Chapter 111

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
Angelina maleficent: "hum, master, you are so greedy. Do you think high-ranking goblins are so easy to enslave and bind?

Our existence at this level can already give power to mortals.

Just me, hum!

At least you're interesting here.

Just like summoning a special angel, you need the prayer summoning mantra belonging to this goblin alone, then prepare the sacrifice loved by the other party, and understand the ceremony. Finally, see if the Goblin you summon is willing to be curious. "

Chen Lai steel daison said, "you don't need to say more about these. What do you know about the summoning mantra of the goblin at your level?"

Angelina maleficent gave a white look and said, "have you successfully asked the real name of one demon and another?"

Chen Lai steel Daisen sighed and said disappointed, "you are more incompetent than I thought, lovely marlin."

Angelina Malin feisen angrily crossed her waist with one hand to the mage's feet, took the magic wand, gave a cruel smile and knocked at her master's shoes.

However, it doesn't hurt to knock, after another kind of coquetry.

The black witch knocked out her breath, sat solemnly on the mage's boots and said, "when I was traveling in a different world, I spent some time in the visceral realm and had contact with the crazy count, the co-founder of the British immortal knights, who commanded the chimera regiment of the 17th army.

She is an artificial goblin, an undead evil thing, a soul chaser in the dark earth, the enemy of the soul manipulation goblin ereshkigale kaqiha, and the enemy of the God of death.

She is undoubtedly very powerful. You are lucky. I happen to know some of her information and can forcibly summon her closest family members. What should I do later? It's not up to my humble maid to teach you? Haha, haha, haha. "

Angelina maleficent seemed happy because of another prank and laughed happily again.

Chen Lai steel Dyson picked up the laughing Black Witch and put it in his pocket. He looked up at the observation point on the crystal screen.

[spatial jump fluctuation detected]

Karshandrola, the causal system in the zodiac of torrell, timely issued a new warning.

Even in bureaucracy, it was almost time to react. Chen Lai Gangzhi Dyson immediately informed Miss Witch of the emergency.

Now it should be the special organization of deepwater city to face the crime of the caster. The grey robed watchman under the order tower noticed the drastic changes in the underground waterway, positioned the witch lady and launched a special action.

To tell you the truth, this movement is a little big. It is difficult to continue the plan after that. It is time to retreat.

There are still bloody hands and the administrator who is looking for his own death in the destruction list. It's just a disease of moss. Let's arrange for others to solve it next time.

Tonight's achievements have been very rich. I'm going to make a little progress. The only regret is that I didn't get the head of shadow dagger as a specimen collection.

Without these rats entrenched in the dark, they can finally intervene in the gray area of deep water city and make a larger layout based on this.

The supreme treasure from the earth is the most irresistible means of overrun war aggression in human history.

The most poisonous secret medicine, the poison of spirit, is prohibited by countless regimes. The golden medicine of fear will begin to penetrate into the deep water city to play its terrorist role.

These medicaments are the first batch of original medicaments made from the high-purity addictive substances extracted from the hybrid opium poppy planted outside the mage farm.

In the past few years, the detailed information and knowledge obtained from thousands of biological experiments and anatomical experiments for different races have made the mage very clear about the physical and mental addictive reactions of most common races in Phelan to various chemical elements.

Using this, the mage developed different versions of addictive drugs for each common species on the continent of Fallon.

These drugs will be sold in many finished products. For example, the spirits specially sold to dwarves and monkeys will be mixed with these addictive drugs to gradually seize the liquor market in deepwater city.

It can even do the secondary processing after purchasing finished drinks and then sell them at a high price.

These drinks mixed with potions will slowly make consumers lazy, lack motivation, easy to be angry, addicted and addicted to alcohol.

This is the secret medicine to destroy a nation.

In addition, the salt, sugar, and other daily necessities sold to various regions through the caravan will also be mixed with these drugs under the control of the goblin chamber of Commerce. In the next few years, the commodities exported by the goblin chamber of Commerce will probably become trend commodities, which are very popular in various regions of mainland Ferran.

When other forces are jealous of the secret of the success of the goblin chamber of Commerce, they will certainly find that the dreamy plant of hybrid poppy plays a key role in it.

Later, in order to prevent the outflow of gold and improve their own economic income, these forces will compete to grow this crop by forces in various regions.

In the relative social culture of the nine palace camp, this kind of crop cannot be rejected.

Even the good cities led by the alliance of City owners are well aware of the side effects of this crop and prohibit their people from planting related plants.

At least the Searle of the red robed mages, as well as the areas controlled by the satarin society, the Iron Throne and AMM, will grow this crop on a large scale.

When the plan reaches this stage, the master's preliminary plan is reached.

These opium poppies that have been genetically modified by mages have a strong ability to absorb nutrients and destroy soil. Without enough fertilizer, planting once will cause damage to the land for up to two years.

Farmers planting opium poppy, a demon plant, will inevitably reduce the cultivation of wheat, which will lead to a reduction in food production.

After that, we should further control the situation macroscopically. Taking the financial fraud of the bubble economy as a sample, under the manipulation of the financial means of the mage, the farmers' continuous follow up and increase the planting area of poppy will inevitably result in a large reduction in the annual grain output on the mainland of Fallon.

Even if we finally realize this problem, the land will be destroyed by this plant and it will be difficult to produce food within a few years.

After that, grain prices will rise, and Chen Lai gangzhidyson and his allies will continue to increase grain revenue and destroy grain production in some areas.

Many countries that have relied on grain imports from other regions will cause famine under the master's conspiracy for more than a decade, and famine has been the biggest factor in chaos, civil strife and people's overthrow of power since ancient times.

At the same time, such a chaotic environment is the most suitable living soil for Phelan's localized materialism.

The mage will give the great cognitive tools to these oppressed people.

Those peasants, serfs and slaves who cannot survive will accept this idea, understand what the evil feudal system is and how to find their own way out.

On the other hand, from a macro perspective, the shortage of food will inevitably make all forces expand towards the forest, destroy the forest and open up wasteland.

Such a situation would trigger another kind of class conflict.

The unique conflict in the magic world, the conflict between civilization and forest, civilization and barbarism, society and God.

The harpist who advocates balance, the anti-human druid who protects the forest, the elves living in the dense forest, the green dragon, and some other intelligent creatures have conflicts with the human open.