Chapter 250

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
After meditating in the deep space for a long time, Chen Lai steel Dyson finally awakened the content of the next plan from the protective black box in his brain.

1: Occupy the Elven principality of Luya.

2: Occupy the permafrost north of the roof of the world.

3: Promote the process of the unification of the human nation of Fallon.

4: The mage once again warned himself to destroy the ice goddess before his old death, which is related to whether the future plan can be carried out.

It is only a few contents, but it reminds the mage of his later strategic policy.

The first article was completed ahead of schedule a year ago, perhaps subconsciously.

Second, with the demon's current war ability, it is not difficult to capture the permafrost in the north.

Fourth, according to the plan, he will soon get the power to kill a God.

Only the third point is that it is very difficult to promote the unification of Phelan human country.

As the main race of Phelan, many gods have their eyes on this race. If they want to complete this, they are destined to face the intervention of many gods.

Chen Lai steel Dyson tried to squeeze his barren brain to think about how to accomplish this and how to accomplish a great cause. At this time, he suddenly felt that the existence of the main material world related to his destiny was born.

Quantum luck, the quantum magic he developed this year allows the mage to observe the trajectory of fate invisibly.

Time is a continuous cycle.

If people are regarded as a mass of quantum, this mass of quantum will neither disappear nor transfer. It will always exist on the time axis and run through the whole time river of the past, the present and the future.

Although people live in the present, the quantum that constitutes people exists in the past and in the future at the same time.

Quantum luck, a magic developed by mage and Schrodinger corps, can see the quantum distribution probability of a person in the future through both eyes.

Just now, the mage found that his future quantum distribution probability multiplied geometrically in an instant, which means that his geometric multiplication will become stronger in the future, which makes him have to pay attention to it.

Chen Lai steel Dyson glanced back at the civilization evolution cube, and the time axis in the cube was at the end of the second cycle.

In the first cycle, due to resource constraints, the technology after the iron age could not be developed. In the first 10000 years, the race multiplied by the master's replica was in an absolute advantage. The large-scale group army battle enabled mankind to conquer the whole cube world.

In a small-scale battle, humans with a large number of guns are also at the top of the absolute food chain.

But in the last "10000 years", the orc race learned everything about human beings and gained absolute advantage in the first cycle.

They dominate the whole cube world by relying on strong physical power.

The Elves were pushed out to the worst land by the orcs. Most of the population multiplied by the mage's own replica was finally domesticated into "human pigs" by the orcs.

Human females are very fat. They are kept in cages and eat the most disgusting food. They continue to conceive multiple births every year. After these babies are raised by the orcs to the age of seven or eight, the females will be left behind, and the males will be selected and slaughtered.

The remaining males grow up and will be locked up in the Colosseum. These males bite and fight each other like beasts in the Colosseum. The strongest human males will gain the right to survive and become breeding pigs.

Other human males will be slaughtered and eaten.

Facing the pursuit of orcs, some remaining humans can only survive and hide in the river wooden boat, rely on the wooden boat to flow in the river and avoid the orcs all over the cube.

With the passage of time, the loss of soil organic matter, the desertification of soil and water, the gradual collapse of small ecosystems, the imbalance of air proportion, the abnormal temperature, the reduction of resources, and the human beings raised by orcs were quickly eaten clean.

All the other species died out. In the last 1000 years, the orcs killed each other and died out in the last flood.

Now the population of the second reincarnation is the fire specially saved by the mage in the first reincarnation. They use documents to vaguely record what happened in the last reincarnation.

At the same level of civilization, the orcs still have an absolute advantage. From the beginning of the second cycle to the end, most humans are still captured and raised by the orcs, but the remaining humans still find available means.

Even in such a cruel environment, human beings are versatile, transparent and flexible, love adventure and exploration, and are good at relying on external forces.

Cube humans finally found high gravity areas and light gravity areas. Through nearly 10000 years of hiding and exploration, they recorded dozens of different gravity areas in the whole cube and fully explored these gravity anomaly areas.

Some areas with tens of times of gravity are used to destroy large-scale orcs, and areas with less gravity are used as places for strength training. In this way, the human constitution in the later stage of the second cycle has been able to overcome the extreme gravity of six times the earth's gravity, and the strongest of them can even tear the strongest orcs with both hands.

As for the elves, the long life of the elves made them clearly remember what happened in the last era. In the initial stage of this era, the elves gained absolute advantage.

Their initial population strength was in the leading stage, trying to hunt orcs and humans on a large scale, and exterminate other races in the early stage.

However, their plan was not completed because of the scarce number. After 10000 years of cultivation and rest, the escaped orcs and humans finally exterminated the elves.

Observing the evolution of civilization in the cube is like watching a long epic for mages. People were just born from the mother in the first hour, grew up in the second hour, grew old in the third hour, and died in the fourth hour.

Chen Lai steel Dyson stopped his peeping. He recorded the 1000 years in the cube on the computer as a backup for future reference.

After completing the work at hand, Chen Lai steel Dyson in the control terminal of the time stagnation cube closed his eyes and lost his breath. His consciousness came back to torrel through quantum over the horizon transmission.

————Lens switching————

Netherriel great sand sea

A huge pyramid stands on the endless Gobi desert, and the same tall fort is built around the pyramid by goblins.

Here is the relic of the central 64 Diocese of nerel. After many years of absence, chenlai steel Dyson came here again.

On a whim, he knew that something related to his destiny existed.

Chen Lai. Steel Dyson once again explored the ruins.

More than 3000 years ago, the great Olympians copied the great warrior Eve with the great warrior sapphire cells, and now she is facing childbirth.

The residual power on the artifact is still decreasing over the years, but it still hasn't let her escape the seal.

A young but lively life is pregnant in her body and is struggling to be born.

The mage delivered the huge child, a baby girl up to 10 meters.

Angelina maleficent had to spend a lot of magic to turn the huge baby girl into a little girl for convenience.

But the thing that made the mage on a whim was not this special daughter. After some consideration.

Chen Lai. Steel Dyson temporarily handed over the baby to the care of the goblins. He went deep into the ruins alone.

The core of the ruins is sealed with the evil things that most frighten the arcane master.

After a period of progress.

Chen Lai Gangzhi Dyson once again saw the "woman" with emerald green hair, the evil thing that once surprised Hong and almost caught him

She is still imprisoned in the crystal and no longer has the original brilliance and beauty. Her eyes are deep, her skin is close to her bones, and only her stomach is facing the limit of expansion, as if all its nutrition and strength are absorbed by the things in her stomach, and a new life will be born in her stomach.