Chapter 221

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
"What kind of creature is that? I don't remember this huge monster of this size on this wandering planet."

The mage pointed to the monster fighting flesh and blood on the organic sea with the white giant.

It's a mess of evolving cellular aggregates.

Countless strange heads, wings, limbs and even reproductive organs are mixed in it.

These inexplicably messy limbs gradually evolved in the direction of weapons.

A huge oral cavity is constantly born in the flesh and blood of the body, and claws, teeth and bone shell are constantly catalyzing the birth. This is its attack system, which is now being updated at the speed of hundreds of thousands of times the evolution of nature.

In just a few tens of seconds, the sharp claws were eliminated. It evolved billions of tight muscle cavities in the body, and electric light leaked from the muscles.

In the next moment, bony spears projected from these tight muscles and penetrated the outer alloy battleship deck of the white giant.

Dr. Altman looked at the mage with strange eyes.

"I always doubt that you are an alien in yellow flesh and blood, the king of yellow confusion.

According to the goblins, the flesh and blood monster is your daughter. The goblins call it [Princess Pandora's child]. "

Chen Lai steel Dyson looked at the giant war not far away, thought about it, and found out the information of this from his thousands of daughters: "I remember she was blocked in the [time stagnation cube] of time and space chaos until she developed the [DNA Computer] , with adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine and four base mechanisms as the computing unit, she was taught basic knowledge, civilization construction and human responsibility through nano machinery. "

"Six months ago, I had a general idea of the technology you mentioned.

It's really unreasonable to say. There is Dr. Xi Paqi Paqi. She just looked at my paper, sorted out a full set of engineering practice schemes, and supplemented the key points of subsequent experiments. "

"That's magic, prophecy. In the magical world, there are many prophets who can see the future. Therefore, as long as there are technologies that must appear in the future, she can foresee in advance through her own eyes and point out the research direction for us."

"Dr. Schrodinger's guess is right. Indeed, it is this unreasonable technology. Although you say this is a magical world, I still have no sense of reality."

"Science is to go to the future and seek the mystery of the universe. Magic is to seek the past and the origin of the universe. In fact, there is no difference, isn't it?

For those of us who explore and study, torrel is just a science fiction world with very developed science and technology.

So, Dr. catalyst, can you tell me what happened?

My lovely daughter Pandora AI insin Chen Malin feisen is not like this. "

"In fact, this is a goblin game. They think the planet is too lonely and has no life, so a goblin of the Institute of biology extracted the cells of Pandora AI Einstein Chen malinfieson and injected them with an enzyme I studied. This enzyme is a carbon based nano protein molecular robot containing DNA computer units.

This DNA computer unit will be implanted into target cells, transforming ordinary cells into biological computer cell units. The cells implanted with this enzyme will have an extra brain, namely [cell level life]. The large collective [cell culture] composed of these cells with self thought will think with whole-body cells.

Goblins are trying to add artificial creatures to the planet by using the characteristics of Pandora AI Einstein Chen malinfieson adaptive state evolution and the characteristics of DNA computer catalyst independent and selective thinking.

In fact, more than that, they secretly stole the cells of the giant warrior sapphire, and through cross cultivation, they tried to make the enlightenment reading you drew for them, the super monster in the "goblin Warhammer 4000" series.

Just as we loved fantasies when we were children, little guys are happy to fantasize and are more willing to realize their fantasies.

The experiment of the little guys was very successful. They used these very unique super cells to fuse and cultivate, or these cell civilization individuals with certain intelligent characteristics managed to devour each other in the micro battlefield, and fused and evolved a unique cell. This cell contains the self infinite proliferation ability of the giant god soldier and grew into a diameter in just a few weeks Tens of meters of huge meat mass, and has the instinct of self adaptation to external stimuli.

But they didn't handle the safety precautions of the experiment, although I guess they deliberately leaked the cells into the ocean of the organic liquid planet.

As you can see, in the past six months, the wireless value-added of several cells has expanded. Now this planet is not only the algae you cultivate, but also the giant monsters produced by the proliferation and division of these cells. "

"... then..."

Goblins are like young children, even with a high IQ, but the naughty nature, mischief, curiosity can never be prohibited

The mage doesn't know what to say about these little guys who like mischief. Anyway, it's an uninhabited planet. It doesn't matter what kind of nonsense they do.

In terms of goblin management, the mage had already given it to his eldest daughter, so he had to change the topic: "that's the controllable giant Shenbing first aircraft you mentioned in the report? Did the little guys deliberately make trouble in order to create an opponent for her?"

Chen Lai steel Dyson turned to the catalyst and said, "doctor, as one of the leaders of this" mass production controllable giant magic plan ", it's time to introduce me to this product that makes me proud."

Dr. Altman called his goblin assistant, took out a handheld computer and projected it onto the screen: "let's start with the cells of sapphire."

Dr. Altman pointed to a wrinkled dumbbell on the computer projection and said: "it's a dumbbell like thing with wrinkled surface.

"This is one of the secrets of giant soldiers' cells peeped through a magnifying glass in a very micro field. It is considered to be one of the main devices to provide giant soldiers' energy.

From the perspective of our geobiology, whether in terms of gravity adaptability, bone and skeleton hardness, bearing gravity, or cardiac blood transfusion power and energy use efficiency.

Sapphire is an ugly creature that can't exist and violates nature.

However, the above reasoning is limited to the conventional way of cell energy storage.

Sapphire is a higher life completely different from our lower life.

He has evolved himself to the extreme. Its cells are not so much cells as composite nano mechanical spacecraft.

Yes, like spaceships, these cells have a high-temperature cell wall similar to strong nuclear material. Conventional physical means can't destroy this thin cell wall at all.

It contains various functions such as power system, fuel pipeline, self-defense system, living cabin and so on.

Please see here. It has no information carriers such as DNA. It only carries out self-maintenance and self replication through assemblers. Up to now, we don't know which micro factory in the cell spacecraft their memory storage mechanism exists.

Please pay attention to those things like springs. They are some kind of ion transfer chain that uses the quantum tunneling effect to combine hydrogen into helium at normal temperature and pressure, and then further into carbon and oxygen. The nuclear energy released in this process is stored and transmitted to other parts in some unknown way. From its working principle, it should be called Normal temperature fusion engine. "

The mage suddenly exclaimed, "is there really such a thing?"

He has dissected many creatures in the magical world and knows that these creatures can effectively use the Mistral particles to exert super power.

But I never thought what a powerful energy polymer would be when tens of billions of cells in a living body are all micro room temperature nuclear fusion?

The secret of the caster's strength is essentially to carry the ubiquitous magic. If Nuo loses these magic particles, the caster will lose the most powerful weapon.

Therefore, the battle between mages is often to prevent each other from connecting to the magic net or using magic.

If the caster has such a huge amount of energy in their own body, they don't need the supply of external sources.

"Yes. The room temperature nuclear fusion engine with a total length of 80 microns can maintain and replicate itself. It is spread all over every cell of the giant sapphire. In addition, we also found a gravity controller with a diameter of 20 microns.

For us, it's just like a God. The God who evolved from life to the extreme is really an appropriate name. "