Chapter 291

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
Only when certain conditions are met can you hope to kill Tiamat. The following are typical requirements.

Appeal to greed: Tiamat is the most greedy God. You can use this to imprison her essence.

Ancient treasures were lost in the sea of stars while being transported by giyanki ships. If you can find this treasure composed of the most rare metals and flawless gemstones in the universe, you can use Tiamat's greed to attract her to leave her kingdom. You must also entice her into the area under the control of Bahamut, where she can be killed, at least her essence after disintegration will be trapped. "

Jana Kara: what? It's easy for you, isn't it

Chen Lai. Steel Dyson nodded silently.

Jana Kara: "you can still do this.

Dragon weapons, you must kill five ancient dragons, each of which belongs to a different color dragon, and then use their bones or scales to make magic items. Only by wearing or using these items can you destroy Tiamat.

At the same time, at least one of the five ancient dragons must be the former or current spouse of tyamat, hehe hehe. "

Yana Kara said this, some dejected hands holding her stomach and smiled deeply.

Chen Lai steel Dyson bumped Yana Kara with his hip, felt the wonderful touch of the witch's hip and said, "why laugh."

Yana Kara leaned back on the mage's back with her head raised and her eyes blankly. She lowered her head and said in a slightly recalled voice: "3000 years ago, I was preparing for this moment. I first logged into Rhodes's method of killing humanoid gods.

You have actually obtained that the gods cannot be killed under normal circumstances, but you can kill him in another way.

For example, let God choose to end his eternal life.

Looking for the most poisonous and chaotic archaic evil things can be the fangs of yemengard, the breath of niederhogg, and the breath of corroding the world tree can make the gods miserable.

The blood of Hydra Hydra, a descendant of Typhon, and his curse can also torture the gods to commit suicide.

This chapter of the narcrell scroll records how to use the fangs and venom of these ancient evil things to make weapons to kill gods.

When you kill Tiamat, you must have obtained the material for production.

The first chapter is the volume of the secret instrument, which records the ritual of killing all gods.

The second chapter is the volume of pain, which records all the methods of God's bitter suicide.

The third chapter is evil fall.

This is the cruelest, most evil and most despised method. The author of this nether secret volume is the ancient evil god among the goblins, who is respected by all goblins as the amorphous spirit God with glorious appearance.

This article records how to use the fifth element, [love] to desecrate a goddess and make the goddess into a divine sin when she is alive. "

Yana Kara said this, with a cold sweat all over her body and a deep frown: "do you want to listen? This is a real blasphemy."

Chen Lai. Steel Dyson: "come on, nothing can frighten me."

Yana Kara quietly reached out to hold the master's big hand, took a deep breath according to the courage from Chen Lai steel Dyson's hand, and then continued: "this is a secret instrument to use the power of [love].

You must have the magic power to capture a God in order to use this secret instrument perfectly. You must make the captured goddess in extreme lust by being extremely cruel and disgusting to any woman after listening to it, use the power of love to dig out the heart containing the power of the goddess, and use the oldest and most primitive blasphemy words to curse this heart.

This paragraph reads as follows. "

Jana Kara began to say a spell.

This is a language that only the oldest and most chaotic evil things can master. Every word, every word and every tone are full of chaos. Only one word makes Chen Lai steel Dyson crazy.

Even if Chen Lai steel Dyson's body has hidden in the distant deep space of the universe, it is far away from torrell's mortal position than the sub space of the gods.

However, as long as Chen Lai steel Dyson's will still focuses on torrel, as long as he can see and hear these meme polluted languages, he can't escape and must be disturbed.

Chen Lai steel Dyson has predicted this interference attack. After a layer of physical isolation and the second recovery of quantum entanglement imaging technology, the power of this meme interference attack has been reduced to the lowest.

Although the research intelligence of ontology 55 points can only play 10% of this performance most of the time, the self logic ability and information processing ability extended by super intelligence still have super resistance to this infection.

When Chen Lai steel Dyson's Noumenon briefly cleared this information interference, restored clarity, and the will came to torrel again.

The mage found that his body had been spread on the soft elf body of Yana Kara like a wild beast, shaking wildly.

It seemed as if to shoot life and soul out of the body. The blank body gave up any rationality, deformity and pure as a living animal.

The mage's will came to this body again. The agitation, high pressure, moisture and comfortable wriggling in Yana Kara made him lose his mind for a moment.

Chen Lai steel Dyson put his head close to Yana Kara's forehead and entered the gray spiritual space again.

Yana Kara's snow-white arm stretched out from the gray fog, slowly, but only hugged Chen Lai steel Dyson's exposed consciousness.