Chapter 203

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
"What does this evil rain mean?"

At the entrance of the pyramid, the mage looked at the falling blood rain in the sky and whispered to himself.

What evil thing did he release unconsciously, or was it a sign of the confirmation of the indigenous prophecy.

Maid Maria came to the Mage: "master, we got through 17 layers of alloy steel plate, and we dug to the next layer."

"Good. Let's go. I'm looking forward to the next meeting."

Chen Lai. Steel Dyson walked to the depths of the pyramid.

After a layer of temporary metal stairs, he jumped from the deck pierced on the second floor of the pyramid. The mage fell in the dark. Dozens of goblins on both sides followed and guarded him. He fell in the air for tens of seconds. Chen Lai steel Dyson stepped on the ground again.

This time in front of him was a huge steel alloy door.

The gate is about 700 meters high. Looking up, the silver sigh wall extends to the end of the field of vision, like a natural graben mountain, full of a simple and mysterious atmosphere.

The eternal lights on both sides illuminate the only space here forever. In the distance, there is deep darkness, revealing indescribable terror,

The door is covered with mysterious lines, which is the reflection of Kabala's tree of life of the alchemy school, trying to draw the rebellious personality of man above and God below.

Chen Lai steel Dyson is familiar with this site. Chen Lai steel Dyson started the transmission array on a certain floor 17 years ago.

The magic gate, which should have been sealed and heavily protected, has long been damaged by people, leaving a crack that can go through people.

Chen Lai steel Dyson found the door crack he had passed, walked about 30 meters through the door crack channel, and passed through the door crack.

Behind the door is a floating steel bridge, which has no decoration or even handrails. It is about 300 meters long, just like an antenna across the air.

Below the pontoon is a purple inexplicable liquid.

At the end of the bridge is a blue barrier, which is a huge blue wall that covers the mage's line of sight and looks like a curtain of heaven. The wall flows, crawls and distorts strange energy flows. These energy flows form a huge eye staring at this black space.

The mage guessed that it might be Horus's eyes, or Tom's eyes, or the observer's eyes, which have symbolic meanings.

Chen Lai steel Dyson's religious knowledge could not make him judge what it was. The mage's body floated upward. From the macro point of view, a huge blue geometric cube floated in the deep darkness.

The underground is like the dark universe on the sky, revealing an indescribable mystery.

Chen Lai steel Dyson walked into the cube along the bridge, looked directly at the divine sin, and was activated by his accidental skill.

This time, the mage clapped his hands and ordered a group of goblins to send the cannon fodder chimera Legion into.

Soon, a team of 100 people, with three heads and six arms, was composed of various monster heads, strange limbs, wild animals, birds, insects, orcs, goblins, trolls and various components. The patched monster army was commanded by the goblins and came to the floating bridge.

This is Frankenstein's immortal chimera.

These things are not so much creatures as flesh and blood robots.

It is an unconscious biochemical weapon assembled by some meat pieces as parts and revived after adding the driver.

Even if they are beaten to bits and pieces, Fran Frankenstein can pick them up and put them together casually, and then they can be recycled. Calculate how many tons of flesh and blood are consumed, and how many tons of flesh and blood are left to be recycled.

Chimera sutured corpses lined up to pass the bridge safely. When they entered the gate, the mage held his breath and watched.

At the moment of crossing that pupil, chimera fell down instantly, and her flesh and blood dried up and turned into meat foam.


Chen Lai. Steel Dyson felt bad and ordered quickly.

Fortunately, the accident did not happen. The mage judged that something in the cube was absorbing biological vitality and accumulating strength. Chen Lai steel Dyson naturally couldn't do what he wanted.

Chen Lai steel Dyson took out a scroll to protect against water theft. He gave a chimera monster and ordered it to enter.

This chimera turns into minced meat again.

Chen Lai steel Dyson took out some Scrolls for testing, and finally took out a protective energy absorption scroll. After that, he finally passed through the gate inside.

After taking protective measures for himself, Chen Lai Gangzhi Dyson also went in.

It's still such a familiar scene.

The mage looked up, and at the end of his field of vision was a huge meat ball up to hundreds of feet, which was not much higher than the Empire State building.

This is a female giant with white skin and colloidal feeling. The two huge meat balls on her chest are like two convex peaks.

This characteristic method allows the mage to judge that she is a female.

What makes the mage judge that it is a female is the bulging belly.

Chen Lai steel Dyson remembers that 17 years ago, before starting the accidental transmission, he made a pregnancy operation in this direction.

Unexpectedly, the white giant could really reproduce and conceive a new life. The mage visually observed that it would take at least decades for his children in the giant's huge womb to mature.

The mage watched the white giant carefully.

It has a mask painted with seven eyes, a head of white and waist long hair like noodles, and two long antennae like rabbit ears hanging on both sides of its limbs.

Only half of the female giant was sealed on the black cross bracket by a red spear. Countless sealed secret spells were painted on its wrist, and hundreds of black spears nailed its wrist to the cross.

Below its waist is a boiling, wriggling, rolling, boundless, living, blood ocean, meat jungle!

Under the thick mucus, countless messy organs or similar structures are generated and decomposed at an indescribable speed and in a creepy way on the crazy churning surface of that thing like boiling broth.

Every time there are human like creatures born and died in this flesh jungle. The wound is constantly born. This planet has been formed from billions of years ago to all the living things today. Countless tumors, blood foam, and gradually grown into human beings, snake people, bird people, and fish people repeatedly destroy species in that wound.

Occasionally, many ferocious and mucilaginous eyes grow on it, and those eyes can slide their eyes and stare at the mage.

Chen Lai. Steel Dyson: "Hello, meet again."

Chen Lai steel Dyson said hello. His voice echoed repeatedly in the sealed cube. Of course, there was no response.

"Big girl, do you want to come out?"

The wound of the white giant boiled instantly, and the evolution of species on it accelerated hundreds of times.

"Very tall. I'm glad you can cooperate with me, goblins, and start collecting its flesh and blood."

Behind the mage, countless cheap goblins flew to the white giant after releasing a protective energy absorption barrier. The little ones came to the giant's wound and collected the giant's cells and flesh with tweezers and test tubes.

Chen Lai. Steel Dyson's real purpose is here. God's evil. Only this wrong that should not be born can have the power to threaten God.

Because they used to be gods, distorted gods, polluted gods, gods that shouldn't have been born, fallen gods, or God sons who died in God's belly, or other distorted, powerful monsters that hate the whole world.

The most famous and well-known sins are the giant snake yamongad and his brother fenril.

These powerful monsters must hide the ladder for mortals to touch the field of God. As long as they master this thing, the last key of Chen Lai steel Dyson's plan to design the goddess of winter can be put together completely.


PS: ask for a wave of subscriptions. So far, there must be no 200... Don't rush to the street.