No.1 Middle School, Class 17 of the senior year students were having a class meeting.

The form teacher, Xiao Jinsheng, was a little bald. He was plump and had a double or triple chin. At this moment, he was tapping the chalk on the blackboard and emphasized patiently.

“Today is February 4th. There are only 123 days left on the countdown to the college entrance examination! The college entrance examination is fiercely competitive! Whether you succeed or not depends on this. Even without me saying this, you guys should know that you don’t have much time left, so you need to make the most of it!”

“Everyone, keep your spirits up and see which aspects of your scores can still increase! Combat, machinery, meditation, actual combat, and general knowledge… Each of these five subjects has a total of 150 points. You can’t fall behind in any of them! In the examination hall for the college entrance examination, being one point ahead is enough to surpass thousands of other students. You cannot be too careful…”

On the stage, Xiao Jinsheng’s saliva was flying everywhere as he spoke, but the students below the stage were doing their own things. The self-disciplined students took advantage of the class meeting to do some general knowledge mock papers. Most of the students were whispering to each other, passing celebrity posters, entertainment magazines, and vulgar novels.

“Did you watch the live broadcast of last night’s competition? Team Sky vs. Team Rolling Stones.”

“Of course, I won’t miss the Super Cup live broadcast. I’ll watch every match. The Rolling Stones are too powerful. Their post-match statistics are twice as high as Sky’s! It would be strange if Sky didn’t lose.”

“The key is the MT of the Rolling Stones, Boulder! His large-scale gravity technique leaves no room for the DPS of the Sky team to deal damage, and the Rock Armor can absorb a large amount of damage. The five members of the Sky team are completely surrounded, so they were easily killed by their opponent.”

“Boulder is too strong. The Earth Guardian is indeed a Hero Class. I want to change my Class to a Hero Class and become a superstar like Boulder!”

“You? Keep bragging…”

The boys snickered.

The Super Cup was a battle between the top Awakened teams in the world. The lineup of the Awakened teams that could enter the Super Cup was definitely luxurious. Every team member was a well-known celebrity.

In a lower league than the Super Cup were domestic professional leagues (A-level) and development leagues (B-level). The influence of the A-level professional leagues was a little weaker than the Super Cup, but they still got media attention in the country. As for the B-level development league, although it was also a professional competition, its influence was much weaker. Generally, only the local state media would reserve a page for them.

To date, the league system had already formed a perfect industrial chain. It was even more popular than football, basketball, and other competitions in another time and space. It led to a huge market in trillions of dollars worldwide.


A few pieces of chalk flew out and accurately hit the head of the boy who had just spoken. The form teacher, Xiao Jinsheng, glanced at his class sternly. Immediately, everyone fell silent.

“You’re the worst batch I’ve ever had!”

Xiao Jinsheng was heartbroken. “Last year, the admission score for normal universities was 435 points and 520 points for focal universities. According to the results of our class’s last mock exam, there are fewer than ten students who passed the normal universities’ admission score and only two who passed the focal universities’ admission score. The college entrance examination is much stricter than the mock exam. Your expected score will definitely drop!”

“Students, the College Entrance Examination is a dividing line. Entering a university means that there is a high chance of becoming an Awakened, which is a privileged class! If you cannot pass, you can only become a bodyguard, a sparring partner, or a guard. Your income is not even 1% or even 0.001% of the Awakened! With such a huge gap, is it not worth your attention and efforts?”

The atmosphere in the class began to drop. What Xiao Jinsheng said was the truth. The college entrance examination now was more important than the college entrance examination in another time and space. For ordinary students without any background, it was a crossroads that would determine their fate.

Ring! Ring! Ring! The bell broke the silence.

Xiao Jinsheng coughed. “I’ve already applied to the school for our class to enter the ‘buffer zone’. I want to organize an actual field training! You will be in a certain degree of danger if you participate, so students who don’t want to participate can write a report in advance and withdraw from this. However, those who choose to withdraw will be forcefully transferred out of the combat class! School is dismissed!”

As soon as Xiao Jinsheng left, the class burst into an uproar.

The buffer zone referred to the buffer zone that was located between the human base city and the wilderness. It was not as dangerous as the wilderness, and the wandering monsters were relatively weak. However, they were only weak in the eyes of the Awakened.

To the senior-year students of Class 17, the monsters in the buffer zone were very difficult to deal with. Even with a teacher leading the team, it was still quite dangerous. Moreover, who knew if there would be powerful monsters in the wilderness that could cross the blockade and enter the buffer zone? It was not unprecedented. Something like that had happened before.

The deaths of the Crimson Fire No.1 Middle School’s combat classmates basically happened in the buffer zone. However, entering the buffer zone to carry out actual combat practice also greatly improved the results of the combat class students. Therefore, this kind of actual field training method had always been highly valued. The mortality rate was basically used in the buffer zone.

Bai Xiaowen did not move from his seat. His mind was elsewhere, and his eyes were unfocused.

In fact, Bai Xiaowen’s brain had four lines of different colors swimming rapidly in a certain trajectory. Their trajectories merged into a detailed and complicated diagram.

Finally, after the fifth diagram was completed, Bai Xiaowen’s Spirit could no longer continue and he had no choice but to stop.

A series of notifications entered his mind:

“Meditation complete. Time taken: 132 seconds. Mind Wideness: Level 4. Focus: Level 5. Evaluation: Excellent.”

“Basic Meditation proficiency increased.”

“Basic Meditation has been upgraded to Level 4!”

Similar to his personal attributes panel, these notifications were all digitized products of Earth and were related to the mysterious spiritual particles. Bai Xiaowen thought of them as system notifications in a super-large-scale game. As for who controlled the system… That was not within his consideration.

“Phew…” Bai Xiaowen heaved a long sigh of relief and stood up.

“My Basic Meditation has finally reached Level 4. I can get more than 120 out of 150 in the Meditation class, and I can even get full marks in the general knowledge class. I’ve improved a lot. My spirit has soared to 4.9, and I have a super brain. It’s not surprising that I’ve improved so much.”

“However, the results of combat, machinery, and actual combat classes have always been limited by one’s physical fitness, so it has always been difficult to improve.”

“Special subjects are very dangerous. I have to improve my physical fitness and the results of the other three courses in order to get into a focal university!” Bai Xiaowen clenched his fists in determination.

Bai Xiaowen walked out of the school building and saw someone he detested.

Zhou Yi was still dressed in branded clothes. He was sitting on a stylish motorcycle with Wu Xiaoyan on the seat behind his.

“Hello, Bai Xiaowen.” Zhou Yi chuckled and deliberately clenched his fists, making cracking sounds.

“What do you want?” Bai Xiaowen furrowed his brows. He felt that it was annoying to have an adolescent brat challenging him.

“You heard what the form teacher said during the class meeting today, right? There’s going to be an actual field training soon!” Zhou Yi had an inexplicable smile on his face. “That’s a dangerous buffer zone. A sickly person like you is very likely to die.”

“Are you threatening me?” Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes.

“Pfft, you’re regarding my good intention as ill intention. I’m merely giving you a piece of advice. In order to make sure that you stay alive, it’s best if you write an application to withdraw from the training!” Zhou Yi crossed his arms and glanced sideways at Bai Xiaowen. “A person like you is not qualified to stay in the combat class at all.”

“Is that so?”

Bai Xiaowen flashed a handsome smile, which in Zhou Yi’s eyes, was a provocative smile.

“Zhou Yi, you should pay attention to your studies.”

Bai Xiaowen strode away without looking at Zhou Yi and Wu Xiaoyan.

A dark look came over Zhou Yi’s face as he looked at Bai Xiaowen’s back. He punched the dashboard of the motorcycle and scolded, “The audacity of him! How dare he disrespect me like so?”

Wu Xiaoyan said, “Zhou Yi, with your status, why are you arguing with Bai Xiaowen? He’s not even qualified to compete with you. Don’t be angry… Think about our goal.”

Zhou Yi shook his head, his expression still dark. He gritted his teeth and said, “I didn’t want to do anything. I simply wanted to scare this idiot so that he’d back out and leave the combat class. But now, I’ve changed my mind! If he really dares to participate in actual field training, I’ll definitely teach him a lesson.”