Chapter 239

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
Said the huge mage, thousands of meters high, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

His heart attack plot finally worked.

After several saints were killed, the embodiment of the unicorn goddess was swallowed up by ingunad.

Merrikay's voter, jeris falcon, was killed by chenlai steel Dyson electromagnetic orbital bombardment and is still in the process of resurrection.

Queen Alison fell to the ground under the curse of the beast God geu and the Spider Queen rose. Now, the Luya elf principality has lost its cohesion.

After the last war, the heart of the exhausted Luya elves finally completely collapsed. Panic and escape occurred among the elves. More elves formed a party and began to ask the queen to hand over the princess to calm the anger of the mage.

Even the fearless elf general fighting on the front line, jialem rarely disobeyed the Queen's will and supported some ambitious ministers to force alixing to hand over xilufi ETA for the future of ethnic continuity.

————Lens switching——————

The master's projection Manifesto has passed a day, after a whole day of fermentation.

The elves entrenched in the trees of the little world, represented by the clan, petitioned for the escape of future generations, and the next batch of orcs had once again come to the edge of the highest forest through the portal.

As long as the orcs cross those high mountains, they will invade the moon coral forest again.

On this moonlit forest night, hilufieta Luya sits on the tallest branch of the world tree.

She put balls in her mouth and looked at her country for the last time.

"Maybe I'll never taste my hometown balls again."

She once again recalled the words of her brother, the spirit who was exiled by the gods and lost all the glory and wisdom of the spirit: "even as the next generation of queen, you are so weak, so are you and your sister. They are all poisoned by that woman, Alison. Her conservative thought will only harm the spirit.

When our people lose their ambition and open power, what are we left with? Living like a lonely ghost in this gradually broken maze? Can we expect that traitor to build a maze for us again? Now the subjects of the Principality of Luya are just the dead living in the past.

Look with your eyes and your heart, my sister. When a country's land stands high, what is left in time?

I stand here and stretch out my hand, as if I can hold our country, and the continuous flame of our country as if I can strangle it with my hand. "

"You may be right, brother..."

Hilufieta Luya said to herself. A tear fell from the corner of her eye and fell on the world tree.

The fairy princess held the hidalin amulet on her chest. She stared at the mountain that had risen because of the divine power to change the landform a few days ago.

A little fire appeared at the top of the mountain, and then the fire connected into a piece and lit one mountain after another.

Tens of thousands of ORC troops once again violated the border of Luya elf country, and the way to escape is still blocked. There is still no news about the reinforcements of Yongju Island, shadow Island, sorandar and misdrono.

Hilufieta Luya knew she had no choice.

Her people, her enemies, want her to die.

Perhaps as a sacrifice, she can calm the anger of the goblin mage and exchange some people for survival, which is the only right thing she can do now.

Everything, why did it become like this?

Is it aunt Patty who seduced her father to pursue power, which led to the most powerful spirit in the family. Her father Joan irenicas destroyed the world tree and was exiled by God?

Or did elder brother Odysseus Luya make a big mistake, deprived of wisdom, name and glory, and exiled to his hometown as a foreigner?

Or did his good deeds of upholding justice offend the most vicious and evil mage and spread to the motherland?

Or will the Luya elves inevitably usher in war after a long peace?

Is this God's test of our inaction?

She is just a king's daughter. She can only feel at a loss and powerless in the face of this war of god evil, Lord Nether, Archmage, different world demon king, voters and saints.

Now the elf girl can only stare blankly at the prairie fire all over the mountains in the distance.

Facing the overwhelming army, she felt the limit of her power and her powerlessness for the first time.

Maybe my father felt this powerlessness to pursue power?

The fairy princess's hands holding the artifact hidalin's Amulet trembled pale.

Looking at the destruction of her guardian elf Kingdom, she once again sang the ballads spread by the Luya elves since ancient times with weak tears.

The beautiful throat makes a voice that makes God happy. This is a song full of sadness and helplessness.


Illusory brilliance

One day the road will be illuminated


Repeated mistakes


Will also become faded memories


On the moonlit night


Born girl


The whole body is full of strength




Her hair was illuminated by moonlight


Her eyes held the grace of the forest


To the master of service


Endless power


Bad luck bully


Distant land


Sleep quietly


All inclusive


If that's the answer


Can hear


The guidance of the Gemini Moon


Contact tomorrow


Poetry of wind


Convey prayer


Hilufieta Luya's ethereal and graceful singing floated far and far in the sky.

Even the orcs who wantonly destroyed the forest in the distance stopped for a moment and looked up at the direction of the song.

In the fairy King's Court on the trunk of the world, in the transparent mosquito net made of falling star cloth, Alice opened her hazy eyes from her long sleep.

The fairy queen alixing got up from the bed trembling, her white feet stepped on the tree trunk, and her wide silk nightgown floated in the wind.

Alixing struggled to climb to the top of the world tree and accompanied her daughter.

The pale Alison Luya stretched out her arms and lovingly hugged hilufita Luya, just like a young sister hugging an older sister. She sang this ballad with the same intoxicating sound of nature:


On the moonlit night


Born girl


The whole body is full of strength




Her hair was illuminated by moonlight


Her eyes held the grace of the forest


To the master of service


Endless power


Bubble like fragile phantom


Gradually hazy over time


A sinful struggle


Dye the forest red with blood


Bad luck bully


Shaking earth


Spread far away


Show everything


If this is hope


Flashing light


Dazzling Gemini Moon


Seize tomorrow


Psalms of light


Ignite a wish

"Mother, I have decided..."

Hilufieta Luya said this and took a bite of the ball in her hand.

"Yu's child... Yu is proud to have you. You are proud to assume the responsibilities of the royal family without obligations.

Your brother, he will never learn to take responsibility. "

"Mother, brother has..."

"Yu knows that Yu's eyes have never left him. He will be reborn in avandoli. He carries too many ambitions that do not belong to him."

Alice, the strong Fairy Queen sighed.

"I prevent you from leaving the lock and restrict your freedom. Have you ever hated your mother psychologically?"

"No, I know you're protecting me in your way."

Hilufieta Luya chewed the balls, shook his head and stuffed one into his mother's mouth.

Alixing's bright pupils looked at her daughter like stars and shed tears:

"On the day you were born, all the goblins under the king of stars came to offer their blessings to you. The goblins wished you the most beautiful face, such as the glorious long hair of heaven mountain and the intoxicating voice of God. Only a black goblin came uninvited and gave you a vicious curse.

As time passed, I gradually relaxed my vigilance. I never thought that the curse would come true in this way.

Is this God's punishment for Yu as a derelict mother?

I was unwilling, but I could only accept the collapse of the kingdom.

But you have not undertaken your obligations. Now leave here, my daughter. You are the continuation of Yu. Under Yu's throne, there is a life-saving magic boat handed down by my family from generation to generation... "

"No, mother, I have decided... Even if it is only a small hope, if I give my life and freedom, I can exchange for a moment of stability and hope. Even if I am greeted by a hug from hell, I will not regret my decision at this moment.

Mother, please say sorry to my sister for me. She will have to bear the responsibility for me. "