Chapter 283

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
Chen Lai steel Dyson couldn't pull out the sword by many means. Finally, he saved the sealed Yana Kara by a clever way.

He lifted Yana Kara's body and pulled it off the holy sword.


Yana Kara spits out a few mouthfuls of blood and opens her confused eyes.

Then the eyes suddenly burst out of the fog of magic and became mysterious and profound

————Lens switching——————

In the swamp in the west of Rhodes island, a huge black dragon 300 meters long and covered with spikes perches in a huge cave in the swamp.

Every breath of it can set off a burst of evil fog, gushing out of the deep cave and covering dozens of square kilometers.

Thirty years ago, the saint came to Rhodes island. Fafner was sealed here forever because he did not obey the order of the evil god bane. It could not fly out of Rhodes island because of the witch's contract. Now it can't even fly out of this cave.

Joan black hopped into the deep cave and came to the huge black dragon.

The black dragon opened his eyes. The amber longan several meters in diameter was like a huge floor mirror reflecting Joan Black's beautiful face.

"Mother, who is Jana Kara?"

Joan black raised her head and asked her mother.

The mighty roar of the Dragon echoed in the cave, and the answer of Nash Fafner came from the Dragon roar.

"When I was young, Yana Kara ruled Rhodes island like a God. At that time, the Rhodes called themselves the netherrers, and they could do anything.

The netherrers enslave everything on the island. The most powerful demons, the most powerful dragons, and even the demon kings of different worlds are under their control.

The rule of the ancient Rhodes lasted for 500 years until the Greeks landed on Rhodes island. The Greeks brought civilization and disputes.

At that time, something I couldn't understand happened. The ancient Rhodesian King City was destroyed overnight in the attack of the alien demon God King.

All the great arcane masters died that night. The dragon and all the enslaved races took the opportunity to escape the domination of the Rhodes and join the army against slavery.

Even if the arcane masters died that night, the ancient Rhodes were still difficult to defeat until Odysseus, the hero of the Greeks, took the opportunity to lead the heroes of the Argo to join the war against slavery, and their participation completely defeated the ancient Rhodes.

We won the war and multiplied on this island.

Although people and dragons have disputes from time to time, they have coexisted peacefully for thousands of years.

In my deep sleep, I use my dream to observe the earth. I can always see the shadow of the Taishou enveloping the whole Rhodes.

I thought it was a nightmare that I had been dominated, but Jana Kara, the Nigerian governor, was not dead. She had been secretly dominating Rhodes island.

She constantly provoked disputes and destroyed one dynasty after another.

Even after thousands of years, she still floats over Rhodes like a ghost who will never die.

Playing with the fate of everyone on the island like a God.

She is the history of Rhodes island. She is the queen of Rhodes island. She is the dark dominator and the controller of Rhodes' heroic destiny. "

Joan Blake suddenly asked anxiously, "is she still alive?"

The ancient black dragon NAS Fafner spits out a flash dragon inflammation, illuminating the whole dark cave: "150 years ago, she was destroyed by the Rhodesian hero, Paladin PARN and your father ashuram. Maybe she has completely died, maybe she still comes to the forgotten Rhodes like 3000 years ago."

"Mother, I met a Mamo outside the island. He recognized the wrong person and said I was Yana Kara." at this point, the girl burst into a ringing laughter.

"It's not funny. Except your father, ashuram, the emperor of Mamo people, all Mamo people are not allowed to return to their former hometown. Maybe you meet katura people.

My daughter, you must seriously realize the danger of this name. Yana Kara is a powerful demigod Lich. She always parasitizes the pure and beautiful girl's body. "The voice of the black dragon echoed in the depths of the cave.

Countless sleeping dragons and beasts opened their longan in the dark, roared and flew to the sky.

Dark clouds hung over the island.

Rhodes island darkened, and the roar of thunder in the sky seemed to indicate something?

————Lens switching————

The wind of God blowing blew on Rhodes island, and the breath leaked from the plane of wind element swept the island.

Thunder clouds twinkled in the sky as if the end had come.

In this wind, Yana Kara tied her long blond hair into a horsetail. The long horsetail and sky blue cloak floated in the wind, as if telling the beauty of freedom.

She stepped barefoot into the northern glacier and walked in the ice field.

The beautiful woman leaned over and wiped the ice carefully. Through the thick ice, she could vaguely see the frozen city under the ice.

Chen Lai steel Dyson stood behind Yana Kara. His heart and vision were attracted by a pair of beautiful hips.

From the mage's point of view, all you can see is the fat and plump hips of the Female Elf.

The turquoise short skirt tightly wrapped the hip, vaguely able to see a faint hip seam, as well as the straight and gorgeous long leg.

"I saw your notes in the central 64 district. I think you should lead the remaining residents of netherriel to find this island far from the mainland and establish civilization here."

Chen Lai steel Dyson admires Yana Kara's beautiful buttocks and finds a topic.

Yana Kara: "my talent has only lasted for five hundred years. After the death of the first batch of ancestors who landed on the island, the descendants of the nesariel people gradually became indulgent, empty and decadent, luxurious and comparable, arrogant and cruel, and arrogant. All bad qualities can be seen in these useless future generations."

Chen Lai steel Dyson: "human civilization always repeats this cycle. We expect peace, stability and prosperity from poverty and suffering, and perish in stability and prosperity. It seems that even magical countries are no exception.

In my hometown, the world and the dynasty are always divided and divided for a long time. They have been invaded and invaded by foreigners countless times. "

Yana Kara sighed, stood up and looked at her hometown in the distance with deep eyes: "I was born in a great family. My father and mother are the famous chief of enchantment school, and my father has a huge floating city.

My identity allows me to worship under the door of Mr. carlsas. My childhood is so beautiful.

I cherish all this happiness and learn magic day by day. When I feel that magic has achieved something and can repay my father's kindness.

My motherland was destroyed, and magic became violent and useless in an instant.

Countless cities floating in the sky lost their power and fell from the sky. The prosperous dream turned into ruins in one day.

My father and I led the people who survived the floating island to escape to the island. We escaped from ferin malkui like cowards.

We can't forget our former glory and named it Rhodes province.

Bearing the reputation of a coward, my father refused to become a lich in his depression and overflowed on the throne.

I inherited his last wish and ruled Rhodes island in his name, the governor of Rhodes province. "