Chapter 115

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
The tent where Marilyn Roy II lived was five meters high. It was sewn by more than ten Frost Giant skins and a pile of human, Orc and cow leather. The tent was full of all kinds of skeletons.

Women captured by the converging orcs from other places were placed here by Marilyn Roy II.

The orcs are a very brutal race.

These human women, half elf women, are very miserable. Some have been captured for some years. Most of them have a stomach. Some hands and feet have been eaten by orcs, some noses have been cut off, some tongues have been cut off and their eyes have been dug out.

The orcs had no spare chains and hemp ropes. Most of the injuries of these women were to prevent these slaves from escaping. They could not escape if they ate their hands and feet, could not communicate without their tongue, could not recognize the road without their eyes, and could not perceive the danger without their nose.

Marilyn Roy II is using divination to treat these women who have been greatly persecuted physically and mentally.

Her kindness did not reap any due gratitude. Her glass transparent horror eyes and her tentacle hair moving like Medusa's snake hair even caused these women's panic and grief.

Divine arts and monsters, pregnant tragic women, heart Snatchers and slaves, divine prayers and women's tragic cries make the whole scene full of chaos and grotesque.

Outside the tent, twenty-four oxen and ten ogres were struggling to pull the tent forward slowly, and finally stopped slowly on a dry flat ground.

Suddenly the whole camp lit up like day.

Thousands of orcs looked up at the sky in doubt. They quarreled with each other about this incredible phenomenon. Finally, they staged a physical persuasion, and the whole Orc camp rioted.

Marilyn Roy II finished her holy practice of healing, came out of the tent and looked up at the sky in doubt.

The night was like the day. She was impressed that it was the culprit who destroyed the human village, the big eyes floating in the sky.

Marilyn Roy II used psychic power instead of vision and spiritual power to observe the whole sky.

Marilyn Roy II saw the silent airship troops in the clouds.

A beholder monster as huge as a dragon is so oppressive. It is the smell of steel death. Even if you just look at it, you seem to smell the smell of gunsmoke.

Even if it is only a distant observation, the heart snatching demon girl can feel the fatal threat.

The premonition of danger became more intense.

The bomb silo of the airship was reopened, and a large number of pineapple bombs used to kill living units on the ground were dropped from the sky.

Marilyn Roy II's eyes turned white and countless pictures of the future flashed in her head.

The whole camp turned into a sea of fire. Pineapple bombs exploded everywhere and ejected millions of square marbles. Thousands of orcs were riddled with holes and died and injured.

Finally, 1.2 tons of the ball of destruction fell from the sky, and the hot ball of fire submerged everything within reach.

This is the deduction of her powerful spiritual power for the future.

Marilyn Roy II looked at the sky with dignified eyes. She slowly stretched out her violet palm towards the sky.

The atmosphere in the sky is disturbed, clouds roll, and bombs falling from a height of kilometers like raindrops are like hitting the water, slowly slowing down, and finally completely floating in mid air.

Marilyn Roy II clenched her five fingers, thousands of bombs began to collapse, shrink, completely turned into waste, and were thrown hundreds of meters away.

This wave of air strikes was completely dissolved under the spiritual power of Marilyn Roy II.

Nakelulu buleka looked at the scene with disbelief. She was stunned and said, "are the orcs of Phelan monsters? There are 500 meters from the ground, and they can control thousands of bombs..."

After a few seconds in a daze, NACO Lulu buleka suddenly woke up and quickly issued an order: "what are you doing? Come on, come on, all fleets urgently raise the height."

Just after the order was given, the whole airship suddenly vibrated, and the wooden support cracked during the vibration.

A large number of goblins sent all kinds of information to nakelulu.

"Lieutenant, engine one is out of order."

"Lieutenant, the standby engine has failed"

"Lieutenant, heating unit failure"

"Lieutenant, ship two is broken"

"Lieutenant, ship three is broken"

"Lieutenant, ship four is broken"

"Lieutenant, ship 9 is broken"

"Lieutenant, ship seven is broken"

"Lieutenant, twenty four ships are broken"


Through the vision of the elemental giant eagle, nakelulu saw that all parts of the airship engine of the airship force were distorted and mixed together by external forces, completely lost mobility, and slowly pulled to the ground by invisible forces. The closer it was to the ground, the faster it fell.

Nakelulu stamped her feet and gnashed her teeth and said, "damn green bastard, send me orders! Broadcast the whole fleet, open all bomb bay doors, disperse the camp and throw all inventory explosives. The death is OK and there is no amnesty for failure! On the second, third, fourth, seventh, ninth and twenty fourth, the highly toxic airship starts the final mode, Shenfeng special attack and blood sacrifice to the enemy!"

The little demon spirits raised their hands excitedly and shouted: "divine wind special attack, blood sacrifice to the enemy!"

"Shenfeng special attack, blood sacrifice to the enemy!"

"Shenfeng special attack, blood sacrifice to the enemy!"

NACO Lulu's orders were passed on one after another. She ordered again: "all fleets, cannon start, aim at the ground and fire freely."

Lens switching

Marilyn Roy II looked at the sky with a solemn face, and another rain of destruction fell from above.

This time, the number is seven times that of the last time. The number is too wide, which is beyond the maximum number of her intervention.

If you stop it the last time, there is no doubt that the whole camp will be destroyed, her plan to save Zhang Yutou and crusade against the mage will be ended.

At this moment, Marilyn Roy II's brain was fast and her spiritual power was gradually released. She saw through the shell of the explosive surface and the structure inside, and all kinds of situations were deduced.

Three seconds later, the heart snatching demon girl untied her eyebrows, smiled, stretched her hand and clenched her fist towards the sky.

Her temples are covered with blue tendons, her whole body secretes a lot of mucus, and blue blood flows out of the corners of her mouth.

Hundreds of meters away, a large-scale explosion took place in the sky. The loud explosion shook the ground and the wolf roared wildly.

Explosives were detonated inside one by one, triggering a chain reaction. Thousands of explosives were all exploded in mid air, and the whole sky burned instantly, just like the sunset.

The night of the whole camp turned into sunset.

The second attack by the airship force was defused by her powerful power.

Marilyn Roy II relaxed, then frowned again. A 12 meter long wind element Giant Eagle swept through the air. Its eagle eyes briefly intersected with Marilyn Roy II.

Marilyn Roy II tried to track the evil behind the scenes through the eyes of the giant eagle.

At the same time, NACO Lulu found the target through the giant eagle.

The airship cannon in the sky can hit even flying mosquitoes with the accuracy of the magic sniper of the goblin.

More than 20 cannons were fired from the sky through the burning cloud of fire, and 900 meters per second of shells came with a roar.

At the last moment, Marilyn Roy II had seen one of the possibilities.

Marilyn Roy II reached out and quickly released a heavy inclined position. The earth on the ground was deformed under the power, and the space became distorted under this position. Even the linear movement of light was distorted by this position.

The first two fist cannon armor piercing bullets hit instantly.

The cannon shell was slowed down when it was ten meters away from Marilyn Roy II, flew slowly for several meters and stopped three meters to the left of Marilyn Roy II.

Then the second, the third, the fourth and the fifth.

The sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth strike moments arrived

A series of supersonic whistles stopped in front of Marilyn Roy II.

One after another, all the shells stopped in mid air and suspended around Marilyn Roy II.

The latest shell had floated before her eyes.

Marilyn Roy II could even see the fine structure of the shell.

The pointed warhead is constantly rotating.

Marilyn Roy II used almost all her strength. Her whole body was covered with veins, her temples bulged high, her endocrine hormones rioted, her body surface pores secreted a large amount of body fluid, and her external nerve antennae hair on her head drip sticky mucus.

A drop of white liquid dripped from the tentacle hair of Marilyn Roy II hanging to her chest.

The liquid ran across the towering chest and slid down.

Tick, tick, tick, tick

The mechanical warhead whose kinetic energy was stopped by the psionic spell rotated rapidly and finally stopped with a click at a certain scale.

The high explosive in the warhead was triggered, and more than a dozen warheads exploded at the same time.

The huge flame set off mushrooms more than ten meters high.

A circle of heat waves and shock waves swept in all directions.

After that, more than ten shells that were slow for a few seconds fell one after another.

A bigger explosion.

Except that the evil chief's tent was safe and sound under the protection of some force, earth blocks, wooden fences, cattle pulling and ogres were all blown apart, and a huge explosion circle was formed on the ground.

Living creatures within 200 meters in diameter are converted into carbon blocks at high temperature, splashing hundreds of meters.

In the outer circle, the orc skin was roasted red and the lens in the eye was destroyed by high temperature.