Chapter 209

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
Melissa looked at her face in disgust and said, "how can you use yourself as a political chip? You are a woman worthy of ruling a country.

Hum! However, you are still so small. Whether there is that child or not will not change. You will regain the glory of Amara. "

Minas Amara, the last king daughter of the Amara Dynasty, has her own unique thinking. She tilted her head and glanced at the devil king: "In my time, only each other's blood is the most believable connection. According to your plan, seven kingdoms will be established in the north. When my child grows up, he will inherit my country. In the end, my kingdom will be the kingdom of mages, isn't it?"

Merona turned a face from a gelatinous dough and said playfully, "but your brother is asking you for trouble."

Menas Amara: "that's his misfortune. He is so excellent, but he should not be born after me. Now his" Virtue "is still in my hands. Even if he is resurrected again, he will never be complete. Without virtue" moderation ", his ambition will expand uncontrollably."

Melissa gave a cruel sneer: "he? Then you should be careful not to annoy my Lord."

The devil king tore off the legendary deformed strange bitch in his hand and swallowed it. "What's your master's reply from Yanna Kara, the gray Witch of Rhode Island?"

Merona groaned bitterly, "the master agreed to the plan, but she wanted more detailed information."

Melissa: "well, this is not a secret that can be said in words. You let her come to me in person."

————Lens switching————

Amodan, the newly resurrected dark mage, looked with hatred at the Rafi and a lot of goblin machines slowly walking out of the nether desert, but he didn't dare to do anything superfluous.

After he summoned a meteorite and was blasted by goblins at an altitude of 10000 meters, he chose to bear it silently.

Along the way, he summoned demons many times and tried to get close to the mage tower, but they were blasted by goblins with cannons on the way.

He dared not even summon the mummy army that followed him thousands of years ago to attack.

He cautiously thought that the mage tower was heavily defended, but he didn't know that it was just a game for goblins.

This group of violent goblins trained by Chen Lai Gangzhi Dyson are used to killing all kinds of small animals with cannons.

They are cruel and curious, naive and lively. They cruelly deprive any life without guilt.

Amodan was once a legendary mage with high mana. Even if he was sealed by his sister and tortured cruelly for thousands of years, he still didn't consume his strength.

But that's when his soul is intact and his limbs are intact.

Before being defeated by the avatar of Anubis, amodan predicted his end. He buried some of his limbs and organs in the body of the great God Eve and his subordinates in the form of life gate, and divided his soul into several parts and saved them in different places, hoping to have a chance to make a comeback.

His followers, 13 former high mages, were mummified by him after a 30 day prayer ceremony. The mage preserved his body parts.

But there are too many accidents that may happen in 2000. When the door of Anubis' underworld was opened by the mage and some of his souls escaped from the underworld, he never thought he would face the current situation.

Followers sealed in the central diocese with him, several mummified mages were removed by goblins with large-scale incendiary bombs, and some of his organs were packed and taken away by goblins. As parts with flesh and blood value, they were used as materials of chimera knights and made into sutured corpses.

The limb fragments preserved in Eve's body were also packed by the goblins because they were different.

Even the soul fragments of amodan preserved in the "negative energy world" were found and robbed by Minas Amara when he sneaked into the underworld to attack chenlai steel Dyson.

What surprised, frightened and shocked amodan was the resurrection of his sister. As the great sacrifice of Anubis, menas Amara would trigger the commandment, escape the constraints of death and return to the world.

This is a great blasphemy for any God of death.

For various reasons, the lack of integrity of soul and body constitutes its own incompleteness in magic.

So amodan, the dark mage who called the wind and rain and threatened several countries thousands of years ago, is so ridiculous that he can't even use the nine ring spell.

He had to be careful and began to hide in the dark to prepare his plot.

————Lens switching -——

In the future, the young space-time dragon suddenly felt a panic.

She knew it was an instinctive warning.

Her time is running out. She is racing against time. She must stop the real father before he rises to the fourth ring and understands the magic.

Otherwise, his mother, Timmy, the space-time dragon, the country of the giant dragon and the planet named torrell will be turned into waste land.

Even the gods in heaven will be isolated, sealed and destroyed by him.

But she doesn't know how much time she has left?

In her future dream, her real father will start the great magic that interferes with the process of the whole planet only after the first reincarnation, that is, 1460 years later.

But has the real father Chen Lai steel Dyson now risen to the fourth ring and understood the spell?

Kai Xing. The future sighed blankly. The research realized that magic has nothing to do with whether to use it or not. Even now it seems that there is a lot of time for yourself to change the world, but in fact.

Her time is running out.

Because it is impossible to detect which spell of Chen Lai steel Dyson causes the despair in the future.

In her future dream, any spell of the true father can easily change the planet level world.

That man holds a demon called wisdom. He is a mage among mages.

Feel the urgency of the future. The future has written three letters to urge the members of the seven dragons Association.

Including the Black Dragon Knight of Rhode Island, the commander-in-chief of Bain's Dark Wanderer Knight order, and the legendary Knight asuram with immortal body and artifact broken soul sword.

The commander of the red dragon legion, Tiamat, was once the face of the red dragon warrior nyokulus to stop chenlai steel Dyson's research on magic.

And Gollust, a one eyed silver dragon. Compared with the first two, he may not be strong enough, but he is the only dragon to master divine arts.

These dragon fathers are men who have vowed to get back their reputation.

This is the biggest variable she can mobilize. Nuo is a powerful existence with divine personality level, which deviates from the track of fate, resulting in variables in the long river of fate. In the high latitude world, it is like sand mixed in snowflakes, which will be pulled out by "sister" at a glance.

The future is so desperate that she can only try to operate in a small place that can be changed.

She did not dare to tell her true father's information. Even praying to bamhart, the platinum Dragon God, in her heart might trigger a critical point, leading chenlai steel Dyson, who was upstream in the future, to find someone interfering in her past destiny and thus in this era.

Because she tried in the past few dreams and got this desperate answer very clearly.

The past cannot be changed. The past she has changed will only become the future, in the great ship of time and destiny.

Not only did she get the silver fire of the first generation of Mistra, she could travel through time.

Chen Lai. Steel Dyson can do the same in his own way.

As long as her interference in the world process goes beyond a specific scope, that world line will stand out from countless parallel world lines.

Then her sister wandering in the sea of time stars devours the sunflowers of the seas, and Feilin Youxiang will find the world line and call her true relatives.

The terrible man will look there,

In the future, the moment when Chen Lai steel Dyson comes to this era, the current Chen Lai steel Dyson will immediately simultaneously acquire endless knowledge and instantly upgrade to a legendary caster.

Challenge level: let the space-time dragon despair.

Her mission to save the future of the planet will end.

The man had mastered the ability of quantum prediction before historical records, and any peeping at his fate would trigger his reaction.

The true father of the fourth ring has been so difficult to deal with. The legendary Chen Lai steel Dyson challenge level makes God despair, so any behavior that touches his destiny should be absolutely prohibited.

"I hate it. It's really difficult. Why do I have to do such a troublesome, troublesome, troublesome thing."

The little star. The future rolls on the ground with his legs.

With snow-white skin, flawless white long hair and big red eyes, she is like a white plush rabbit rolling alone on the floo