Chapter 259

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
After the holy Holocaust decades ago, when the gods were knocked down and mortals hunted gods, the God of God, the ruler and manager of the phalon universe, restricted and managed the surviving gods.

Since the power of God is linked to believers, the ice goddess oulur began to lose believers' faith because of a legendary event of chenlai steel Dyson.

Although people in the South were afraid of her because of the temporary cold, because of the poor reputation of the ice goddess oulur, they were desperately discredited by goblins all over the north.

At that time, various versions of rumors were spread on the mainland,

The goddess of ice fell, and her death caused the last severe cold. This cold winter is the divine power of the goddess on the earth. The clergy and power of the goddess of ice oulur have fallen into the earth, and any mortal who finds it will be canonized at one fell swoop.

The snow disaster will last for 100 winters. Only by clearing her temple on earth can we stop the change that affects the whole continent.

It is not just a rumor that the dark hands arranged by the mage many years ago are all promoted, and the mortal forces controlled by the demon Melissa began to wantonly hunt and kill any believers who believe in the goddess of winter.

After receiving the order of the mage, the clone humans secretly lurking in various countries began to incite the whole society to hunt the Church of winter goddess.

"Winter is coming, and everyone will die. Only by eliminating the minions of the evil god of winter can human beings be saved." many preachers spread such beliefs and rumors all over various countries in a cold month.

Under such spreading and incitement, many foolish rural areas have even begun to organize their own militia to capture mortals who believe in oulur. They are found to believe in mortals who believe in the goddess of winter, believers of the goddess of ice oulur, and priests are caught by angry villagers and grilled on the burning rack for purification.

Several city states established by the northern goblins, such as hot spring city, xinjue winter city, Wuxue City, the second king's landing city and other cities controlled by Chen Lai steel Dyson's subordinates, even put up rewards for hunting believers in cold winter in the city hall.

Any human, dwarf, half elf who believes in the ice goddess oulur... The civilian head is worth 3 golden dragons.

The priest's head of any ice goddess is worth 100 golden dragons, there is no upper limit, and the well-known Bishop's head is even as high as 6000 golden dragons.

300 golden dragons will be rewarded for any intelligence that provides the location of ice girls on the altar in the wilderness.

If you destroy a temple of the goddess of winter, even a simple altar built of several stones in the cave can get a reward of at least 1000 golden dragons.

Races that believe in ice goddess, frost giants in the wilderness and ice elements have also been offered high prices. As long as the materials on these monsters are fresh, they can exchange more than three times the price in the past.

With business, there is murder.

For a time, the frost giants who acted alone in the north were assassinated by poaching high-level adventurers.

Euruel also launched his own counterattack, but he was pale and powerless, because all the well-known goddess voters in Phelan were targeted by Chen Lai steel Dyson.

One of the most famous voters of oulur, after the famous cold ice, is famous for the legend of the north. He commands more than ten tribes in the north. He slaves dwarves, giants, the co owner of the cold winter corps, and the evil queen Iraq Lai. He even suffered the expedition of the elf army for the first time.

Under the command of the mage, the mother and daughter of alixing and hilufi ETA Luya led the clone elves to crusade on the territory behind the cold ice.

In the past few years, Chen Lai gangzhidyson has arranged many plots against oulur. Most of the plots were destroyed by passing adventurers before the implementation began, but these people were undoubtedly recorded by the mage.

They were regarded by the mage as the running dogs of the ice goddess, and their heads were marked with a reward.

Under the goddess of ice, any demigod walking on earth, all voters were offered a high reward by Chen Lai steel Dyson.

Hounds, adventurers and bounty hunters attracted by the mage's large amount of money went out on a large scale.

People who are not afraid of the severe cold, people who like to eat after freezing food, people whose body temperature is lower than normal, and anyone with the grace characteristics of the ice goddess are persecuted in this growing mortal panic.

The goblin mage's reputation of destroying the roof of the world made many mortal rulers dare not stop his behavior. They can only acquiesce that Chen Lai steel Dyson's running dog set off a bloody storm in the country.

Similarly, in the north, the heretic orthodox church developed due to the strong support of the mage in recent years is different from the emerging religions of the heretic traditional church hiding in the gutter and in the wilderness.

The traditional Chirac church does not recognize the legitimacy of the Chirac Orthodox Church. However, compared with other religious sects of gods, the various religious sects of Chirac attack each other, which is a mess and do not recognize each other. Therefore, although Chirac is one of the most powerful evil gods in torrell, his church in torrell is not strong.

The first Pope of the Chirac Orthodox Church, the demon of Jana Kara, and Meiluna the ugly, also sent the church knights to hunt the believers of euryl in various parts of the north.

Chenlai steel Dyson even found a knife sharpener and is convening a team against his chanelam Skywalker.

Chanelam Skywalker has not yet known her father. Balbi bane, one of the three gods of death, has risen one step earlier. She has changed from a child without a father to a child with a father.

In order to save his sister Edmund, chanelam Skywalker has done many legendary tasks in recent years and accumulated a lot of strength and equipment. She plans to save her sister Edmund in her lifetime.

Chenlai steel Dyson found chanelam and said in the goddess's very vigilant look, "you can never defeat me, even your father, but I am a generous person. As long as you complete one thing for me, I will promise your wish."

Chen Lai steel Dyson asked to kill the son of God on the condition of Edmund and exchange the head of an oulur voter for Edmund's freedom.

A few years ago, she joined hands with the seven dragons association to summon the phantom of the red dragon group to attack the mage tower in the north. He saw his small powerlessness by killing the son of God in that war.

Chanelam Skywalker was not sure to face the mage. Facing this condition, she struggled and hesitated.

As a kind-hearted man, chanelam Skywalker did not agree with the evil act of persecuting others.

Chenlai steel Dyson persuaded to kill the son of God by removing the claws and teeth of the evil god. Chanelam Skywalker finally agreed to the master's request and went to kill another famous winter voter, the ice witch heidelon arensforth.

On the other hand, Chen Lai Gangzhi Dyson himself, along with the crazy warrior Yulia and a group of clone soldiers, personally pursued and killed the third voter of the goddess of winter, yatas saber.

Voter yatas saber holds the cold winter ring, which is a powerful artifact similar to the prototype of Alison's atmospheric ring.

According to Baal, the God of killing, wearing this ring will make the holder immortal and free to control ice and snow.

The magic of the cold ice ring will be released, which will release a legendary magic ice age and completely freeze the planet Abel torrel.

This great artifact has a fatal attraction to Chen Lai steel Dyson on earth.

Since Barr heard the news of this artifact, chenlai steel Dyson decided to seize the ring.

In the next month.

Chanelam Skywalker and her extraordinary adventure team efficiently executed Hyde, the ice witch, and killed four winter ghosts threatening the north.

After the Elven queen Alison and Angelina maleficent led the army to fight the cold ice, Iraq lay in the north and fought on the frozen ground of the ice sheet.

Alison was in the upper hand at the beginning. It was not until samast's Dragon Lich joined the cold ice that the army pulled back its disadvantage. The two armies have nothing to do with each other.

Chen Lai steel Dyson, after accurately locating ASTA Seber's position through photon tracking technique, began to put monsters in pursuit.