Chapter 226

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
Layers of human shapes appear on the horizon wearing heavy armor. They are like waves, wave after wave, advancing slowly from the horizon.

It was an inexhaustible army of orcs.

Hundreds of twenty foot gray tents were pulled slowly forward by mammoths in the north.

Under the tent, there are already built stone catapults.

Now Chen Lai steel Dyson finally knows why the main Elven city of mysi zhuono, which has the shelter of mystery lock in history, was captured by orcs with low civilization.

Because three evil, cruel and chaotic mages, chenlai Gangzhi Dyson, Joan irenicas and ingunad, are preparing to attack the Luya elf city state. All the vanguard troops adopt the orc race.

In fact, a few years ago, when the three mages formed an alliance on the dark Internet, they simply reached an agreement to prepare their own troops, sound the horn of attack at the moment of opportunity, destroy the city-state of the elves, and rob the elves of thousands of years of treasure, knowledge, land and people.

Joan irenicas found that chenlai steel Dyson was pursuing the power of God like him, so she lured the mage to help him complete his revenge plan on the condition of artifact and spirit ring.

The three did not make a unified decision to use orcs for their respective armies, which was purely a coincidence or an inevitable choice.

Because, to some extent, orcs are a race born to become the props of mages.

Another reason for choosing orcs is not only that orcs are natural enemies of elves and the main gods of the two races are absolute enemies, but also to induce the detection of prophecy. Even the three spell casters have their own ability to avoid prophecy.

Chen Lai. Steel Dyson's four ring quantum prophecy [Schrodinger's cat box] upgraded version, [Schrodinger's cat box's cat box] can even let the prophecy draw his absurd conclusions anywhere in the universe.

But promise is the God in heaven. If he really wants to detect his position, he is not absolutely sure to avoid God's calculation.

Although he is not sure, he might as well prepare for the worst.

Therefore, the three, even the great arcane master ingunad, uniformly adopted the orc race as a template, developed and strengthened different Orc services, and hid themselves behind the scenes. Any prophecy cause and effect investigation in the world will only lock the orc race in the end.

No, only Chen Lai steel Dyson plans to hide behind the scenes a little.

He has always been crazy, but cautious.

Ingunad and Joan irenicas never thought about hiding their plans. In fact, not many mages of their level can defeat them in the main material plane. Perhaps except that the Witch King Xinbu of the East has enough confidence, others, even the famous kelben black staff in deep water city, Or the sages of shadow Valley can't face them alone.

"What do you think of this army, Mrs. banrui?"

Chen Lai steel Dyson turned his head and said to the short woman in black behind him.

But the look of contempt in the mage's eyes could not be hidden anyway

Even if master banrui, as the helmsman of the first family in Menzoberranzan, had enough stomach in her chest, she couldn't help getting angry.

The little black elf with a swollen chest took a few deep breaths and finally comforted himself. The damn sun was on his head. It was not good for him to ease up. He looked serious and said, "hum, it's useless to look at it. This army has no soul and no glory."

The leader of the dark elves, the Lord of the magic city of Bray, and the pretty face of Lord banrui's mother hiding under the black robe showed a worried look, but she continued with a great look: "when they come to the dark area, they can't live for three days."

Chen Lai Gangzhi Dyson grinned cruelly: "three days is enough. After all, it's a one-time prop. As long as time is enough, how much do you want, and how many black skins can you kill in three days? Master Benrui."

"Hum, male, don't challenge my patience, or I'll let you taste the price of insulting me."

Mrs. banrui touched the five snake whips around her waist and thought about how to sneak attack the mage. In fact, in the country she ruled, any male bones that disrespected her had already turned into dust.

But she couldn't see through the man, which made her hesitate to attack.

She knew Joan erenicas, the crazy elf who almost destroyed the elf world tree, which was famous as a legend even in the world of dark elves.

Even the dark elves disliked the elves who betrayed their own group.

The man who can form an alliance with Joan irenicas is obviously not as simple as it seems.

Even if she asked the Spider Queen rose in her heart, the answer was only the Fourth Ring mage.

Master banrui stared at the mage with a dignified look.

Looking at his strong figure alone made master banrui's mother think licentiously. The dark elf visually observed that the mage must exceed the mortal limit attribute of 17 points in strength and physique. It must be very important to be pressed by this kind of man

The licentious black skin is wet.

"What's the smell?"

Chen Lai. Steel Dyson wrinkled his nose.

His reprogrammed clone has reached the maximum that purebred humans can theoretically achieve.

It is not only the most perfect human being that can be achieved in theory, but also the ultimate human being that can never be born naturally in nature.

1784 strength, 1784 agility, 1784 physical strength, 1784 perception.

This is the extreme that human genes can reach. The metabolism of his body is updated rapidly, which brings him infinite energy. His eyes are natural telescopes. He can freely adjust the focal length to see through the leg hair of ants and the details on the moon.

His nose can distinguish millions of flavors, even compared with the nose of canine.

His control force can control the scaling of pores all over the body.

His muscles are no longer white and red, but higher pink muscles with two muscle characteristics.

So he is now very sensitive to changes in the outside world.

"Are you a dog? Or a six legged lizard? Do you want to taste the taste of a woman?"

"Stay away from me, bitch, your smell is beginning to make me unbearable."

"Hehe, if you can open the lock of elixing, the army of Menzoberranzan will not miss the opportunity to please our Lord." master Benrui mercilessly pinched the five whips in her hand and left here gnashing her teeth.

Her martial arts chief and several dark elves came out of the shadow and followed her away.

The mage looked at the back of the dark elf and gave a sneer.

Although he has sealed most of his memories of other races, he can only implement his plan step by step according to the way of Zhuge Liang's brocade bag, so as to gradually recall all his plans, but the dark elf must be on his elimination list.

————Lens switching————


——The middle of the trunk of the world tree - Luya elf King's court

This is a hollow building with wooden structure embedded in the world tree cave. The wispy fairy style allows the outside sun to shine on the hall inside. The elves use some magic to make plants grow into the shape of a palace. Here is the Royal Court of Luya elves.

Beams of sky light came in from the sky

The queen of the elf family, with a bright elf crown and a glass plain dress, the queen of Alison, sat solemnly on the throne composed of sacred trees in the world and listened to the report of her Ranger general, eluni windwalker.

Her side face was as sacred in the light, and her eyes were shrouded in a hazy mist, like a dream, like the brightest star on that day.

For hundreds of years, no trace has been left on her. Her skin is as tender as a baby. She is younger and more beautiful than her daughter hilufita Luya and alixing. When she stands with her daughter, everyone will think she is hilufita Luya's amazing sister.

As the queen of a family, she has a broad mind far beyond her daughter, and hilufieta Luya will never be able to reach it.

An elf man in Emerald armor bent slightly: "Your Highness, the Ranger army guarding the border reported that the cheap Orc army has reached the border, and the scale of orcs this year is much larger than in previous years."

After hearing this, alixing Luya didn't give any orders. She turned to her daughter, xilufei ETA Luya, and said, "as a king, we bear the fate of a nation. We are walking on thin ice. The people can put down our vigilance, the ministers can put down their vigilance, but we can't put down our vigilance at any time.

We have no room to relax. One day we will return to the realm of Siddhartha. You will take over my crown and My scepter. You can't be so capricious.

Hilufieta Luya, my son, I lost your brother, lost father, I can't lose you again.

You carry the hope and sustenance of your subjects. You should be wiser, wiser and more far sighted than everyone. You should learn to distinguish crises from any event.

Xilufieta, you go to the temple instead of Yu to seek the oracle of the great sacrifice. This beidibo and a wide range of ORC events are unusual, and I feel an ominous omen. "

When hilufieta Luya's pupils narrowed, she suddenly thought of a possibility, whether the mage who had been hiding in the dark tower and doing evil experiments was planning to revenge the elves.

She had a hunch that this Orc invasion was not so simple.

————Camera switching————


Hilufieta Luya followed her mother's orders and took two attendants to the door of the Elf Temple.

"What about the guards? Why is it so quiet?"

Hilufieta Luya and her attendants moved forward with a puzzled expression.

In the past, there were individual ascetics, and the temple where the priest prayed is now quiet.

When the fairy princess walked into this field, even the birds in the tree stopped singing.

"Something's wrong, Amy, come back now and tell the king's forbidden guard about the situation here."

Hilufieta luyaphene finished charging his bodyguard, pulled out his long sword and strode towards the temple.

"Come on, Royce, I'll leave my back to you."

With that, hilufieta Luya stuffed a string of balls into his mouth. This is a food that will never forget to eat balls.

When the fairy princess bit the ball and pushed open the door outside the temple, the next moment.

Her eyes shrank into a needle in fear.

The temple is covered with gray dust, which is full of a strong smell of death. Hilufieta Luya instantly recognized this kind of thing, which is the organic matter that makes up carbon based life.

That is the dust shattered by the spirit's body under dissociation.

"Your Highness, be careful, or wait for reinforcements!" said the princess's guard.

Hilufieta Luya shook her head and stepped into the temple with full vigilance: "as the king and daughter of a country, I have the responsibility to protect my people. Besides, this is God's territory, and I have no reason to be afraid."

Her sight followed the dust of the corpse all the way to the temple. All kinds of broken and dismembered Elven corpses and blood all over the ground desecrated the temple.

Even some elves turned into stone statues, and their faces still kept their panic before death.

Hilufieta Luya went all the way. When she pushed open the heavy temple door, her expression was dull in an instant.

Now there are countless feelings brewing in her chest.

A tall man stood among these fragmented corpses, stepped on the head of the elf sacrifice Onora, grabbed the neck of the statue of corelon Larian with one hand and squeezed it into powder in an instant.