Chapter 295

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
Chen Lai. Steel Dyson 01: "the ships of the kisyanki were lost in the sea of stars during transportation. On the 02, Chen Lai, you go to the star world to find this secret treasure composed of the most rare metals and flawless gemstones in the universe, which is used to arrange the ritual road for the Dragon Queen."

"No. 03, No. 04, Chen Lai, you go to the abyss, the Kingdom behind the five color dragon, and capture the spouse of a five color dragon. No. 05, No. 06, Chen Lai, you sneak into the Dragon kingdom. I need to steal one, no, more of her eggs."

"On the 7th, Chen Lai went to imprint city to record any life transmitted to torrel."

"Chen Lai, No. 08, go and get the cold winter ring."

"No. 09 chenlai... 010... 300 chenlai as a group, go to the witch constellation, completely destroy and harvest the intelligent life there, and 300-600 as a group, go to the Black Knight nebula, completely harvest the intelligent life there..."

In an instant, thousands of neutron degenerate state images opened the mantle and reflected the brilliance of the star and flew towards the deep space of the universe.

A thousand neutron degenerate demons flew to the planets with intelligent life discovered by the mage these years.

When they leave the gravitational range of the planet, any transmission ability instantly makes them jump to the next gravitational point.

——————Lens switching -——————

The camera returns to torrel from the universe.

Chen Lai. Steel Dyson's body was shocked violently and woke up from the shaking boat.

This is a green river. The forests on both sides are like fairyland, filled with white fog.

The boat is slowly leaving the river.

"Are you awake?" Yana Kara took the boat and slowly flowed on the river.

"My will is completely disconnected. Where is this? This place is extraordinary." Chen Lai steel Dyson looked around.

Yana Kara answered while standing on the bow of the boat: "this is the golden fairyland, the apple forest of Aziz zhuolano, the Avalon in your mortal legend, the home of countless warriors, and also my hometown."

"Your hometown?"

Chen Lai Gangzhi Dyson obviously felt wrong. He asked.

"I am the spirit born in the golden country. This is my hometown." the spirit slowly shook the boat and said.

The mage finally understood the current situation: "aren't you Yana Kara? Where's the woman?"

The fairy's sweet voice slowly said, "I'm Jana Kara and didlet. Our will has been integrated. I love life, nature, ordinary happiness and my husband.

I also fantasize that one day, the glory of nesariel will be restored and the scene 3000 years ago will reappear on this continent. "

"That woman's will didn't completely infect you. What about that woman?"

Yana Kara tidbit shrugged and said helplessly, "on the Internet."

Chen Lai gangzhidyson opened the cross plane chat network. Indeed, Yana Kara and several other witches were colluding with each other to do bad things.

Chen Lai. Steel Daisen motioned silently as he lay down: "I'm curious about your relationship mode. Won't you be schizophrenic?"

Jana Kara tidbit showed a terrible expression and her long ears drooped: "it's obvious that I'm schizophrenic."

Chen Lai. Steel Dyson: "your expression is much more lively and vivid than her."

Yana Kara tidbit looked at her hometown with a slightly reminiscent look: "after all, I'm only 300 years old and very young."

In the conversation between the mage and the spirit, time passed quickly. When the spirit's boat crossed the Golden Village and returned to the main material world, it had come to the giant sea.

When you come to the underworld, it's a good trip to the fairy's apple orchard.

——————Lens switching——————

The nuclear power fleet of the goblin enterprise floating in the huge sea soon found the owner floating on the sea and welcomed them to the ship's cabin.

Different from when they came here, this time the enterprise aircraft carrier fleet did not go to sword Bay. The fleet stopped directly near istagonde, the largest port city in the sea.

Yana Dido [didelit's Fairy name] followed the mage for some reason. She rowed a small boat and drove the mage into the port city.

A thousand sails and a hundred shadows, and a dense number of ocean going fishing boats come and go in and out of the port.

Different from the deep water city, this is the most famous fishing port in Phelan. On the contrary, merchant ships are rare here, mostly these fishing boats.

After paying the stop fee at the sheriff's office of the port, Yana Dido's weapons were tied to the safety Festival before they were released into the port.

The function of this safety knot is that you must untie your weapon when drawing a sword to cut people. Even if it takes only one second, it is enough to make people react.

Slowly into the city.

Ferns and coconut trees planted on both sides, as well as artists fighting snakes with flutes on the street, can clearly feel that this is an Egyptian style city.

It is close to the middle land of the mainland and is the territory of the Egyptian god system and the Muhammad God system.

If there is anything about torrell that makes the mage familiar, it must be that some of the gods here are very friendly and familiar to you. For example, Chen Lai, the birthplace of steel Dyson, the main god worshipped on katura deer island is goddess Guanyin. For example, the nesrell people also have more or less ties with the ancient Egyptians.

In the period of nesrell, the figure of Egyptian god system appeared in their historical records more or less.

In Rhodes island, there are even relics of Greek civilization. By the way, the 100 meter high statue of Athena on Rhodes island has been collected by the mage as a super hand and placed in his half face bedroom.

In addition to the architectural style of ancient Egypt, the statues of eagles, snakes and jackals are particularly eye-catching.

There is also a scenic spot that attracts the mage's attention.

Because they are near the equator, the girls in the port city wear very warm and rare. They are so rare that they can take off their pants and go into the alley for a shot.

The local Mamo people, white people and girls with black hair are decorated with gold jewelry necklaces in their wheat colored and shiny skin. The reflection of gold and attractive sweat shine with different temptations.

Their linen underwear, which is so rare that they vaguely reveal their privacy, does not play a role in privacy, but is more sensational.

The maomo girls in the locals are walking on the street with their heavy Eyeshadow on their heads. They twist their movements to sell their handicrafts to the merchants in the past, and the sweet water on their heads, or even themselves.

Even if there is some prosperity here, it is still not easy for women to live.

Along the way, many girls have sold the spring on their heads to the mage.

In this strange coastal desert, water resources have always been the most precious wealth and focus of disputes of all ethnic groups.

Not far from here, the west is danbu rez. Now a daughter of Chen Lai steel Dyson is being fostered there by him, educating the local people as crown prince, son of God and prophet of danbu rez tribe.

The little girl can speak in March and run in half a year. At the age of one, her wisdom has far exceeded that of ordinary people. At the age of two, she has learned to use tricks and subdued her first love horse. She is regarded as the king once in a thousand years by this gradually recovering and powerful tribe and is respected by everyone.