Chapter 118

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
"I think you have seven human images, human eyes, human ears, human nose, population, human chest, human heart and human bone. You should call yourself a man.

Don't mistakenly learn from the Druids, lose their hearts, lower their identity and become animals.

That's all you say. Take care of yourself. "

Chenlai gangzhidyson never thought of how her last habitual and mysterious words would touch Marilyn Roy II.

Because she inherited her mother's cultural memory, Marilyn Roy II understood the mage's last words that were different from the normal common language.

It was from another oriental culture. Baziton, the mind Snatcher, was a mortal several generations ago. He came from that world before he began to reincarnate in the endless multiverse.

Because she and her mother came from the same cultural circle, Marilyn Roy II virtually lost a little exclusion from the mage. This is probably the villagers see the villagers in her memory?

Born from her mother's head, Marilyn Roy II was born with super high intelligence, and even inherited some of her mother's common sense and memory. It was because of such wisdom that she felt confused.

Who are you? Why live in the world? What is your dream?

Are you a mind snatcher?

No, no, even if they have the same ability, they are very different from this evil creature. Their tentacles are not connected nasal cavities, but more like hair.

Even the daughter born to baziton, a giant demon, is very different from her mother from her facial features to everything.

There is an essential difference.

She even suspected that she might not be the son of baziton.

The fact that you can live in the world for a long time without eating your brain fundamentally tramples on the existence essence of the mind grabbing devil.

If you don't eat your brain, can you call it a mind snatcher? This is already another creature.

But what is not the mind snatcher himself?

Very confused, very confused. Marilyn Roy II exists in the world and has no such kind.

He is the alien of the mind Snatcher, the existence of one person and one family, and the loneliest existence in the world.

But the words of the mage hit her mind like a sledgehammer.

He has human characteristics and is naturally human.

Who are you? It's a big joke. But I can't find a reason to refute the master's words.

Is it the biggest insult to the mind snatcher to say that the other party is human? It's like swearing that people are pigs and dogs. In a heart snatching society, people are like pigs and dogs.

But Marilyn Roy II wanted to accept and agree with this view. Once she admitted her identity, the girl named Marilyn Roy II would no longer be lonely.

It will also deviate from the evil group of heart snatchers.

After a long inner struggle, Marilyn Roy II put this problem aside for the time being. Compared with her identity, she couldn't agree with the master's point of view that all except human beings are food and raw materials, which is too overbearing and evil. Besides, she has more important things.

Completing the tasks assigned by her mother is now her top priority.


Many days have passed since the collapse of deepwater city and the fall of airship brigade.

In particular, the Deepwater City incident has had a wide impact.

In recent days, dozens of accurate guidance predictions have been misled by the cause and effect system of the zodiac region of torrell: Cassandra, and found out all about Reverend sirik.

Through the spread of bards, Chen Lai steel Dyson roughly understood the rumors released by deepwater city.

A heroic harpist named Ye Feng Charlotte fan cleaned up the darkness entrenched in the deep-water City, killed the famous thief master rat sprint and completely destroyed the black organization called Shadow dagger.

But people who really know the truth have a headache. They arrange a lot of people to explore this new organization.

On the continent of Fallon, evil organizations emerge one after another, and new organizations emerge every day.

Very famous and powerful are dragon worship, red robed mage society, satarin, iron throne, Naise Restoration Society and so on.

A little less well-known are the pale hands of the undead, the alpha brotherhood, the skinning church, the blind church, etc.

Every day, there are new demons, new evil gods, evil people, dragons and Demons calling the wind and rain in the main material world and creating all kinds of organizations.

The first appearance of the human evolution Committee was a big legendary event.

The collapse of deepwater city has been confirmed to be related to them.

This terrorist organization destroyed part of the underground city under the city of glory with legendary magic. The strength of terror greatly panicked countless forces composed of non simple humans.

In the eyes of the harpist alliance, the human evolution committee is far more threatening than the third rate criminal organizations composed of lower abuse, civilians, thieves, robbers and criminal professionals.

The creed of the evil racist organization of the human evolution committee is completely opposite to the harpist who seeks absolute balance, as if he were a natural opponent.

However, the harpist alliance believes that no matter what kind of organization is hostile to the harpist, it will only end in collapse. This is evidenced by the collapse of countless organizations hostile to the harpist over the past few decades.

————- order tower of deepwater city - subordinate organization - MI8 - land strategic security section of deepwater city.

This is a dark chamber made of stone, with only a fist sized window to receive the sunshine outside.

Wearing a one eyed mask and black official robes, the black anonymous stood in the middle of the secret room against the sun.

The heretical investigator sister steel Sier reported to her immediate superior, the heretical judge anonymous of the homeland strategic security section of MI8: "the relevant information that can be collected at present is analyzed and the following information is obtained.

The race evolution committee usually acts in groups of two and organizes all members for humans.

After repeated confirmation, the organization's operators are usually dressed with the following characteristics.

Wearing a V-shaped face mask and a black cloak with auspicious clouds, the strength of the whole staff is unknown. The two people alone will destroy the forces entrenched in the underground city below us, including a large number of experimental bodies released by the consul.

It is suspected that the real murderer who killed the thief master rat sprint who served us. The prophecy mage of the investigation section preliminarily judged that all the members of the [ethnic evolution Committee] have legendary combat power through the underground magic traces.

When the strength, leader, personnel composition and intelligence are completely unknown, based on the terrorist action in deepwater City alone, my subordinates suggest that the threat degree of the ethnic evolution committee should be placed at the same level as Bailong. "

Anonymous, who also wore a one eyed dragon eye mask on his face, nodded and said to sister steel in a non male or female voice: "I knew that those fools were unreliable. When was the role of legend abused? How could it be a legend without the blessing of the gods and the epic that left a long history in the world? The real names of each legend were registered in the root records of the world. They are the living history of the world and heroes and owls with history to check Xiong, villain.

Forget it, for the time being, register it in the [evil man book] as the object that adventurers and lords should be vigilant against in the future.

Next thing, what about the tracking of the missing prophet Howard? "

Sister Sier said, "our tracker found the clues he left in the sewer. It is expected that we can search for further information about him in a few hours. It is predicted that master Howard had contacted the thief master rat sprint before he disappeared.

I speculate that he knows what news has been broken. "

Anonymous said: "find him, no matter the body or soul, one of our careful consuls can't sleep until there is more accurate information."