Chapter 276

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
"Comrades! At this moment, the AMM people have stood up from the long oppression!"

Griffith stood on the anm square and spoke loudly to the crowd below.

After last night's revolution, the revolutionary apostles have overthrown AMM's ruling group as planned, and are now issuing a declaration of statehood.

"We receive a humble salary, but we do the hardest and most tiring work. We pay a year's hard work and can't even feed our children. Everything we have paid to survive has been trampled on.

Why should some people be superior? We must work for them in exchange for insignificant food?

You once civilians, we should all think about why we fell here.

You former slaves, you should think hard. Why doesn't your life belong to you and your life must be dominated by others?

I think these truths are self-evident: all men are created equal, and the creator has given me a number of inalienable rights, including the right to life, the right to freedom and the right to pursue happiness,

In order to protect these rights, human beings establish political power among people, and the legitimate power of political power is produced with the consent of the governed.

However, in the long time, all this has been distorted.

As long as any suffering is tolerable, mankind would rather tolerate it than abolish the regime they have long been used to for their own rights and interests. However, when a series of abuse of power and extortion pursuing the same goal prove that the regime attempts to put the people under autocratic rule, the people have the right and obligation to overthrow the regime and provide for their future Establish a new guarantee for the safety of.

This is why the AMM people were submissive in the past and why they had to change the government system. The history of AMM's reigning consul is a history of continuous cruelty and extortion. The only goal of these atrocities is to enslave all the good people. In order to prove that what they said is true, now declare the following facts to a just world -

1: Impose taxes on us without our consent


2: No one can be deprived of born equal freedom.


7: They claim that they have the right to make laws for us in all matters.

8: They try to make themselves independent of and above the people.


20: It was the emergence of classes that caused our suffering. The creator gave us equal rights, and they brutally deprived us of all this.


In order that the tragedy will not repeat itself, that our future generations will not repeat today's tragedy, that our children can show a happy smile in the future, and that they can run and play freely in the fields, villages and streets.

In order to create a world where everyone is equal, in order to have a future without oppression and class

I declare that the people of AMM stand up!

I declare that the people's Republic of AMM is established here.

I declare that the second clause of the founding of the people's Republic of China abolishes the human slavery act for the sake of equality and freedom of all mankind!

I declare that the third clause of the founding of the people's Republic of China, in order to realize the country of equality for all, AMM abolished the money system, and all food and materials will be distributed free of charge by the Republic according to the registered permanent residence.

I declare that the fourth clause has been established to realize the third clause for our human beings to have enough food.

All citizens of the Principality of AMM are divided into three grades.

AMM humans are first class citizens.

Human beings in other civilized areas are second-class citizens.

Barbaric and ignorant frontier humans are third-class citizens.

Elves, dwarves, halflings and other Asians are fourth level citizens.

Tauren, orcs, orcs, goblins and big goblins are slaves. They live on our land and have the obligation to devote their lives to working for us.

All citizens of AMM are obliged to obey the arrangements of the Republic in exchange for the provision of food and protection by the Republic.

In the future, the first-class citizens of AMM must work eight hours a day in exchange for three days of basic food.

As long as all first-class citizens pay a quarter of labor every year, they can get a bumper harvest for a year.

Second class citizens and third class citizens must dedicate their labor and exchange eight hours of labor for two days of food.

Fourth class citizens, five days of labor in exchange for seven days of food.

Slaves must work to death forever, which is their duty. "

The crowd in the square shouted wildly!

Long live Griffith!! Long live the Republic of AMM! Long live the goddess mozerola!!!

The cries of the mountain and the tsunami spread far away.

Griffith made a gesture and everyone was quiet.

"As the price of our freedom and the sacrifice necessary to fulfill our dreams, all AMM citizens will share all the land equally.

As the price of acquiring land, all citizens must hand over evil money to the Republic and use it in exchange for materials needed for future survival.

A year later, all store goods are exchanged by contribution, and all money is abolished a year later.

The wojin temple will keep and use this part of money instead of me as a necessity for us to buy equality and freedom. In the future, money will not be used in the country.

This part of the money will be used to pay for the trade materials outside our country and those in backward areas, and to pay the promised rewards of our friends who help us achieve independence.

I know that selfishness is human nature, but selfishness is the reason why we have been so painful. We must overcome selfishness and greed in our nature in order to build a perfect country together.

In order to implement this system, I will take the lead in donating all my property.

After that, all businessmen in AMM must donate their property, and those who disobey will be expelled from the land.


"Fight the rich! Divide the land and property!"

Someone in the crowd below took the lead in yelling.

All the slaves who had nothing answered these calls and shouted enthusiastically.

Then the poor, then the Dalits, then the liberals.

According to the principle that a small number of people must obey a large number of people, all people with certain property have to agree to this public opinion under the threat of their lives.



Griffith's plot succeeded with the support of many of his allies.

The Church of Shrek, Sal and Bain supported him.

Goblins, free mages, pirates supported him.

Yan Dayue, the God of strife, the tyrant bane God among tyrants, even issued an oracle for this absolutely centralized and absolutely exclusive violent regime.

With the end of the "revolution", Griffith seized a large amount of property and distributed it to his allies as a reward.

He is like a most successful conspirator, but only the eagle Apostle who knows him best knows that Griffith is a man who has devoted his life to his ideals and the people.

Since the revolutionary Eagle heard the response of man, God and mozerola in a collective prayer, this man has completely incarnated as a revolutionary believer.

The human God moserola is a strange god. Ms. moserola's field is the field of materialism. Her priest can give herself the ability to be immune to some magic and divinity.

In addition, mozzarella will not give her believers any other power, but mozzarella will give the priest who craves power the knowledge of how to seek power.

If the God of knowledge, Ogma, is only the disseminator and recorder of knowledge.

Then mozerola is the user of knowledge and the teacher.

She is like a warm-hearted elder and a kind mother.

She taught Griffith's eagle regiment how to make fire guns with fire and steel, how to earn more money, and how to buy people's hearts with money.

At the same time, she is a great leader and thinker.

Mozerola's epic made the eagle regiment connect with the goddess, and the goddess handed over the pursuit of life and socialism to the eagle regiment.